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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. The technology from CCTV camera systems is definitely good enough to monitor hotels and other places. But obviously it also involves lots of humans who have to watch what is happening and making decisions. That is a tiring job, and nobody can watch 100 videos for hours without making mistakes. If the management wants to monitor what is going on and if they want to pay for that, then that is possible. The question is obvious: Is it worth paying lots of money for good security?
  2. You won't believe it, but news from and about America are also available in the rest of the world. Obviously, people inside of America have first person experience with things. But we outside of the USA can still follow events and facts. Apart from immigration and inflation many Americans are also concerned about if they will get another 4 years with a lying maniac or if they will get a leader who acts presidential. I have hope that Trump is losing. He clearly didn't win this debate.
  3. I want to buy a sturdy good quality sofa in Bangkok. Readymade is fine, custom made is also an option. If it costs more but is good value for money that is fine with me. I watched some YouTube videos how sofas are made. Below is one of those videos. I am no expert, but it seems this is one example of a sturdy built sofa which will probably last for many years. Where can I buy/order such a sofa in Bangkok or around Bangkok? I would love to be able to visit the manufacturing place to look myself at their (hopefully) quality work. I want fabric and not leather. I think that is much better in this climate. What are your thoughts and ideas? Did you buy a high-quality sofa in Bangkok?
  4. I just finished watching it. Good news and good news. Many of us feared Kamala Harris would be weak on stage. She wasn't. Good. She is still a politician, and she avoided some questions, but all in all her presentation wasn't bad. Trump repeated his usual lies. And he added some more lies. He talked about he would end the war in Ukraine, but somehow, he didn't want to tell us how. He still believes he won the last election. He talked about Obamacare, and they asked him if after 9 years he has a better plan. Yes, he has a better plan, but not really, this is why he keeps Obamacare. My summary: She is ready to be president. Not perfect, but better than many of us feared. He is still spreading lies. His MAGA followers might believe those lies, but are undecided voters really so stupid? The question is, how will undecided voters react to this? I think it's all in her favor. Good.
  5. Imagine you are one of those guys and think: WTF is that all about?
  6. Great idea! I watched all James Bond movies. I guess I should go and see him and ask for money. Does anybody know his address? 😉
  7. They should make a regular bar show out of that. At 9pm a couple of farangs get into a ring. They all fight each other. And the winner gets a woman for an hour or so. People pay to sit around the ring. And maybe broadcast it live online. Sound like fun. 😉
  8. I understand that he has special wishes. But I would expect that when you check-in to a hotel you sign something like "I agree to this and that" including authorized people to enter the room. I wonder if the hotel could easily configure the system to block access to people who have normally access to all rooms. Or should they put a guard in front of his room?
  9. This also seems to be normal in "the west" these days - at least for some people. Like, spending a couple of monthly salaries for a wedding is "normal". Sad.
  10. I like it softer. But the wonderful thing is, we can all get it or prepare it just the way we want.
  11. I go regularly to the breakfast of one of the best hotels in Bangkok where they prepare those scrambled eggs in front of me. No milk is added, and I really like their scrambled eggs. This time with salmon.
  12. Basically No. But there is the family and neighbors, etc. She spends time where there are also males, but not just with one guy alone.
  13. That is not really too difficult. Butters, eggs, a pan, heat, a spatula, and a minute or two. Did I forget anything?
  14. You mean instagrammers and similar?
  15. Why should the laws not be enforced? Thaksin is meddling illegally in Thai politics, there is no doubt about that. Why should he get away with another crime?
  16. There is not just one rival side. Obviously, there are groups of rivals. But I am sure there are also people who are just fed-up with criminals running the show.
  17. It's good to see that there are still enough people who go public with their criticism about the convicted criminal. More and more people should do that and one day there will be enough.
  18. Guilty as charged. But somehow, I doubt anybody will do anything. TiT
  19. Which part of high-class hotels do you like or what is important for you? Personally, I love great breakfast buffets. And those don't exist in many hotels. For the room, it shouldn't be bad, but I don't need all marble and all that. So, for me a good hotel is a good hotel which is near to a great hotel with a great breakfast buffet.
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