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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Are you sure? I know in Thailand in some shops where we can buy drills, screws, etc. they offer different "sets" in metric or in imperial. And it is not just one converted to the other. They are actually different and exact according to whatever system they use.
  2. That seems to be a word which does not exist for the UK ruling class and for the people who still support them. It's sad how far a country can sink.
  3. Isn't it obvious? She has a new boyfriend and he insisted that she deletes her old account with all those old men. ????
  4. The pipes are inches so likely the nuts are some inch value, you know like 13/18 or something stupid like that.
  5. I don't think I have any of that. Do I miss something?
  6. Yeah, and then you get STD with that BJ - don't ask me how I know...
  7. I know you are not to blame for this. But whoever made this didn't spend too much time checking the mm inch conversions...
  8. Looking at those part I am also not sure but they might fit. I guess for that price I would just order them and find out. I just bought these (bought from a friend in a country far away). They fit DIN rails. Maybe that helps you a little to see how they look like.
  9. Imagine if that money would be spend on schools and education in that country...
  10. Some time ago I also thought that only a real accident is a real problem. Like being in a big motorcycle crash or something like that. And then sometime later I had a minor issue with my shoulder. I couldn't move my right arm more than 1cm or so, otherwise it hurt like hell. Consequence: Doing nothing! It was some time ago but as far as I remember it took weeks until I could move normal again. And it was not even caused by an accident. I learned from that that it doesn't need much to be "disabled". That is obviously still no reason to get an insurance. But I think it is something to consider.
  11. Is 1,500 USD per month too much for someone who provides strictly Thai Massage in Dubai? I don't think so.
  12. As far as I know Pantip is dead. Just go to Fortune and don't waste any time in that has been place.
  13. This is not so much about what I want but reality. I accept the fact that not all girls are virgins. If a girl worked already for 3 months in a bar ... I leave the calculation for you.
  14. You are part responsible if it is your child - if you like it or not. I suggest tell her you will take that responsibility if it is your child - and only if it is your child. And then get a DNA test ASAP. Obviously you could (try to) just walk away. But would that be fair to your child if it is your child?
  15. I gave up trying to understand other peoples' taste in women or whatever. Often when I am in a bar it is obvious to me which one is the most attractive girl. But funny enough lots of guys sit with other girls who are IMHO not attractive. It seems there is a huge spectrum of what different people find attractive.
  16. That was in Mermaid in NANA. Yes, it was fun. And imagine, the girls dived for 10 THB coins!
  17. The dangly bits are usually a good clue ! And considering they stayed together 6 months ago in a hotel, the Russian would have to blind as well as very very drunk I know personally from a German guy who was here on holiday and he met "the love of his life". After 3 weeks on holiday with his darling he showed us a picture of her. The only problem was, it wasn't a "her". But he didn't know! Maybe they only did it in the dark or he liked uniforms or whatever, he didn't know.
  18. The question is obviously: When did the Russian find out? Because there are some people who need a long time to find out that their favorite girl is no girl. That is obviously no reason to kill anybody but there is a certain disappointment involved.
  19. A long time ago when I was young they had girls doing oil wrestling. I liked that. Maybe they should do this instead of boxing each other.
  20. Believe it or not, being an adult movie star has nothing to do with prostitution.
  21. I like to use cable trays under the ceiling in my new condominium to make cabling and cable maintenance easy. It seems most of the time this is only used in industry and maybe offices. What do you think about this? Here is some more information: I am renovating my condominium from scratch. All the old wiring is already removed. I plan to install lots of LED lights, sensors, home automation, etc. Most of this I will do myself with HomeAssistant, NSPanels, etc. Some will be installed right away but likely I will add things later on. A long time ago when I was young I worked a couple of months for an electrical installation company. I helped them with electrical installations in houses and industry. I think the way things are done in industry (including offices) if a lot better to work on and maintain than the typical house wiring. This is why I want to use cable trays instead of the usual pipes along the ceiling. I plan to use cable trays separated for high voltage (220V) and low voltage (24V for LEDs, LAN, PoE (48V), etc.) I plan to install the cable trays between the concrete ceiling and ceiling tiles. That will make it very easy to access it. This is an example of such cable tray. The picture does not show ceiling panels (like I plan to use). I plan to use maybe something like this, not sure yet: https://th.rs-online.com/web/p/cable-trays/7707058 For the record: A qualified Thai electrical engineer will make sure that all is according to the regulations.
  22. If there is still anybody out there who doesn't know about the crazy crypto world have a look at this article. It's crazy! https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/may/02/yuga-labs-apologises-after-sale-of-virtual-land-crashes-ethereum
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