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Posts posted by bradiston

  1. 18 minutes ago, rwill said:

    Most pharmacies carry allergy eye drops.  Antazallerge is one of them.  There are other brands too.


    I've been having some eye allergy problems the last few weeks too.  I live in Ratchaburi.  There are a lot of those trees with yellow flowers in bloom right now.  It could be pollen from those.

    All the burning right now doesn't help either.

    Yeah, I've bought drops from pharmacies, and tablets. A fraction of the cost of the Bangkok Quakkaya hospital.

  2. 5 hours ago, Bobthegimp said:


    Not only did they didn't see you coming, they sent for you. Rinse your eyes a couple of times per day with saline solution and the problem will vanish. 

    Thanks, I'll give it a try.

  3. 1 hour ago, scubascuba3 said:

    MT Interlab does various allergy packages

    Thanks. I went there but like the other clinics, they only test for food allergies, eg lactose. Can't find one for pollen or dust for instance. Anyway, I'm going with self medication. Anti histamine tablets, cream and drops, and my cureall cream, Germolene, which solved my right eye swelling up so I couldn't see out of it. 


    BPH charged me 3000 for 2 visits and prescribed a lot of utterly useless and unnecessary antibiotics. Quacks! I hate them. Charged me 400 THB for their equipment, a microscope. 8 for a cotton bud. 56 for 2 eye drops. 330 for nurse.

    • Like 1
  4. I live in Pattaya. Anyone else experiencing extremely itchy and puffed up eyelids recently? I'm wondering if it's pollen, or maybe 2.5.

  5. I would like to get my tap water tested. I'm in the Pratamnak area. ISTR the nearest laboratory is in Chonburi. Does anyone have any information on this? I'm not looking for a self test kit. I want the full analysis.

  6. 24k for cleaners? That's unheard of. 9,000 normal wage. 12,000 with the 400 minimum. And how many employees qualify for the 400 THB? Hotels with 50 employees? In very specific areas? Not the 400 minimum that Pork Pie Party promised in their election campaign across the board minimum. And if what has been written here, it's meaningless as many already earn far in excess of that.

    • Agree 1
  7. It's crazy. One party proposes tabling amendments totally legally to a law written by law makers, ie duly elected MPs, nothing to do with the constitution and gets threatened with dissolution, being barred for 10 years etc etc. And another has an obvious bribe of 10k for everybody, as in their manifesto, and is still battling out whether or not the country can afford it, it's legality and implementation, but remains in power, no questions asked.

  8. On 3/24/2024 at 2:42 AM, GammaGlobulin said:

    My Dear Gentile Friends:


    Maybe you wonder why I seem so ....

    Out of Touch, at times, on this forum.


    I think it must be that your sense of humor and mine...might....

    Not be the same.


    Jewish humor is something to be savored, and also something that most gentiles cannot appreciate.


    This is not my fault.

    I am a product of my upbringing.


    Also, I have spent most of my adult years in Asia.

    Therefore, unlike most of you, I see the world from a different perspective, and ... NOT....from the perspective of....a....

    Cabby in London.


    Would I trade my early years for anything?


    I would not.


    I love the fact that I grew up in a Jewish neighborhood, and I would not have it any other way.


    So, then....


    Does anyone here know any good Jewish Jokes?


    And, do you even know what Jewish humor might be?


    Jewish humor is like fine wine......

    And most cannot truly appreciate it, if one is a gentile....


    Here is just one example:




    But, NO, the above is NOT, anywhere NEAR, the best example of Jewish humor.


    Maybe I will add a few Jewish Jokes...below,....

    When I am ready.


    Growing up in a Jewish neighborhood, being one of the sole surviving gentiles is my principle claim to fame.


    I would not have had it any other way.


    I am grateful for this.


    Now, I guess, you know a bit more about me.


    And, also, you might know, now, why I stick out like a sore thumb, too....because...

    I know you care about this.





    Note:  I bet that you might not know just how much an Asian neighborhood and a Jewish neighborhood might share in common.  


    Please remind me to tell you, sometime....





    If you knew what you were talking about, you'd know there are, or were, many many Jewish cabbies in London. They virtually created the trade. I was a beneficiary, and I've always felt grateful to them.


    I also worked for a Jewish high end antiquarian book dealer in Mayfair for 7 years. A great guy, full of humour. Dealt with millionaires and billionaires. What's best about Jewish humour is the ability to laugh at themselves IMHO. But Israel's another matter altogether. I was also a postie in Golders Green, and saw both ends of the spectrum. The rich and famous and the orthodox poor. Was asked on more than one occasion to turn a light off on the Sabbath. Respect, you have to have it. Good for the soul.



    • Thumbs Up 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Bday Prang said:

    whether he declares it or not the UK government could still issue a travel warning, if they do insurance companies will react.  It not really up to him even though he thinks it is

    So all non UK tourists can just carry on regardless, if their governments don't issue a travel warning? I guess that would be the Thai government's attitude. Up to you!


    A similar situation, in miniature, occurred on an island I used to live on. There had been some serious stinging events by box jellyfish. Children had suffered. The village elders convened a meeting as to what to do. Should they tell, or not? The foreigners all stood up and said if you don't tell, you lay yourself open to accusations of "They knew but they didn't say anything". In the end, warning signs were put up on beaches along with bottles of vinegar, which promptly disappeared.

  10. 8 hours ago, Thingamabob said:

    Now conveniently forgotten it should be remembered that William lost his temper and insisted a lady telephone operator of Indian origin should be sacked for mistakenly putting through a fake call from Australia to Kate at St. George's hospital in London. The lady operator commited suicide out of shame. Worrying that the same William will one day be king.


  11. 16 hours ago, bbi1 said:

    outside a liquor store in Area 39? I've never seen a liquor store outside Area 39. Area 39 is a very popular Thai pub. Are you sure it wasn't just outside Area 39 pub, after the patrons came out of it? Looks like it from the security footage.

    Outside a liquor store in Area 39 is not the same as a liquor store outside Area 39, is it?

  12. Being granted a visa does not give right of entry. Immigration decides at port of entry. Embassies are not linked to immigration.


    As I said before, I asked this question here a while back for a friend. I consulted 2 lawyers here, a Thai one and a German one. Both confirmed there was no way to reliably find out prior to arrival. The land crossing seemed the simplest test. Fly to, eg Phnom Penh, and choose a quiet border checkpoint. If he gets in, do what he needs to do ASAP and leave. He could still be busted for illegal entry.


    My 2¢ worth. YMMV.

  13. On 3/16/2024 at 4:46 PM, glegolo18 said:

    I have a friend norwegian nationality. He have had some problem with the police here.

    Not drugs or serious stuff like that. More like domestic violence. He was in jail for about 4 months and then kicked out of Thailand. But he have no clue at all weather or not he is prohibited to return to Thailand again.


    May I ask you guys, do anybody know if there is a place to contact in Thailand and possibly see if he is on a list of sort??? Would appreciate very much if you could help out. I feel sad for this guy because he have a lot of stuff here in Thailand, such as condo and savings in the bank.


    Thank you,

    In my experience, no. I also have a friend who did time here and wanted to know whether he could come back. A lawyer for a fee will tell you what you want to hear. Not necessarily the truth. And it was a lawyer who told me that. Immigration won't tell you. Nobody will. I also asked here. Nobody knows the answer.


    So, your friend can try turning up at a border crossing and see what happens. At least he won't be put on a plane back. Seems the only way to find out. Minimal damage if he's barred.

    • Sad 1
  14. 6 hours ago, Sigmund said:

    A clear reflect on how gender has nothing to do with workplace issues or equality. Once in power, women are no better then men. It is the power that corrupts and establishes inequality on the workplace and that has nothing to do with a male-female issue.

    Oh, so one corrupt woman equals 5,000 corrupt men? Yeah, you're probably right.

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