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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. With so many viruses it will be a headache to remove them all and still have a perfectly working system. I agree with others: Set it up new from scratch. If you don't have a backup then I suggest keep your existing hard disk and remove it. Install a new "hard" disk, preferable a SSD or M.2 and install everything from scratch. And make sure you get your software and everything you install from clean sources. I.e. if you have a memory stick with software and that stick is virus infected then your new system will be infected. If you are not sure about any of this ask an expert to do it. Because if someone hacked your bank then probably you think in the hindsight you should have spend a couple of thousand THB...
  2. I am sure the BiB will support it. All that money for looking the other way, wonderful!
  3. I have a low-tech suggestion: Arrest and prosecute all corrupt officials. And fire all incompetent and lazy officials. That should solve about half the problems.
  4. Whatever you buy, the information on it will be in Thai. For that reason I try to buy a brand which is also available outside of Thailand so that I can google for pictures and read the English description.
  5. It seems you watched to many Nanapong competitions ...
  6. Try not to focus too much on only one aspect.
  7. I will work with Home Automation (Home Assistant). At the beginning I will use NSPanels and LED lights and maybe a security camera. Later I will probably add motion sensors and maybe additional lights. And we can be sure that over the next years there will be more and better sensors available. Maybe I will add motorized curtains, all sorts of things. I can plan for some things ahead but I am sure there will always be things which require new cables. If cable trays are under the ceiling then it will be easy to add additional cables.
  8. She has more important things to attend to.
  9. I like to use cable trays under the ceiling in my new condominium to make cabling and cable maintenance easy. It seems most of the time this is only used in industry and maybe offices. What do you think about this? Here is some more information: I am renovating my condominium from scratch. All the old wiring is already removed. I plan to install lots of LED lights, sensors, home automation, etc. Most of this I will do myself with HomeAssistant, NSPanels, etc. Some will be installed right away but likely I will add things later on. A long time ago when I was young I worked a couple of months for an electrical installation company. I helped them with electrical installations in houses and industry. I think the way things are done in industry (including offices) if a lot better to work on and maintain than the typical house wiring. This is why I want to use cable trays instead of the usual pipes along the ceiling. I plan to use cable trays separated for high voltage (220V) and low voltage (24V for LEDs, LAN, PoE (48V), etc.) I plan to install the cable trays between the concrete ceiling and ceiling tiles. That will make it very easy to access it. This is an example of such cable tray. The picture does not show ceiling panels (like I plan to use). I plan to use maybe something like this, not sure yet: https://th.rs-online.com/web/p/cable-trays/7707058 For the record: A qualified Thai electrical engineer will make sure that all is according to the regulations.
  10. If there is still anybody out there who doesn't know about the crazy crypto world have a look at this article. It's crazy! https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/may/02/yuga-labs-apologises-after-sale-of-virtual-land-crashes-ethereum
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