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Posts posted by bradiston

  1. The article only manages to account for about 10% of the 13.7 trillion THB owed. Does it include informal debt, ie to loan sharks etc? Who are the other creditors? Banks? Are they being audited? They must be carrying vast amounts of debt. Mortgages? Unsecured loans? Or secured on a chanote? Srettha might be right, but who's going to blow the whistle and open their books?

    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, Seeall said:

    Even with a safe, I seen a condo renter after returning from a night out with a new friend, put his valuables ON top of the safe and they got lifted..  so its not like he forgot there was a safe...  you can lead a horse to water...

    You'd need a combination and key safe. I got robbed with a key only safe. Lady friend simply knocked me out with an extremely effective sedative, found the key in my pocket and helped herself. Doh! What a plonker.

  3. "The policy committee will be split into two groups. One will conduct public hearings while the other will assess the project. The first group will gather comments from the public and both public and private agencies, with a two-week deadline set. The second group, without a deadline, will scrutinise the handout results, including any alleged corruption."


    First group, 2 weeks to organise and hold public hearings? Any online capabilities? Two months I'd say, minimum. Maybe 2 years.


    Second group? 3-5 years.


    "The NACC also advised the committee against utilising language that could mislead people into thinking the scheme is a promise to give policy, in accordance with the Organic Act on the Election of Members of the House of Representatives 2018."


    Lol. Where's the Election Commission? A bit late for that isn't it? It was in their election manifesto. PT should be disbanded for blatantly trying to bribe the electorate. A "promise to give" policy has to be their speciality. All jam tomorrow.

  4. 2 hours ago, Spock said:

    I am from Melbourne and find it very hard to believe that rent there is only 25% more than in Bangkok. If that's an indication of where prices and the cost of living are at in Thailand, I will be staying home this year.

    Possible he's not comparing like with like. My daughter rents out a studio apartment in London, E3, for over £1000  pm. 45k THB. High end condos or pool villas I think can easily command that kind of rent. Maybe even a week. When I first moved to Pratamnak 30 months ago, I was paying 5.5k THB pm for a 1 bed ground floor flat in a very decent development. It's doubled since then.

    • Like 1
  5. 7 hours ago, Pouatchee said:

    correct me if i'm wrong. if he has a criminal record, isn't he banned from running for office?

    damn they really are crossing out all their T's to make sure no change ever comes to this archaic culture that still prays to trees.

    so, one gets a criminal record for a peaceful protest... surprised no one got arrested here on AN yet

    If it's suspended (and pita's conviction et al is pending appeal) I don't think it prevents anyone from running for office.


    Section 98 of the Thai constitution:

    (6) being sentenced by a judgement to imprisonment and imprisoned by a  
    warrant of the Court.


    It doesn't mention suspended.

    • Like 1
  6. 18 hours ago, Cardano said:

    Any foreign company whether operating or not has to have a minimum of 51% Thai ownership and as such can buy or lease land. What you will do with said land is where potential problems lie.

    Leasing is possible I think. But not purchasing. Any foreign ownership, no matter how small, of the company will prohibit it from buying land. I visited my local land office just 2 weeks ago as I have a foreign buyer who was hoping to buy my place with his well established local business. No way, I was told! He will have to create a 100% Thai owned company which then leases the property back to him, or uses some other means to transfer use. The contract will have to stipulate the Thai "owners" of the company are not empowered to sell or otherwise dispose of the property, or occupy it I guess. I don't think this is uncommon here, so maybe someone else has more details.

  7. 1 minute ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Erm...  a I'm a bit confused by that comment bradiston...  WaltherTP started this thread...    


    Honest questions: 


    She [your daughter] was in a very long queue for foreign passport holders, was this upon departure ???  


    Did she attempt to use the E-Gate ? (assuming this was this year - 2024) or just assumed she couldn't ???



    Other non-Thai posters on this forum have reported that they used the e-gates on departure - I think its useful to know some facts about this... 

    Oh ok, I didn't start this thread, I started one that had the same subject. She noticed a sign which read Thai passports only in the empty channels adjacent to where she was standing. She was departing. It was chaos. That's what she messaged me. 8 days ago.

  8. 3 hours ago, NewGuy said:

    I’ve just ordered two boxes of Rivalox (Rivaroxaban) 20 mg, Indian generic, at 1,890 baht each. If I tolerate them well I’ll buy lots more.


    What is the procedure for stopping Warfarin and starting Rivaroxaban? Start the day after my last Warfarin dose or wait one or two days?


    Thanks all.

    How many in each box?

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