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Posts posted by bradiston

  1. 4 hours ago, Adndrew said:

    Importing medications from abroad can lead to issues with customs, uncertainties about the medication's quality, and questions regarding its authenticity. Considering health is more important than cost savings, opting for locally sourced medications from reputable pharmacies in Thailand, where both generic and original versions are available, is a safer choice. This approach ensures the medications are stored correctly and are genuine, avoiding potential health risks associated with unverified imports.

    And where do you think the massive rip off hospitals buy their meds and then mark them up 5 fold and push them out by the trolley load in their pharmacies? 60% of Thai healthcare profits are via meds. Ever wondered how they do that? You're no safer buying here than in timbuctoo.

  2. 3 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


    If you want to pick holes and contradict you'll need to be specific...


    The Auto-gates are at Suvarnabumi, and have been in use for foreigners since December 2023 and there are reports of foreigners using those. 



    So, if your daughter was departing internationally from Hat Yai airport in 2020 - then no...


    BUT.... IF your daughter is an adult, is one the approved nationalities to use the e-gates, was departing from Suvarnabumi last week - then she 'should' have been able to use the automated e-gates...  


    And if fitting the criteria and was still unable to use the e-gate there may be another reason you are unaware of ?


    Was she told she couldn't ? was she digitally rejected at the e-gate ?? etc ?


    It was I who started this thread. She was at BKK, in a very long queue for foreign pp holders. The lines for Thai pp holders were empty. That's all.

  3. 1 hour ago, Datsun 1200 said:

    It is, and has always been a "medicinal herb" just because the Yanks made it illegal in 1935, mainly to screw with the main users by far, "Black Jazz Musicians" . Then they made "Refer Madness", (listed it as like Schedule one = Heroin etc) and other mega propaganda, and then "forced" other countries to follow.  

    The Great Satan strikes again, war mongering Yanks as usual, like a World Cancer really ; (



    Wrong there. Canada was the first to criminalise it in 1923. Your anti US bs has got the better of you. Check it out:




    Seems South America is the best bet for carefree cannibal raisin uptake. Asia the worst.

  4. 2 hours ago, GypsyT said:

    90 days per entry is very easy and enough for me.


    "Currently, tourists with U.S. passports do not need visas for short-term visits (up to three months)."


    When does Thailand wake up?

    Or do I have to join Russian army, make a visit with Mr Kalashnikov to Ukraine and then get visa free 90 day stays in Thailand?


    Yes, but immigration might want to see a death certificate.

  5. China must have realised that Thai politicians are more or less incapable of finishing the railway link. All it needs is the Thai section between Bangkok and Nong Khai, already partly built, and a link up between Nong Khai and Vientiane, and the rest is already built all the way to Kunming. You can sense Yi's frustration. And all Coco can come up with is "Can we have a panda please? Thai people loved the last one you gave us! And now he's dead. Waaaaaah." What a clown!


    Here's a tip for China. Give up on Thailand. It's good for a cuppla weeks hols, a loada prawns, some very tasty ladyboys, and some great scams. But business partners? Nah. Go via Myanmar. Access all areas after that. Simple.

    • Agree 1
  6. Check out Indiamart. You can get a quote (actually a lot of quotes) for almost any drug under the sun. I get my riveroxaban from a trusted supplier I've been using for years, and all my other meds. Got retroviral meds for hepatitis b. Cleared in a week. She is on WhatsApp, speaks, or types, good English, and has a knack of getting stuff through customs at both ends. Never had a delivery stopped. She sends photos of everything before despatch including tracking numbers, batch numbers, boxes, packets, strips etc etc. She also has a Wise account.


    Pm for details

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, BestB said:

    Ohhh ok, that just made all difference 😂😂😂

    Well, you claimed it came straight from WRLife. Apologise then for misreporting the truth. In fact, if you don't receive a summons for libel, I'd be very surprised. You're just making it up as you go along. And 100 to 1 denied claims to accepted ones? Where the heck do you get that?


    You're touting entirely fake info.

  8. 2 hours ago, BestB said:


    did cat catch your tongue? No apology? No awakening yet?


    insurance companies with billions in capital will not cover but a savior with no money will 


    totally logical right ? No red flags ? Oh but wait , when you are declined , where do you propose to complain ? In US ? About a company that does not operate in US or in UK about a company that is not registered with any regulators ? Or perhaps in Thailand ? About a company which is not registered anywhere .

    Get a grip man. You're getting hysterical. You've had your say, made your point, given your opinion. You're free to go.

  9. 1 hour ago, JimTripper said:

    There are also a lot of grey zones with those kinds of problems, unless you are a real loner. You could be guilty by association, or hanging out with the wrong person and lose your life. Some trigger happy cop just plays it safe and you are gone. The more deadbeat type of expats you are around the more likely they are angling for money with the wrong locals and the more likely that is to occur.

    Well yes. It's more fun in the Philippines, just like it says on the tin. Anyway what you describe above are the reasons I would never EVER visit the jolly old US of A.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  10. 7 minutes ago, BestB said:

    lots of waffle with very little substance

    Lets start with your stats on review, did you bother to read trustpilot reviews for WR? all fake, including owner Patrick Lorentz wiring a review for himself.


    All have 1 review only, all quoting amounts paid in USD, which is funny considering thai hospitals do not charge in USD


    Not a single one quotes hospital or location where they were treated and yet all have location as Thailand.


    Their financials is not an extra risk but major red alarms going off risk.


    Fact that company is registered in one country, regulated by another but operating in third without any registration is more than major red alarms going off risk, this is church bells on fire 


    As for your claim about agents and brokers, yet another made up nonsense. No only not a single reputable brokers with a shop front does not sell it but pathetically enough ones that do, do not even know what they are selling


    German broker in Jomtien, has no idea what registered capital is, who regulators are/is and according to him young people do not live in Thailand because they do not have visa's


    By all means, if your broker is one of those, then WR is best choice 😂


    Judging from your posts, you appear to be extremely anxious about your own insurance. So insecure you have to attack everyone who insurers with WRLife. Why? Worried about your own position? Keep your advice. In fact, you know what you can do with it.

    • Like 1
  11. 12 minutes ago, BestB said:

    as Sheryl already pointed out and for the 5th time , WR targets only old and tight budget for a reason. As I pointed out earlier I was advised by WR if I was young and healthy, best I look elsewhere but if I was old and sick they are the company . This is utter nonsense which defies all logic and all insurance principles 


    it’s like car insurance saying if you never had an accident we don’t want you but if you crash frequently will give you cover and cheaper than anyone else who does not crash and will not put your premium up when you do crash again and again and again

    I don't actually believe any insurer would advise in such a way. And "WR" don't as far as I know, do any direct selling. Who did you talk to there? And I don't know anything about them "targeting old and tight budget". Where do you get this stuff?

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Sheryl said:


    I can assure you that the risk has been thoroughly quantified by trained actuaries and that everywhere, health insurance claims payouts rise with age group. Quite dramatically so after age 65.


    Indeed, younger people are more likely to get in an accident due to risky behavior, but even accidents are more common (and have more severe consequences) in the elderly, which is why it is so hard to get a Personal Accident policy once old. Even a mild fall can break a hip in an old person, one that would leave only a bruise in a young person.

    Ok, but my experience is, I've made one claim, amounting to about 100k THB, in 18 months, for a bacterial skin infection. My first and only hospitalisation in 74 years. I used to insure against PA, but the cover was so small, it would hardly cover one night in a private hospital. I'm ok with my current premium of 10,400 THB pm inpatient with WRLife. People may choose to argue about it, but for me, it's a good fit. Broken hip, stroke, bike accident... I'm covered. I've yet to read an instance where WRLife refused or failed to pay for illegitimate reasons. And I don't give a lot of credence to review sites. I found out about them from an acquaintance who had a whole variety of disorders. All of them were covered by WRLife.


    If you like Bitcoin, I'm not going to waste your time telling you it's a Ponzi scheme, because a. I'm not in a position to judge, and b. Do I care? No!

  13. 15 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    It's the opposite of that hence why premiums go up with age

    Yes but over a much shorter term for a 70 year old than say a 30 year old. And I'd like to see figures bearing out your assertion. The distressed Gofundme calls are mostly from the under 50s. Or so it seems. Especially for the young kids that come out here and smash themselves up on bikes. Who is really a greater risk? A 70 year old strolling along to the bar for a swift half with his mates, or the 25 year old nut behind the wheel? It's quite possible older policyholders are subsidising the young? Where are the figures?

  14. 5 minutes ago, BestB said:

    If you think 1  million is acceptable capital , then all the best of luck to you 😂


    and if you think it’s a reasonable bet , safe to assume you did not achieve much in life .


    and what happens when you suffer serious illness and you are denied or delayed ? Gofundme ? Or a new topic what to do ?

    I don't get why you're banging on about it, if you're not insured with them. You can go your own way. I suppose I could start screaming about what a rip off your insurer is. No, I don't know who they are, but who cares? You make grossly inaccurate insulting assumptions about my life and my situation, so why shouldn't I about yours? Huh? Go fund yourself.

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