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Everything posted by bradiston

  1. If you misstate your whereabouts in relation to unfreezing a pension, then that could be considered fraud. Not much they can or will do about it except freeze it where appropriate. People are creative with their fraudulent claims. They can claim housing benefit while living in Thailand. I'm not here to defend any of this. I was just responding to another poster who suggested they could deduct amounts from another benefit to cover overpayments made as a result of fraud on your state pension. I just wondered how, that's all. This topic has, as usual, been done to death.
  2. Well, I'm not sure how they could do what you say in your first paragraph, and I'm not sure I believe it. You mean for instance reduce your housing benefit because they say you were overpaid state pension due to fraud? And I thought not sanctionable meant you couldn't be fined or penalised in any way? Way out of my ken.
  3. Not non Europeans. Just American right wingers here on this forum.
  4. I was referring to American political analysis, as you display it. The left liked him back then? What's the left? Any links? Any leads? Just non republican, right?
  5. Parrot. Dead. I wasn't depicting the left as anything. You claimed "the left" loved Trump back then. Inane? I think so.
  6. That's about the most inane comment I ever read. I guess you're American, so your depiction or characterization of "the left" is out there with the rest of American political analysis. Childish at best.
  7. £6 billion in overpaid UC. "The Universal Credit overpayment rate was 12.4% (£6,460m) in FYE 2024, compared with 12.7% (£5,500m) in FYE 2023." The DWP underpaid state pensions as follows: "The State Pension underpayment rate was 0.4% (£470m) in FYE 2024, compared with 0.5% (£580m) in FYE 2023." £470 million! See also https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/fraud-and-error-in-the-benefit-system-financial-year-2023-to-2024-estimates#:~:text=The main stories from the,due to fraud and error And https://www.gov.uk/benefit-fraud#:~:text=Your benefits can be reduced,are called 'sanctionable benefits'. State pension is NOT sanctionable, neither can it be reduced or stopped. I wish people would be bothered to do a little reading before posting codswallop on this forum. It goes on.
  8. While he reached the peak of fame in the duffers show, The Apprentice.
  9. Define "leftist". For you it's any opposition to Chump, right?
  10. I used Maxim extensively in Philippines. They're more than 50% cheaper than trikes. But you do have to bear with them as the trikes are a mafia and have got City Hall to post signs saying no pickup within 50m of a trike station for a whole array of hail and ride services, including taxis and Maxim. Often they cancel because they don't want trouble. So they park 30m away out of sight of the trike drivers. I saved a small fortune using them. They always had a spare helmet. But insurance? No idea.
  11. The revenue department in the UK operates under the title HMRC, which is His Majesty's Revenue and Customs. The pensions and benefits department is separate and is known as the DWP, Department of Work and Pensions. They do share data. I notified the DWP of a change of address (known as a notifiable change in circumstances) and thereafter received communications from HMRC at that address. I think you have to assume they could know everything about you if they so desired, and act accordingly.
  12. Well you've managed to totally go off topic (deviate as you put it) and start on about trans, gays, racism etc etc. This thread is about the UK pension being frozen overseas in non reciprocating countries.
  13. The 400 THB minimum wage only applies to businesses employing 200 plus people. So how is a farmer affected? Unless it's CP farms or some such. There's so much cobblers talked about concerning the minimum wage. Many loopholes in the legislation no doubt.
  14. Fines in Thailand are a farce. 50k THB is just peanuts. Imagine a fine of a little over £1k when putting 54 people's lives at risk. Make it 5m THB. See the operators running for certification then.
  15. According to other sources, printed, not just rumour, Taksin made an interesting speech in Udon. He sited "<deleted>ty laws" stifling political development, and the 2017 charter as having serious flaws. Seems he's warming towards a PP alliance and rejecting the current coalition partners. No love lost between PT and BJT and the Dems.
  16. No verifiable sources so instantly dismissable.
  17. Total rubbish. OAP is dependent on contributions. Where does it say a UK pension can only be spent in the UK? Dual citizenship nonsense? Huh? What are you talking about? Freebies? A pension is not a freebie. Your gratuitous right wing nonsense is.
  18. Oh, you mean enemy as in declaring war on Germany in 1939 to honour it's treaty with Czechoslovakia, and to almost get wiped out defending/liberating France and the rest of Europe singlehandedly until the arrival of the US? Even in the 19th century it wasn't anywhere near as simple as your nonsense statement. The Prussians saved the day at Waterloo. Treaties and alliances were made and broken. And your throw away remark about Germany is so out of context. There hasn't been a war in Europe since 1945. The nearest is Russia's invasion of Ukraine. That's why it is/was critical to totally destroy the Russian invasion. Europe doesn't need that kind of crap on its doorstep. And no, there were no nuclear missiles on Putin's doorstep either. So no excuses for his folly. Just a land grab and neutralising potential EU and NATO membership. NATO about to invade Russia? Do me a favour!
  19. So a married couple don't get any extra?
  20. I think that is a highly dubious statement. Not having kids doesn't mean infertility. Non working married women do get a pension on the death of their husband, or so I believe. While he's alive, they will get the extra marriage allowance.
  21. It's only frozen when you're found, or you've declared, to have moved abroad to live in a non-reciprocating country. Exactly what percentage of pensioners this represents I have no idea, and in any case, would not be very reliable for obvious reasons.
  22. Free trade my ass! Upcoming tariffs are not indicators of free trade. What complete cobblers. And depicting the EU as socialist! Such deep seated ignorance. This rhetoric has been going on ever since Trump's first administration. Lefties, socialists, liberals. The right wing creep. Profound American ignorance. Let's see how Trump deals with Putin, Iran, Xi and Kim.
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