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Posts posted by bradiston

  1. 14 hours ago, 300sd said:

    Yes I cheer on genocide.  Genocide of Hamas. I cheer the total absolute destruction of those animals, and anyone who enjoys the sickness of those creeps, as you most likely do, may go with them. Bye, bye! And that's being nice!

    Hamas is a political party. You can't commit genocide on them. But you can on the Palestinians. Your hate filled speech is part of the problem, not the solution. Netanyahu sees the total obliteration of Hamas as the solution. But he knows that is probably unachievable. So he gives himself licence to kill as many Palestinians as possible in his futile attempt. With people like you cheering him on, he'll no doubt continue until he runs out of ammunition, which America will guarantee won't happen. Will you be cheering then, with 30, 40, 50 thousand dead civilians? Even Putin would back off.

    • Agree 1
  2. 8 minutes ago, BestB said:

    you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.

    how many more red flags do you need to comprehend cheap does not mean must have ?


    same as other insurance companies ? Really ? Do tell how many other  insurance companies has a score of 2? 

    do tell which other insurance companies have a registered capital of 1 million and offer policies without increase , cover pre existing and age to 100?


    do tell which other insurance companies register in 1 country , regulated by another but operate in third? And do not offer cover to people of the country they operate in 

    Yes, they're truly unique. Follow the crowd. See where it gets you. Nobody's forcing you to sign up. Why does it anger you? We're all adults. We can all decide what's best for ourselves. Everybody's situation is different. Horses for courses, drinking or not. There are many ways to lose money in this life. This seems to me a reasonable bet, which don't always pay, agreed. Yeah, it's a gamble. But for me it's within acceptable limits.

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

    The lack of financials, ombudsman and legal path doesn't seem to bother you, ok

    No, it doesn't. If I weigh it all up, I have maybe a 10 years' cover requirement left. If I was 50, I'd more than likely be looking elsewhere. I'm suggesting there's a  shrinking probability of a claim the older you get. Seems counter intuitive I know. But when the countdown starts, are you really going to pour money into a safe launch? Bit late for that!


    What insurer do you use? Are you 100% ok with all of the above? Which country would you have to litigate in? What are the chances you would ever have to litigate? Somebody who works in insurance, and in particular, statistical analysis, could maybe answer that. The best laid plans of mice and men gang oft agley...

    • Like 1
  4. 16 minutes ago, QuantumQuandry said:


    Might just be your worst enemy until you figure out how to use it better.


    From what I can see, their reviews are on par with other health insurance companies.  Most, but not all, of the negatives are from people speculating, like yourself, rather than actual experiences.

    Agree. I've been with them for about 18 months. Needed treatment for cellulitis, 3 nights in Bangkok Pattaya hospital and follow ups covered, no problem, roughly 100k THB. They put a 12 month moratorium on my afib, about which I have no complaints.


    People here on expensive plans with other insurers, gripe about them constantly. For the over 70s with existing conditions, there's not a lot of choice if you're watching pennies. They fill that gap. I don't know what more people want. Show me a low cost insurer who comes anywhere near them. Yes, it may be "so far, so good", but same in all walks of life, right? There's hype everywhere. You pays yer money....

    • Agree 2
  5. Yeah, a lot of hot air I'll wager. How many Filipinas can't even leave the Philippines, due to their own immigration at Manila airport, and how many that do manage to board a plane to Thailand end up being put back on it, or threatened with it, when they arrive? Yet they're a valuable resource. Millions of filipinas work abroad. They get work in eg the service sector as telephonists, care sector and hospitality sector as their English language proficiency is high. In Philippines, "seniors" as pensioners are called, have special lanes everywhere for queuing.


    I've a mate who has a Filipina gf. It's a total nightmare every time she returns from family visits back home. Will anything change? I doubt it. The only ASEAN country Thailand considers worthy of comparison is Singapore. What a joke!

  6. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    Not all of the Philippines is a dump.

    I could definitely live there and there are actually decent food choices depending where you're living there but of course nobody is saying better than Thailand.

    Places to check out -- Iloilo City (progressive mayor with a great vision, unusually long developed river walk), Baguio City (if you want cool weather)


    Baguio City: Where Nature, Culture, and History Flourish — An Unforgettable Destination in the Philippines | by Princes Angela Sicat | Medium

    Years ago I bought land in neighbouring Negros on the promise that the airport at Silay was due to be upgraded to international. But the money went instead to Iloilo who did the same for their airport. They simply rebanked it - about 20 billion PHP. I believe the mayor then was the son of the Senator for Ilo, or so I was told. Negros has no Senator and still has no international airport. Nobody said a word. Who wants to die in a remote sugar plantation with a bullet in the back of your head? Corruption out there is in plain sight, on a massive scale. It's just part of life. Marcos, Duterte, The Catholic Church. You're on a hiding to nothing.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Windmill has a monopoly now and have increased prices, no more Electric Blue, Dollhouse, Beavers. Hopefully a new one will open off walking st, not interested in LK Metro

    The one I went to was off Walking Street, not sure of the Soi name. Had several open fronted bars on it, and a variety of other bars. And a big hotel. Tried the others you mention but no real comparison. Windmill was almost anything goes kind of joint. Only once barfined, but it was a huge disappointment. Bar girls out of the bar like fish out of water. Wham bam and they're gone.

  8. On 1/28/2024 at 11:31 AM, TroubleandGrumpy said:

    Detroit Lions might just upset the applecart and pull this one off - brave I know.

    What say you guys? Winner is??


    Jared Goff is very under-rated - and Lamar Kackson is very over-rated.

    Mahomes is a proven champion - and Purdy is unconvincing.

    It is all about the quarterback and how well he is protected - Chiefs have lost their best offensive lineman and Mahomes is used to having plenty of time.

    Watched both games this morning. I'm a Chiefs and Mahomes fan. On TV here on 12th, about 0630 Monday morning. I get it on my IPTV box. Must have a mute button for the ads.


    I watch baseball as well. I like that there doesn't appear to be a shred of racism in American sport - how could there be? You wouldn't have any basketball, baseball or NFL teams, without black players. And the fans don't seem to wage war on the opposition. Altogether more sporting.


    Probably no fun at all for English football fans. And I'm getting old, I guess. C'mon you blues! Chelsea!

  9. 18 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Windmill is now 220 for lady drink, 260 cocktail lady drink, the other day i offered a girl 100 baht for something, usually accepted, she wanted 500. The old guard have gone and the girls are greedy.


    As for LDs it's a mugs game, always has been

    Yeah, last time I went there, maybe 3 or 4 years ago, a very unpleasant English manager was overseeing things. No more 100 THB tipping. Buy lady a drink or sit on my own nursing my sodaaaah. Before all that, the best bar in town. Not been back.

    • Like 1
  10. 18 hours ago, bradiston said:

    "We're queueing for the escalator to go down, only one working".


    "Security done. Big queue for passport control". 1130 Sunday 28th January.


    No automatic gates. Complete chaos according to my source.

    Update. The auto gates were for Thais only but no takers.

  11. NNT are incapable of writing critical copy. This article, like the one on the PM, lacks any core. For instance, Anutin completely ignores the recent, but habitual, tribal gang wars in, for instance, the technical colleges, which have resulted in death. He pretty much says it's nothing to do with the schools' management and can be dealt with by reports from concerned citizens to the with police. And the Ministry of the Interior. This bankrupt, in more ways than one, government can't even afford any kind of security on school premises. It's up to parents, apparently. Why is this man in politics? Because Bumjaithai rule Buriram! Just another clan.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  12. 4 hours ago, Dart12 said:

    Certain times of day Human Strong on Soi 4 In Pratamnuk is always empty.  Many times very little people.

    I think it does get busy after work hours.  Maybe early morning too?  idk.  But it always seems sparse.

    It's big.  and in shade, but no AC.  

    Worth her visiting once.

    Yes, always near empty the times I've been. 1050 a month.

    • Agree 1
  13. 5 hours ago, RT555 said:

    Both the owners of these cats are Africans, 

    1) What are they doing here?     <----- How  l Long have they been here?

    2) the other was in the Bentley

    3) Did he pick up the 3 pounds of Crap?

    4) Are the police waiting for a Tragedy the they get loose and kill someone?

    The owner is called "Pa". She is a woman. Moved from Sattahip recently. Where's the African connection? Oh and of course it's your business to know what she and the other owner, a Thai woman, is doing here. Two Thais, a Sri Lankan and a Ukrainian are being charged with moving the other lion without a permit. I'm not picking up your crap either. Maybe you think Sri Lanka is in Africa?

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  14. 9 hours ago, bradiston said:

    But if today had been tomorrow, you'd be sitting in the car behind the Senior Sergeant Major and none of this would have happened. If!


    I think this is a gay love triangle. Sarge was in love with the guy with the knife, and Ann was a transvestite caught in the middle (if you'll forgive the pun). Sarge, in a fit of jealous rage, wasted his lover, then err, sorry I seem to have lost the plot. Can anyone take over?

    The driver lied about being Ann's father, so what was he doing there?  And what was Sergeant Pae doing there? Neither of these 2 people had any reason to be there at all unless the mother's story, that they disapproved of the relationship, holds true. In which case, what the heck did it have to do with them? Seems they weren't related to Ann in any way. So yes, gay man murders his lover out of jealousy. Life without parole. Next.

  15. But if today had been tomorrow, you'd be sitting in the car behind the Senior Sergeant Major and none of this would have happened. If!


    I think this is a gay love triangle. Sarge was in love with the guy with the knife, and Ann was a transvestite caught in the middle (if you'll forgive the pun). Sarge, in a fit of jealous rage, wasted his lover, then err, sorry I seem to have lost the plot. Can anyone take over?

  16. 7 minutes ago, brianthainess said:


    I'm sitting waiting for the 35 Group Pattaya bus at the foot of Kromluang pier in Laem Ngop which takes you to and from Koh Mak. Had a house there for 17 years. But, time to call it a day. I'm 74. The house is 3 storeys. Even renting became a chore. But...


    I had some really great times there, and on Koh Chang, and on all the islands that make up the Koh Chang archipelago. There are a lot! Much of it is national park, but also many islands aren't included, so in theory, no landing fee. We used to hire a 30 seat twin engined speed boat for 15k THB and spend the day landing on deserted beaches on uninhabited islands. A fantastic experience! In the days when you could design your own cruise.


    And Koh Chang's east coast is really what I love. Very few resorts because very few beaches. It's the leeward side so no surf to make the sand. But follow the wonderful road all the way and you get to salak phet which has surely one of the best seafood restaurants in SE Asia. And climb high up on a scooter, and salak phet bay has to be seen to be believed. Totally gorgeous!

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