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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. That is exactly the point. I read a book and I saw some interviews with Rory Sutherland. He explains why people who are on holiday somewhere unknown go to places like Mc Donald and KFC. They don't go there because they think it's delicious. They go there because they know it, and they know it's good enough, it will fill them up. Not more, not less.
  2. Go to one of the German bars. They will laugh at the right moments. 😉
  3. About the people who write here about the quality of KFC: It's eatable, and sometimes it comes to my mind that I want to eat it - for whatever reason. Mostly I eat more expensive good quality food. But once in a while, I just go for it. We will all die sooner or later.
  4. Probably they don't even mind if they don't get the sneakers, they just love to support their billionaire.
  5. I have no idea about that show, but I really like Aubrey Plaza. Let me know where she stays, maybe I can buy her a tequila. 😉
  6. Maybe have a look at IKEA. They have all kinds of cabinets and wardrobes and kitchens and whatever. Some, i.e. some kitchen cabinets, have 20 years warranty. They are good quality, easy to assemble, and they have all the accessories like feet, door hinges, grips, etc.
  7. I bought MDF online. The packing was mostly not too bad. But yes, you can't be sure the corners arrive completely intact. I guess board with melamine top is likely not so easily damaged.
  8. My favorite from him is this one: “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” - George Carlin
  9. And then some people are surprised when young girls run away from their parents and end up in places where they shouldn't be. Sad, very sad.
  10. Yes, you left out the part that about 70 million Americans love that s^$@. He behaves like that since many years. IMHO no sane person would want to have such a president. But it seems I underestimated the amount of such people in the USA.
  11. Try "wood street" in Bangkok. Google will find it for you. Something like this? https://www.lazada.co.th/products/mdf-6-2-diy-i2890084912-s10553522334.html I know, that is not the size you want, but it should help you to find similar products.
  12. What are your expectations? Is the other side the side of some Thai people? And your side are foreigners? How long are you in Thailand already? And do you read the news? It's not too difficult to understand that what happens in Thailand has mostly not much to do with who is right but who is more powerful (not just money). You can dream about how this could end if everything would be handled in fairness. The only problem is that that won't happen. I suggest you accept reality better sooner than later. Because at some point you will be forced to accept reality. And you won't like it.
  13. Personally, I would foremost think about my own health and future. The police in this country are corrupt to the core. Nobody can rise in the ranks without being part of the corrupt system. So, what do you expect? That someone higher up will help you, some outsider? Wake up, that won't happen! If you open your mouth too wide or publish things which you shouldn't publish, then you can expect that some people won't like that. And maybe they really don't like it. And if you are lucky, they will explain to you that you better stop before they make you stop. Accept that the situation is like it is. Move on!
  14. I think this thread is about a real computer, not a mac. 😉
  15. Abhisit was the best PM candidate Thais ever had. Smart and well educated and (it seems) honest. But unfortunately, most Thais prefer corrupt incompetent liars.
  16. Then maybe people shouldn't buy it for "recreational use". It's not really that difficult.
  17. Try this: https://www.fazwaz.com/property-for-rent/thailand/bangkok?mapEnable=1&type=condo,apartment,penthouse&order_by=rank|asc&monthly_price=null,15000&near_by=158
  18. I read the book first when he published it for free download on his website - nobody wanted to print it. I knew a couple of the places and a few of the characters of the book. IMHO it described the situation at that time very accurately. When Stephen Leather finally found a publisher for the book years later it was really hard for them to find a girl with long black hair for the cover page. By then, most girls had color in their hair. Finally, they found the perfect girl in Angelwitch when Matt still owned that place. The good old times.
  19. I think next he should try to swim in a klong for 24 hours. After that stunt we won't have to worry about him anymore.
  20. Sure? I don't want to know how I looked like when I was first time in such a bar. I remember once, a looooong time ago, when the Crown group owned (I think to remember) 6 bars in Nana. The police temporarily closed half the bars, so all the girls from 6 bar were now in 3 bars, and those were the smaller bars at that time. At that time, they had maybe 4 girls for every square meter of bar (not the dance floor, the bar floor). I was in the middle of that, and I could almost not move. I am sure my faces showed some of that. 😉
  21. With fazwaz.com you can select the area which you are interested in on the map. "along the Skytrain" is relative. Along like max 100m away from the station or 500m or what? It shouldn't be difficult to find something < 15k.
  22. Yes, I could do that. But they have online shops, and they deliver. But only ZC or ZM or CM, never ZCM.
  23. Ok, let me contribute: Buy a (portable) desktop PC, with standard parts. The parts are easy to get and easy to replace one by one. Problem solved. Apart from that I really wonder what kind of notebook cost 500k, is fragile enough to be easily damaged, and then can't be repaired.
  24. I just tried to order online from KFC the following: Zinger Burger Coleslaw Mashed Potatoes and some more. There are three KFCs near me from which I can order. I used Foodpanda. They have all three locations, and the usual KFC menu, all almost identical. Except in one shop, I couldn't order a Zinger Burger, in the next shop I couldn't order Coleslaw, and in the last shop I couldn't order Mashed Potatoes. Not that it was out of stock, it was just not in the menu - and I really searched for it. I know, one shouldn't ask why in Thailand, because there is not much logic. But I have to admit that I think: Why? Whoever setup those items in the shops likely just copied and pasted everything. What's the point of excluding some items?
  25. Where do you come from? It's funny that you even think about any compensation. And if a computer is so important for you, why don't you have a backup PC?
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