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Everything posted by bradiston

  1. What form of mental illness, gaslighter? Crummy troll. You claim everything here is BS. So I say, go back to your own country. Why are you here?
  2. I suggest you ask around those who've done it, and/or ask a lawyer. You'd still be a UK citizen as a dual national, so it wouldn't affect your pension. I don't think there's free medical care here. I have dual nationality. Not Thai. But it's never ever been an issue.
  3. Ah, yes, that's the catch. I've been here just 2 months. My understanding, and I haven't verified it, is the half yearly splits don't need to be done in one block. 6 months in Philippines I'm not really geared up for. I own a property here but believe me, I'd rather have a wooden leg. So I rent as I'm trying to sell my house. It's not cheap. I'd say easily double Thai condo rental prices. I've rented twice in different locations. 30k PHP pm for a decent studio, swimming pool etc. To convert PHP to THB, divide by 5 and multiply by 3. So 18k THB. It's quite insane. So for me it's work in progress on that front. And I'm not talking Manila prices. I looked at renting longer but I'm not sure it makes much difference. I've quite a few ex pat neighbours who come and go. My nearest Aussie nice guy neighbour is off to Pattaya for 2 months tomorrow! I'm coming back in a week or so. Needs a bit of fine tuning.
  4. Please, take this outside. I'll meet you on the beach, anytime, anywhere.
  5. I'm in Philippines right now. My cunning plan as a UK pensioner was approx 186 days in Philippines so I get the annual pension increase, and 179 in Thailand so as to avoid getting taxed. HMRC and DWP are ok with it, it seems. Also, having an acceptable Philippines proof of address, as Wise requires, means I can send PHP to my Wise accounts from my Philippines bank. I've found Bitkub easy to use. I'm rubbish at crypto though, so have never made any serious money. More like laughable!
  6. I'm a Brit. I'm not ashamed. I'm proud of it. I'm proud of my homeland. I'm proud of Europe. I'm proud of my multicultiral heritage. I love my country. I won't go back there though. I love Thailand also. Since the moment I first arrived 40 years ago. It felt strangely like home. I found the Thai language easy to understand. I'm in no way fluent nor anywhere near it. It's my only regret. I find Thais tolerant and easy to get along with. Thailand has changed immensely since the 80s. Back then it blew my tiny mind living in a Thai village, no phone, 1 TV in the village, very little electric, no running water, kwai for nocturnal company. It's all changed now, and I live alone in studio condo in Pratamnak. But I still love it. Please don't knock it.
  7. The recent influx of migrants from Myanmar are not the people this act refers to. The people in question have mostly been here for decades. Those foreigners with families and jobs can apply for Thai citizenship. But there are requirements, naturally.
  8. Your sources? The accounts I've read were from western males. I know 2 western women married to Thai men, both with several kids. I don't think they've considered applying for Thai nationality. It doesn't seem to be an issue. I was married to a Thai woman decades ago. I would never have matched the requirements to apply for Thai citizenship. I'm ok with being a perpetual foreigner. It doesn't impact on my happiness. She has UK citizenship now. She remarried after we divorced. She's lived in the UK for almost 30 years. She prefers it there to her home country, but that could change. Our daughter has dual nationality.
  9. So why the heck are you here if your society is so vastly superior in every way? Could it be because although you actually like living in Thailand, you still consider Thais ridiculous and backward? A truly colonialist take.
  10. They have by accounts I have read, a fairly easy path. But it entails, inter alia, learning Thai, which, from some comments I've seen, is seen as an unacceptable chore. Who, me? Learn Thai? Why would I want to do that etc etc etc. But migrants to the UK are expected to speak basic English, are they not? And are tested on it. I hear the anti migrants lobby "They don't even speak English". So, you don't speak Thai? Ok, you can stay, but don't expect to ever be considered for Thai citizenship.
  11. There is a crowd of ignorant fools in this thread who are conflating stateless persons and refugees who have been living in Thailand for decades, mostly, and foreigners who choose to retire here at their leisure, and can pack up and leave any time they want. They have nothing in common with stateless people and refugees. And of course there are the usual numbskulls dragging in the UK, the NHS and "illegal" immigrants there.
  12. Wrong. There is a citizenship application process for foreigners. Several on this forum have outlined the procedure and obtained Thai citizenship.
  13. I guess that goes without saying. They're not on a business trip presumably.
  14. Why would they come to Thailand to celebrate Diwali and Halloween?
  15. Refugees are expats? Are you kidding?
  16. Bitkub? You can deal in THB. The KYC was a pain though. Can't remember what was required.
  17. You don't qualify then? How come?
  18. This article appeared in the BP but again with no mention of what the cabinet split was. Which parties lined up with which? What were the objections ?Nobody's saying. Maybe in the Thai press.
  19. There's been a retrial? I thought he got off!
  20. I buy beef tomatoes on the vine. I know it sounds poncey but they look attractive and the flesh is juicy and soft. Er, sorry, wrong thread....
  21. Whatever you call it, it's just hocus pocus. Here in Philippines, nutty religion epicentre of the world, it's a half holiday today and a full holiday tomorrow. On your knees sinners and pray for all the other sinners in purgatory. Such is Christian twaddle. There is no hell, no heaven nor any other form of afterlife. People just can't face up to the finality of death. That's it. Times up. Lights out. Gone.
  22. If you want to change seats, just wet the one you've been allocated and loudly suggest it's pee.
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