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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Obviously the current POTUS is far away from perfect. But I think he and his team think about their decisions and policies. There are many policies which I don't like. But all in all, I prefer people who think and make decisions compared to others who talk BS all the time and shoot from the hip.
  2. There is a difference between most and a majority. I wouldn't call the 70,000,000 a minority which can be ignored.
  3. And then there are people who believe in the old man in the sky, they call him god. And it is not difficult to convince them to part with money for a verbal promise.
  4. I show the following so that you have a sample how it looks like when old tiles were removed. This is a picture or part of my floor at the start of my renovation. The floor in the front of the picture had parquet. After that was removed that part of the floor is relative smooth and tiles could easily be installed on that floor. The part on the right had tiles installed in a kitchen and you can clearly see the uneven surface. And the left top was a bathroom with tiles, in between was a wall. The second picture shows basically the same location after a wall was added and not long before the new floor tiles were installed. You see that the part where you see the old kitchen tile cement in the first picture was "cleaned up" to have a relatively even surface. I don't know how necessary all this is. I had professionals do the job and install the tiles and IMHO they did a good job, and I am happy with the installation of the tiles. I didn't have any problems with the tiles until now - but I live there only since a couple of months.
  5. You need a mostly level surface to install new tiles properly. And obviously the new tiles need something like cement or similar (I always forget the name for the proper tile material) between the tiles and below. It seems in Thailand nobody uses just a thin layer under the tiles. I would be surprised if you can avoid the mess and get a proper job done. I guess if you would use laminate that could be done without much mess - if you want that material.
  6. I am sure he will soon find another bride who read this story and who wants 5000B down payment. 😉
  7. There are lots of laws in Thailand which are positive for American people - better than for all other farangs. So I wouldn't be surprised if there are also laws and regulations "against" them. It might just be an American law about bank accounts in foreign countries or something like that. I don't know if that is the case for you. But special rules work in both directions.
  8. It is really not that bad, generally done in a day, two at most. I have done it and recommend it as opposed to laying new tile on top of old. I think it depends a lot on the current installation. I.e. in my condo it was easy to remove the patches of "cement" which was under the existing tiles. In other areas it was all solid and more difficult to remove and more difficult to have it more or less level. Because to be able to install the new tiles properly it helps a lot when the surface on which they are installed is more or less level.
  9. I think Thai women learn to act all their life. Be nice to older people, the teacher, the boss, etc. And mostly they get forward by behaving in a way the other person likes to see - or at least they think that is what the other person wants to see. I remember on girl from Soi Cowboy. She changed her "style" with every customer. For some she played the innocent girl, for others she was the crazy sex maniac, and whatever else. Sometimes when I saw her I had to look twice, like: is that the same girl like yesterday? But it's also men and business. I.e. when I ask my motorcycle mechanic how long it will take. The standard answer was something like 2 days, because he thought that is what I wanted to hear. In reality it was mostly a week or more. It took me some time to get used to that. But after a while I just accepted it. I won't be able to change it - and not sure I would change it too often.
  10. I am a tad bit prejudice to Americans. One reason are those 70 million Americans who want a mad man to be their president. But I know there are also a couple of nice and smart Americans out there.
  11. He is an influencer. Any way to get more publicity is what they want.
  12. Maybe you should check how well the existing tiles are installed. I know you can knock on the top and that is one way to know if they are not well connected to the floor. Maybe there are also other ways to do that. If the existing tiles are not properly installed then I think you should not put new tiles on bad installed old tiles. And as far as I know when tiles are installed on top of existing tiles then the surface of the existing tiles must be prepared (like with a hammer, put some little holes in it so that the new tiles have something to connect. I am sure that is also "a mess". I don't know if that mess is a lot smaller compared to removing the existing tiles completely. They video which I published above is from a guy who has hundreds of videos about tiles, and he clearly knows what he is talking about. I am sure he has also a video or two about tiles on tiles.
  13. It seems many Thai installers like to ignore the suggested size of the gaps. At least with my tiles that information was on the box.
  14. When I renovated my condominium from scratch, I used everywhere none slip tiles. Now, living in the place since a couple of months, I confirm this was a very good idea. I will never ever slip again in my condo. I bought the tiles in Boonthavorn. They have a huge selection - also online. https://www.boonthavorn.com/
  15. How about Phnom Penh? You don't need an appointment to go there. Processing time (Non-B) is about 4 days.
  16. If you want to get the security back, then you should follow at least some basic rules. Pay the rent until the end. Pay water, electricity, etc. And don't behave like an ahole. I you behave like an ahole, then don't be surprised if you are treated as such.
  17. Are you by any chance one of those Americans? Somehow, many of them think they are something special, they are Americans!
  18. That's really a sad story. I feel sorry for her, having such a pathetic husband. I hope she makes lots of money with that job. It must be difficult.
  19. There was shop which printed PCBs and drilled the holes a couple of years ago. Now it's not anymore where it used to be. And with all the online shopping, now I don't go to the area so much anymore. I have good experience with this place. The print PCBs, have the parts and many other services. Good and not expensive. https://jlcpcb.com/ By now I would use SMD parts for such a project. They also have PCB design software with the part catalog connected to their shop. That makes it easy to put it all together - just in case you later want another one, and another one.
  20. I am sure you will find what you are looking for in the Ban Mo area about there: https://maps.app.goo.gl/qdUaja2NEHWt52ubA Online PCBWay are fast and good.
  21. In a word...Yes There are, or at least used to be, also many girls who start in bars because someone near to them put them in that business. The big sister, the mother who wants money, the Thai boyfriend who wants a new motorcycle, etc. Not always, but at least with the younger girls, that was not unusual. And if they are only in the business because someone else told them, then at least some of them are happy to get an opportunity to get out again.
  22. I know what you mean. But if you are here for a while, you get a good idea if a girl just started in a bar, or if she does that already for some time. She was new in that business.
  23. I was never in Johannesburg, but I know in Frankfurt there are good and bad people. Probably in Johannesburg there are also good and bad people. How many in each place? I don't know. Then it's up to us individually to where in each town we go, and which parts we avoid. And then which people we meet and maybe trust. I knew a girl who used to be a cashier (really) in a bar for many years, and then she worked for years in an accounting company. I asked her about her experience. She told me that mostly she prefers the girls in the bars because they are more straightforward and not lying as much as the office girls. I know that is only her personal opinion, but I still found it interesting - and I am not really surprised.
  24. In principle I agree with you. And I don't bring my gf to any of those parties because of that (and the fact that she doesn't want to see those office girls as well). But those office girls, or basically any group of females, almost always find something bad about that outsider of the group. It seems that is part of the female nature.
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