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Everything posted by bradiston

  1. The US election is spawning vast amounts of total BS. This forum is full of it. Trolls having a field day. Name and shame!
  2. Pathetic fake. Be warned about this troll.
  3. Yeah, like Nash in "A Beautiful Mind".
  4. I thought you were leaving? What happened to change your mind?
  5. How about we sort this out somewhere else? Your time, your place.
  6. Why don't you preface your statements with "I'm a senseless bigot who believes Hitler was a socialist and followed Marxist Leninist principles. Furthermore, The Final Program was a socialist inspired doctrine, on the basis that exterminating Jews would rid the world of the exploitation of the working class. Unless you read my prescribed book list, I'm not going to argue with you. Untermensch!" You think Wikipedia tells me what to believe? And what about your books, none of which I believe you've read, how are they any different? At no point do you actually engage in argument, preferring to simply gaslight and bluff your way through, and deride and insult me because I refuse to join your fictitious library. The idea that socialism somehow inspired Hitler into the creation of the Nazi party, when he totally rejected the notion of class war, doesn't add up. Certainly, there were elements of socialist principles that appealed. But he was never interested in creating a socialist society let alone a socialist utopia. Master race, Deutschland über alles, Sieg heil, exterminate the Jews, homosexuals, gypsies, the handicapped, invade Poland, Austria, Russia, Czechoslovakia, France, Belgium, Holland, Roumania, Hungary...I don't need to read a book about it. It's called World War II. Hardly a socialist enterprise.
  7. I have absolutely no intention of taking any of your advice. It's patently obvious Nazism had next to nothing to do with socialism. Your own criterion - the only one you offered - that it involves the extermination of the exploiting classes, which I can only guess, you equate directly with The Final Program - doesn't hold any water. Hitler's rabid, pathological antisemitism was not a product of Marxist thinking around a class war, and is not shared by any political party that I know of, socialist or otherwise. Nor by any politician. The Nazi party was a "one off", never to be repeated, totalitarian vehicle for the promotion of German nationalism, racial superiority and antisemitism. Do you see any true socialist ideals in there? Any equivalence in the latter half of the 20th or early 21st centuries?
  8. The Daily Express? Do me a favour. Stop your muckraking. You're worse than Ruangkrai! And his uncle was on a ship bombed by Argentina itvturns out. Yap yap yap. Like a miniature poodle.
  9. You haven't read them and I know it! You're just a troll. You can't answer any questions. Yeah, move on. You've contributed absolutely nothing here except a pack of lies and disinformation. Your replies tell me your more than likely a 15 year old adolescent having a bit of fun. Can't even spell "know". No apostriphe in "havent" and "dont", and you say I don't have "the intellectual chops", whatever they are, to form an argument. Some intellect at work there! You're obviously not an academic, or in the least bit knowledgeable about Hitler and the Nazi party. Your polemic is based on a put down of Socialism, because you think the Nazi party was Socialist. But even by your own scant definitions, it patently wasn't. Yeah, leave. Time waster.
  10. Heliocentric isn't "flat earth". It's the theory that the sun is at the centre of the solar system (or universe), not the earth. Galileo wasn't a "flat earthist". He described the motion of the earth around the sun, rather than the sun around the earth. And it's incorrect to say "everyone knew the earth was flat". And Galileo wasn't "put to death". He died of natural causes in 1642 at his house in Tuscany. And he wasn't considered a "conspiracy theorist". The idea of a spherical earth had been around for centuries, and that the earth moves, not the sun. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galileo_Galilei https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flat_Earth https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicolaus_Copernicus Some would say that the Catholic church is simply a conspiracy theory. What scientific basis is there for the resurrection, the miracles, the ascension, heaven and hell? If you want to believe in all that, religious tolerance allows you to do so. But climate change? COVID? Deep state? Qanon? When does a conspiracy theory become accepted as fact?
  11. Don't lecture me! You're talking Pol Pot maybe. Hardly a shining example of socialism. What you claim is purely inflammatory polemic. I guess you really are a troll. Nothing to do with history! Have you registered as a foreign agent yet? You certainly talk like one. Pure agitprop. The exploiting classes! That tells me you haven't a clue what you're talking about. You mean the bourgeoisie? Class war? I never read Hitler did anything of the sort. The capitalists at the time were necessary to bank roll his war. They survived very much intact and very much richer. Hardly a socialist outcome. You go read all those books you listed. I don't believe you've read a single one of them.
  12. This looks like an answer to myself, but it's actually a reply to @Yagoda. A mix up with editing.
  13. Well, I've done as much reading as I care to do right now. Arguing about the varieties of 20th century socialism, or 21st, come to that, would take forever and has already been done. It's meaning, interpretation and implementation has been in constant evolution, I guess as according to a Marxist dialectic. The distinction I would make, and I'm not alone, between the Nazi party and other socialist parties, is, I have yet to read or hear of a socialist regime/government/ideology outside of Nazism, advocating the planned extermination of a whole race of people, incorporating extreme racism as a basic tenet, advocating the liquidation of "untermensch", using a nightmarish group of fanatics, the SS, to round up, torture and liquidate opponents, and waging total war on countries in the cause of nationalist expansion. Where do those characteristics fit into your view of modern day socialism? And I'm excluding China as communist, and Russia, as no longer communist, but no doubt winners of your admiration as opposing "Western hegemony".
  14. Once again, "more and more conspiracy theories are being shown to be fact". 1. Which conspiracy theories? 2. By whom are they being shown "to be fact"?
  15. And how do any of those compare to actual Marxist Leninist Socialism? I won't waste my time. What you're saying is quite patently untrue. Socialism has absolutely nothing to do with Nazism. End of.
  16. And democracy is a disease. Just look at the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea. It says democracy, right?
  17. And would you say the DPRK is a democratic country and that Kim is a democratically elected leader? Oh but it says so. So it must be true!
  18. They were in the Wikipedia article I linked to about 3 days ago but which you refuse to read. Yes please. I read the Wikipedia article, which I imagine you refuse to do (MSM right?). Hitler's intention was to oppose all forms of Marxist Leninism. The Nazi party was the instrument to do that. Modern day socialists are not Nazis. In Spain in 1936 they fought against Franco and his fascist party. You think that Russia sent 27 million men to their deaths when all along there was no difference between the two sides? Why would they do that?
  19. So the self declared Nazis in the US are really socialists, right? And in Europe? And instances please of Nazi and socialist policies going hand in hand. You think Hitler was left wing? Mind boggling. Absolutely mind boggling. It's this trope of National Socialism being a socialist party because of the name. As I've pointed out, Hitler's Nazi party was opposed to any form of Marxist Leninist socialism. He hated communists. Very like you. But of course you've read Mein Kampf and Das Kapital, right?
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