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Posts posted by Travelman868

  1. " We don't have a terrorist problem" 5000+ people killed in the past few years by Muslims. 9 year old boy and his family butchered by these animals

    a few weeks ago. The boy had his head cut off, they saw it off slowly with a knife BUT Thailand does not have a terrorist problem.

    Wake up people, the whole world has a terrorist problem. Unless the Muslim population tell the Islamist's they have no hiding place things will get


    Even if the Thai Government gave the South to Muslims they would then start to push north.

  2. I think that even the person that brought the passport to the border should be brought to justice. "Interesting" how these shops can find lookalikes to fool checks at the border.

    What would be the need to go to the border if using fake stamps?

    His passport never left Pattaya until he got busted.

    AND when you enter and leave Thailand the details are put on computer, SOOOOOOOO if you don't leave they will pick you up when you do. I don't

    understand why these idiots try to fiddle the system when with the correct visa it just means a visa run every 90 days.

  3. Two years to get Coroners report and the bodies too decomposed to identify and an Island involved.

    Compare that with the couple of days to arrest the two boys on Koh Toa who were cleared using DNA and then re arrested using DNA again.

    With all due respect to the "diligent" work carried out by the RTP surly the first DNA sample could only have come from one place and if that

    cleared the boys !!!!!!!!

    • Like 1
  4. This is no more of a crackdown than any other just the usual hot air.

    Apart from fines drivers need to to have their offences hammered home with proper periods of disqualification not a week then a month and any one driving while disqualified should be jailed for contempt of court.

    Note I use the words ' need ' and ' should ' being well aware such stringent action will never take place.

    It's all very well saying "take their licences away" BUT when you live in the villages how do you get around.

  5. “If anyone has any suggestions on ways we can be more strict, or how we can fix any of the rules, these would be very welcome – this will improve marine regulations, especially for jet-skis on Phuket’s beaches.”

    Rule 1. Ban all jet skies.

    Rule 2. See rule 1.

    It's so easy to take and print photos that these could be attached to the contract. Of course none of this really

    matters when the tourist has a gun pocked up his nose

  6. ......providing thousands of arms.....to 'counter' the problem...as was announced recently.....

    ,,,what do you expect.....

    ...how about admitting there is a problem.......then identifying it......the implementing solutions.....

    ...it seems a human rights issue....

    It would be a human rights issue except these people are sub humans. Anyone who can cut the heads off small children are animals.

    Muslims have spent the last 1400 years killing people who would not convert, so even if they are given all the Southern States they will


    • Like 1
  7. Ho- hum, it is a rite of passage for some, drinks, drugs and gathering at the beach has been going on for a couple thousand years, the human species still survives.... if only the music were better...

    Why do Thai laws not work on these Islands?? In Udon Thani a boy caught with 6 Ya Ba tablets jailed for a year. Ride a scooter with no helmet fine 200/400baht.

    makes me wonder about the truth behind the the murders on Koh Toa

  8. just another case of the police not knowing or Following the law....is there any hope for this place when these fools are acting like this over a Cheque?

    Or perhaps it was just the excuse they wanted to search the premises.....

    1) Issuing a bad cheque is fraud and should be treated as such. In the UK the police are not interested so people just keep doing it, then if you take them to court

    it costs us loads of money that we don't get back.

    2) Now they know what it feels like to rent jet ski's in their town.

  9. Why do AFP have to get a slag in on every news item ?

    The family may have seen evidence that others have not but it still does not explain the glairing inconsistencies.

    The statement from the lawyers that they had not seen the prosecution evidence but would fight as best they could would seem to indicate a not guilty plea, we have to wait till Monday for that.

    The big problem with a guilty plea is that the police then never need to make public the evidence they have.

    Yea, lets run the evidence past the family to see if they buy it. The family do not understand how the Thai police work

    How come the defense have not seen it, a court of law is not like a TV show.

  10. "We have many disadvantages... we still have not seen the prosecutors' evidence, we just have to fight as best as we can," he added.

    Just about sums it all up, doesn't it?

    My understanding is that Thai Law is not very different to British Law, that being so, the defense team are entitled to view

    the evidence before the case can proceed.

    The police keep referring to the DNA test as being key to their case but only a week or so ago, the prosecutors office

    told them to work on their case evidence.

    I keep looking at the photo of the two boys and their demeanor looks wrong for murderers. I also do not believe that

    those two on their own could have murdered two young people without having any injuries to themselves.

    The problem that Thailand has, is that we ALL know that money speaks and there have been a number of high profile

    cases where the 100% guilty party has walk away.

  11. Yes. There are those drivers. And I kind of underdtand his point. But there are also loads of taxis just hanging around waiting for foreigners to pay tripple the usual fare. Is that fair?

    Some areas like oratunam and sukhumvit can be really hard to find a cab that will go for the right price by meter. Especially at night (when there is no traffic jam to blame things on...)

    The Taxi meters should be calibrated so that waiting time returns a proper cost for miles and time.

  12. The army and police have to kill all those militants/terrorists that have no respect for human rights. You can't negotiate with militants/terrorists.

    Most insurrections end in talks BUT the terrorists in the south are Islamist's and CANNOT be negotiated with. In fact trying to talk to these

    non- humans is seen as a sign of weakness.

    Any group who advocate sawing off the heads of pre-teen children cannot and should not be protected by any laws.

    While I understand that some of you may think my views are some way to the right of the UK Tories, ask yourselves why virtually

    all Muslim countries are or were ruled by dictators like Saddam or Gadaffi.

    I could also agree that the British have done some bad things in the past, however Islam far from being the peaceful entity that

    Muslims would have you believe was and is continuing to be built with the blood of innocents.

  13. Where is the EU England and USA to them the only violence is in Israel West Bank and Gaza

    In a year more people are killed in Nigeria and not a peep from the them or the UN

    They should boycott Nigerian Oil Rubber and Bananas until their is peace.

    To stop the killings Nigeria should be broken up to 23 different countries because their 23 really different tribes

    President Obama needs to set down with the 23 leaders at once

    In the main it is Muslims killing Muslims, so on the one hand we could say good luck they are leaving the rest of us alone.

    BUT there is another way of looking at this. When will the peace loving Muslims rise up against these animals.

    All over the world there is the same situation, Muslims will not say anything against Islamist's so 1.499999999999 billion Muslims are happy to see their friends and families killed by 1 million sadistic animals.

    They are truly mad but then when Muslims stone women to death for allowing themselves to be raped are we surprised.

    • Like 1
  14. Three decades to my knowledge of a total <deleted!> up as far as Thailand's Administration efforts to bring about a solutionin the South , there will never be any peace, this last decade has been fraught with more and more advanced terrorist activities in destruction of lives and collateral , General Prayuth has no chance in even scoring a try let alone winning this match, the possibility of peace recipe lies outside the scope of what Thailand can cook up.bah.gif

    Of course you are correct. It's interesting reading the posts and the number of people avoiding using the words Islam and Muslim.

    These Islamist's do not care about anyone, even fellow Muslims who if killed will go directly to Allah. How unset they will be when

    they find it's all wrong.

    Lets suppose we all believe in God and JC had direct connections, unlike this guy who met another guy in cave.

    JC preached love and tolerance etc. 6 Hundred years later we are suppose to believe that same God changed His mind and

    told the caveman hate and murder were fine. Don't make sense.

  15. When will people understand that Islamist's are not separatists. They may say they are but it is patently untrue.

    If they were given the 5 states with no strings attached, the killing would continue because Thailand is Buddhist.

    These Muslims require everyone to convert to Islam and if they will not, then according to there version of Islam

    it is ok to kill them.

    Look at the horrendous crimes they have committed in recent times, women stoned to death because they let

    a man rape them, a 14 year old boy killed in front of his family because he asked "freedom fighters" to pay for

    coffee. The 9 year old innocent boy brutally beheaded for no reason other than being there.

    There are thousands of similar cases all over the world.

    We cannot make peace with these people. The only reason there are so many in the world is because people

    are threatened with death if they do not convert.

    Muslims say Islam is peaceful ok I'm prepared to believe that when they answer one question.

    How many times have Islamist's been turned in to the Authorities by Muslim's???? 2 or 3 times or more, probably NONE

    and that's not just in Thailand that's in the world.

    The army should learn the lesson :- You cannot negotiate with Islam. The Qur-an says they can lie when it is advantageous to Islam.

    Clear the land on the Malaysian border 1 mile wide strip. Protected no mans land.

    • Like 1
  16. "As such, the review of the Act must be undertaken with utmost caution, and with attention and care in regard to the timing, so as to create an investment climate where all stakeholders would benefit, he added."

    Especially the Thai stakeholders will benefit from any changes of the FBA. The principle is simple: Thai economy is going down, so take more from the foreigners to compensate. The main point they forget is that Thais will not be skilled enough to run the companies. Investors leave, businesses go bankrupt, unemployment will rise. Recession.

    But to prevent that would mean overseeing consequences on a longer term. And that definitely is not Thai style in running their country.

    While Thailand carries on with the policy that Farang's opening a business, cannot keep control of the money then only big business will invest.

    They do not understand that ALL big companies started small. Apple and Microsoft started in sheds

  17. Zero percent on jet skis your having a laugh !smile.png

    This year I brought into thailand a small inflatable quicksilver , and a 5 hp mercury outboard cost me on uk ebay

    about 20.000 baht and customs wanted 22,000 after a few phone calls got it down to 15.000 sti crazy price for5 year old boat and 15 year old engine but I was kinda expecting that

    how the so called customs can drop the import duty price in a phone call !!!!!

    You have to remember your not in the us or uk dealing with normal customs

    Here they do what they want I suspect my boat never had any customs paper work


    my advise dont import anything !!!!!

    You should try changing Customs brokers if that's the case. My broker imports 12 boats a month for his personal business and pays 7% VAT and that's it. My last import was an aircraft which he negotiated the VAT down to 4%, rather than the usual 7%. I have 2 used jet skis arriving next month....he figured 7% on a declared value of 50% of actual cost.

    I was looking for actual, real life feedback from business owners. I'm not sure the background of you guys but you don't come across as particularly successful. Let me guess....old, fat, bald, met your wife on a barfine, living here on a pension?

    I don't understand why you have to be a rude ignorant git !!!!!!

    As for your business acumen. VAT is a NON NEGOTIABLE TAX. so if your broker is only being charged 4% vat then the customs officer is on tea money.

    It still remains a fact that opening a small business in Thailand leaves the Farang as the poor partner, even if he is supplying 100% of the money.

    Now your going to tell me that you just ignore the rules and do not have Thai's involved. Good luck with that

  18. Few things..

    You may want to check the import duty tarriffs for Jet Ski's..

    Also the Jet Ski business is allegedly mafia controlled with co-operation of the police.

    Will you get a permit to operate the business?

    It is an industry that has such a bad reputation that on many beaches it is banned, Pattaya could follow suit.

    AND The rules are, you have to have Thai partners or Directors, they own 51%

    AND The Thai people have to be given access to the bank account.

    AND you would be mad to go into THAT business in Thailand

  19. Pongpat a "crime buster" maybe maybe not. He is a crook and a gangster and if I had been convicted by him

    an appeal would be pending.

    "If you can prove the assets were bought legally" you can keep them. They are joking are the not . Nothing that these people

    have in their possession will have been bought with clean money.

    Their salaries would only pay for a small percentage of their spending, therefore the profit from crime funded their whole lifestyle

    I wonder if the BIB in Pattaya Bangkok etc are still collecting tea money from the bars

  20. "We are monitoring the expansion of the ISIS or IS terrorist movement in our neighbour countries, but there is no such thing in Thailand so far,"

    Madness........... IS appeals to millions and millions of muslims world-wide, even if they would change their minds pretty quickly once they had to live like it for real........................ BUT.......... Such things don't exist in LOS. Just like Thai people could never murder ala koh Tao

    If they think Thailand free of operatives they are living in a dreamworld........... Which when we consider where we are, isn't so far fetched!

    Certainly more realistic than thinking Thailand, with it's fine upstanding morality, wouldn't be despised by ISIS supporters................... Sukhumvit soi 3 seems to housing quite a few ISIS look-a-likes who have travelled here for the spicy food and plethora of mosques to visit

    AND they can practice cutting off the heads of small boys, without fear of capture.

    IS need to be removed from the world. They all want to go and see Allah so it is our duty to help.

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