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Everything posted by bradiston

  1. In the UK I believe there's no overtaking on a pedestrian crossing. So you have to follow the car in front or beside you. I once went past a police car in just such a situation. I got a serious dressing down as I was a cabbie and expected to know better. Pedestrian crossings in the UK used to have flashing orange lights (Belisha beacons) on each side of the road which were a great help to pedestrians in locating a crossing and to motorists to slow down as a precaution. I reckon they're essential for the safety of everybody but sadly are few and far between in Thailand. Crossings with traffic lights were known as pedestrian controlled crossings. You had to press a button and wait for the lights to change to red. Again, a safety feature.
  2. bradiston


    I guess so. I just bought 2 1 litre cartons of Aussie milk. It actually states UHT on the outside, which is helpful. I'm in Philippines right now. Maybe the term isn't used in Thailand. I don't have the Thai cartons to hand so I can't say.
  3. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazism Try reading it. You seem to think you're some kind of genius for spotting that "National Socialism" has the word "Socialism" in it.
  4. You're working here on a temporary visa? I assume you mean in Thailand? So you're a migrant worker! Shame on you! It's funny, whenever Thais show the same level of xenophobia with foreigners as you do with migrants in Europe, there are howls of protest on these pages. Bxxxdy xenophobic, racist Thais! I mean. I ask you!
  5. I'm currently 5,000 THB poorer thanks to poor decision to invest with Señor Ponzi. But I don't have to sell so no loss yet.
  6. From yourinked article: "Consistent across data sources and models, we do not find any evidence that Merkel's decision increased migration to Germany in subsequent years." This refers to the idea her admission of thousands (yes, 1.1 million applied) of migrants led to the "Merkel effect", or worked as a "pull", as France now accuses the UK of causing. So will the Germans, and you, and other Europeans now collect their own garbage, sweep their own roads, and work in poorly paid, dangerous construction jobs? The other link is interesting as it appears to track migration within the EU rather than from without. Naturally, the UK has had the door slammed shut on account of Brexit, so thanks for that Mirage and Bojo, both of whom have EU passports. Millions of young Brits locked out of working in Europe. Meanwhile, the dreadful Proddies in Norn Oirland get an EU passport, by virtue of blackmail.
  7. My UK pension is deposited by DWP with no charge into my £ Wise account. From there I can move it into my Wise € or $ account, or just leave until I need THB. If the rate's down, and I have to, I just change the minimum I think I'll need.
  8. Any evidence of a deliberate policy to bring in "swathes of immigrants" by any EU government or just your own misinformed conspiracy theory speaking? For all I know you're an immigrant too. Too right it doesn't work like that. You just made it up! Massive over reach? Explain! Hey, and any sign of "You're obviously too stupid to understand" and I'll know I'm talking to a troll.
  9. I use an old fertiliser bag tied with baler twine. Only weighs a few ounces. Never get searched.
  10. Alternatively, check it in if it's seriously over, and it's free to do so. I went through with 17kg combined, large bum bag, laptop bag and suitcase. Always have a back up procedure if nabbed. Like throwaway items as a last resort.
  11. Cool. I see they give the weight, very helpful. 1.1kg.
  12. Yeah, the "Friends of Adolf" party, what my father and probably yours, went to war with Germany about. Of course Adolf was an Austrian by birth. We hear the same rhetoric used against Moslems as was used against the Jews. In any case, a better description might have been inaction has reactions. Let's see what these bogeymen from the right can come up with other than a lot of rabble rousing hate speech.
  13. I opened two with Krungthai just a few months ago. However, the costs of transferring from the US to Thailand were enormous. Swift only. I'll probably never use them. They were for a deal that died. But I have a Wise $ account and € and £ accounts. That's for sure the easiest way for me.
  14. It's unfortunate that the very word "immigrant" has such low life connotations. Migrant I suppose might be described as a "woke" version, or displaced person, of whom there are millions. Migration has been happening throughout human history. The US is really a nation founded on migration. It wouldn't exist without it. Most of the "English" migrated from Celtic nations and Europe. It's nothing new. At some points in history, it was the Jews who were reviled and exiled, from Europe in particular. The Irish and Caribbean people have suffered, and no doubt, continue to suffer discrimination. Times change, and we're in the "target Islam" era. But we kicked over the bee's nest and now we're getting stung.
  15. It's why I get my UK pensions paid into Wise. They remain in sterling until I need to exchange, and hopefully at a better rate. Plus the £ against the Philippines peso is way up at 74.98, and as I've elected to move there for 6 months of the year to get the pension rise and avoid Thai tax if it ever comes in, seems I've made a better decision than some I've made recently!
  16. True, but he's flown the coop. As have Bush and the rest of the gang. Probably go down in history as one of the greatest foreign policy blunders ever made.
  17. Yes. Always look at worst case scenarios before making a move. What ifs are the backbone of intelligent trading, and decision making.
  18. The liberal idiots...keen to invite in? How long has the EU been going? 31 years. Maastricht and Thatcher, remember? You think everything was foreseeable back then? And who exactly has extended an invitation to illegal migrants? The first wave of "migrants" was from the newly joined eastern European countries liberated from the Soviet jackboot. And who didn't "hire a Pole" to get the job done, cheaply and efficiently, outclassing the Brit working classes with their £70 call out fees etc. Seems there's immigration and there's Islam. If the West chooses to invade and destroy several middle eastern countries, well actions have consequences. If millions end up on your doorstep as a result, next time, maybe think twice before devastating their countries.
  19. The biggest security flaw I discovered in banking didn't involve a Thai bank. Actually, not with a bank at all. Long story short, I discovered an overseas bank (US) was able to set up a transaction on my Wise $ account via a Direct Debit using just the account details as provided by Wise. Seems the default is to allow this to happen, without any notification, permission or advice. I was told I could stop all DDs on a certain account, or across all my Wise accounts, and allow them only with my specific permission. So that's what I did. Locked the intruders out. It turned out it wasn't a malign intrusion, just a test run. But I was really surprised that the bank was able to do that.
  20. I was just thinking, with KT you can order statements on line. They email them to you encrypted with your passport number as the decrypt key. Handy for avoiding reams of paper.
  21. I had a Krungthai account in Trad. I closed it and opened a new THB account and a $ account in the large Klang branch in Pattaya. Despite all my concerns it would be impossible, they were more than happy to do it. I then moved the THB account again from the Pattaya Klang branch to the Thepprasit branch. Yes, I am a PITA, but they were extremely patient with me. It's advisable to print out statements going back a year or so before closing an account though, as you won't be able to do it without a visit to your new branch.
  22. Yeah, my immediate thought also. Usually I believe senior appointments such as this need royal approval, no?
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