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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Ok, yes, the camera obviously only works with light, IR light in this case. I am not familiar which remotes are used for gate/garage doors.
  2. You can test if remote controls basically work with a mobile phone. Point the remote at the camera of the mobile phone and you see if some "light" comes up. Maybe something simple is broken like a cable from the battery. You can buy programmable remote controls which can be programmed with a working remote so that they work just like the original. Google it.
  3. What would happen in such a conversation? Do you love him? Do you want to marry him? Do you take the pill? With how many other guys do you have sex? Or what?
  4. ข้าวขาหมู (kao ka moo)
  5. I don't think above could ever happen to me. And in the unlikely case that it would happen, then I would sort it out with the people involved. I think anybody who asks a question like that in a forum should expect legal answers and not something like you can sort this out by lying to the insurance...
  6. 5 years? I don't know, but when I was 16 maybe I thought as far as the next school year, or the end of school, but certainly not 5 years in the future. And with a girlfriend at that time, enjoy the moment, obviously we will be happy together for a long time - whatever a long time meant at that time. And about the girlfriend having a long conversation with the mother of her boyfriend. Somehow, I would find it strange if my mother would tell me she wants to talk alone with my gf for a while. What's the result? Oh son, after I talked to her, we decided she will break up with you. But obviously we all love you. Yeah, sure...
  7. I try to hack off the top. And then maybe I peel a little from the edge which was not hacked off with a clear cut.
  8. Maybe she likes to decide by herself without asking you for permission.
  9. I am not aware of insurance contracts which make differences if we are strangers, related to each other, boyfriend and girlfriends, or anything like that. If anybody would tell the insurance an incorrect story, then that would be insurance fraud.
  10. That's great news. I guess it's time to demolish the Pattaya police station and let all those officers go home. There is just nothing to do for them. 😉
  11. Please come to Sukhumvit and drag all those taxi-no-meter to the police. The ordinary police just don't do their job.
  12. Ok, I get your point. But at least for me I would think about how I like to live. It's nice to be able to sell a house for a reasonable price. But it's also nice to live, possibly for many years, in a nice house. When I look at the houses from my gf sister and father up country then I have to say: I wouldn't want to live in a house like that.
  13. Really? Next thing you tell us is a car is just a car, maybe the Benz looks better than the Kia, but otherwise they are the same. No! They are not the same. There are huge differences for cars, houses and basically anything else. And often you get what you pay for.
  14. Who's insurance? If you crash my bike then I want the money from you. If you have an insurance which pays for you, fine. If not, then you should pay. I don't see a reason to pay for an insurance so that someone else can crash my bike.
  15. So, if you own a car or a bike and someone else damages it, then you feel responsible to pay for the damage yourself which someone else did? Really?
  16. I have just the necessary government insurance for my bikes. I take care of them. If I crash a bike and it is damaged, then I pay for the damage. But if someone else damages my bike, why should I pay for that? That rule is for all belongings. If you damage my home, i.e. smash a window, you pay. If you splash a bucket of paint over my clothes, you pay. And if you damage my bike, you pay. It's that simple.
  17. I am surprised that many people here seem to recommend cheap and cheap. Do you really want to live in a cheap place where you can be pretty sure that it won't take long before you have problems here and there? I.e. just the electric, do you want the cheapest made by Somchai installation? Or do you want earth everywhere, a decent breaker box, RCCBs and all that? I think anybody who wants something build needs to learn a lot about a lot of things. Only with that knowledge will you be able to select a competent builder, make decisions about materials, etc. An alternative is if you have someone you can really trust and you know that someone knows a lot about construction. But then, if you would know such a person, they you wouldn't ask in this forum. Doing something cheap is a sure way to complain for the next years and think why you didn't insist on quality when you built it.
  18. Apart from the other questions which other asked already, what does he thinks about their relationship and what does she think about it? Does he think she is the love of his life, and he wants to marry her when he is old enough? Does she want to have just sex? What would he think if she doesn't want him anymore? Or the other way around? With 16 love hurts - and maybe a lot. Maybe make sure he understands that maybe she doesn't not want to marry him and be happy ever after. Good that he talks with you about this. Make sure the communication continues.
  19. The left? Is there something like the left? Or something like the right? Some radicals on the very left want us to believe there are no gender differences, or maybe 100 of them. Most sane people agree that all that is just BS from sick people who want attention.
  20. One day no income for those city officials. That must be devasting for them.
  21. I don't think anybody who owns a Ducati wants to get it fixed for cheap by Somchai with Chinese parts.
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