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Posts posted by Travelman868

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Could be the new normal for France - Thailand has only had about 4000 - 14000 incidents in the south in recent times (article here somewhere). Other wonderful paradises include Pakistan, northern Nigeria, Mindanao Philippines, Indonesian Islands including Bali, iraq, Sudan, etc... What do you expect when you try to merge 7th century Arabia with 21st century living. See link below for a nice summary:


    Thailand has had OVER 1 person killed per DAY for the past 10 years. If that happened in the UK or USA open war would be declared.

  2. I'm not a lawyer and if you want serious advice you better contact one.

    But to my opinion the girls parents have NO right to your house car or motorcycle.

    And if they want a super wedding for their daughter tell them to pay for it.

    Anyway it wan't last for a long time.

    Don't be afraid, you and your wife, tell her parents to deal directly with your son and sort out whatever they want.

    At the moment they think they got the rich farang that will provide for everything.

    Don't give in to their demands and let them do whatever they want.

    And I don't think they can do much.

    I agree the girl's parents have no claim. If the girl went willingly and they are of age to legally have sex not your problem.

    AND why would you have to pay for wedding. Tell the parents if they want to get married they should provide a dowry

    of 1 million.

    Where you may have a problem, is if you signed as guarantor for the scooter loan. The name on green book has nothing

    to do with a loan agreement.

  3. In normal Thai relationships, both partners work and both contribute financially. Just like at home. The reason she has been a single mother for 20 years is that no Thai man is going to put up with her rubbish. If you're gonna pay for everything at least get a 20 year old hottie, not a 50 year old single mother.

    I million baht should be sufficient to live on outside of Bangkok but I believe that the lady is taking the pee. How has she been supporting herself and a child ??

    Although it is common for Thai children to look after aging parents, normally the parent will bring something to the party. What you do not mention is there will be other relatives that think Farang should look after them as well.

    Rules :- Do NOT buy a house just rent. Do NOT open joint account. Do NOT buy a car. If you want transport buy a scooter. Do NOT marry this girl. AND be ready to run at a moments notice.


    It now appears that the original poster is a fool. Both the lady and daughter are working and bringing in good money

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  4. In normal Thai relationships, both partners work and both contribute financially. Just like at home. The reason she has been a single mother for 20 years is that no Thai man is going to put up with her rubbish. If you're gonna pay for everything at least get a 20 year old hottie, not a 50 year old single mother.

    I million baht should be sufficient to live on outside of Bangkok but I believe that the lady is taking the pee. How has she been supporting herself and a child ??

    Although it is common for Thai children to look after aging parents, normally the parent will bring something to the party. What you do not mention is there will be other relatives that think Farang should look after them as well.

    Rules :- Do NOT buy a house just rent. Do NOT open joint account. Do NOT buy a car. If you want transport buy a scooter. Do NOT marry this girl. AND be ready to run at a moments notice.


    • Like 2
  5. I think someone is massaging the figures, we were told some time ago that there were 5000+ killed.

    The Government keep saying that these people are a small number of insurgents however 4 or 5000 killed surely should be treated as war.

    Muslims all over the world while not actively involved in these murders do little or nothing the help the authorities, therefore making them

    part of the problem.

    There is of course a simple solution to this situation, whereby Thailand gives up 2 of the 3 provinces. Just walk away and let the Muslims get on with it

    however if the cross border attacks continue treat it as an act of war.

    This may sound daft but at present the terrorists are in tiny groups that are difficult to deal with, if they have there "own country " they will have to deal with

    there own security, as well as all the other things Governments supply.

    That Government would be responsible for controlling the Islamist's. If the bombing continued it would be far easier to deal on the basis of one country

    attacking another. Plus the Government would be obliged to winkle out the trouble makers.

    Thailand would be better off because the problem in the South costs billions every year and will continue to be a drain on resources. The Muslims will

    not be happy until they get most of this land back. BUT by giving up a little land a long term problem could be solved or put Thailand in a position to

    deal more effectively with these people.

  6. Let the investigation take it's course. Thailand is not rife with serial killers or gangsters, most of them come here on the plane.

    This article does not make any sense, first he talks about suicide then they discover his hands tied behind his back.

    Surely the police could see him tied but then it is Koh Tao.

    As for your comments about Killers and Gangsters, methinks you lead a sheltered life.

  7. So how does it work? You spray your anus without using toilet paper? Do thais use their fingers to "clean" the anus by rubbing or scrubbing? If so, how do they clean their fingers when 90% of the time, there is no soap and no toilet paper in the restroom? Do they just rinse their finger really well? They once outside, they get some sticky rice, form it into a ball, then give it to their hubby to eat? Do Thais even think about the spread of bacteria? Or is it, "mai pen rai", don't think about it?

    Ahh Bum Guns, best things invented in Thailand. Use gentle spray, your not watering the garden. Keep your finger nails short, there is nothing

    worse than getting clutter behind nails. If your bum does not have an efficient poo clipper you may have to assist the gun with fingers. When bum clean wash hands,if there is no soap do not lick fingers. bah.gif

    Extra benefit is :- should you be a little constipated use hose to assist evacuation whistling.gif

    European system :- take paper and wipe bacteria all over, nasty. facepalm.giffacepalm.gif

  8. My earliest memories of flying as a young kid was being allowed to go and visit the cockpit..

    I think this reaction is a bit over the top - I wouldn't say it was a serious security breach because they were invited in by the captain...

    but as far as professionalism and safety is concerned, that is a totally different matter and of course this behaviour is out of order!

    you may not think it's a serious security breach but the world is full of Muslim nutcases who want to make a statement

    then go see Allah.

    If this pilot was married and his wife threatened to report him to the airline it's more than possible he crashed the plane.

  9. "In a gun battle that last 10 minutes later, the militants fled."

    This happens every single time. Do the Thai Army actually have any tactics, or do they all just dismount from the pickup and head for the front gate ?.

    So there are 5 armed terrorists longing to go see Allah free in Thailand. Watch this space to see how many they kill.

    • Like 1
  10. I don't quite get how the driver slowed down enough to be hailed down. Sounds like he had a chip on his shoulder. A polite wai couldn't cure it, which is a shame. It sounds like an honest mistake, and nothing to get up in arms about. The fact the driver went away, stewed in his own angry juices for a while, only to return with a gun is just madness. What the <deleted> is wrong with people? I hope they find him before the police do and kill him.

    Read full story, the car was parked to start with.

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  11. We were headed to Bangkok last week. In the fast lane of the motorway doing 100km or so. Quite a bit of traffic, moving along nicely, but lots of vehicles.

    I'm pretty good about keeping my distance. Tough to do here as even a small gap gets taken advantage of many times.

    All of a sudden, the cars in front were moving over. Fast. It happened quickly. They had blocked a majority of the fast lane with NO advance warning. There were 3-4 cones fairly near each other that were blocking off the fast lane, with maintenance vehicles right behind them.

    All you have to do is be distracted for just a few seconds, and you're into blocked lane and a major accident. I also see these water trucks all the time in Pattaya. No flashing lights, no workers waving a flag a bit up the road. Just there in the fast lane moving slow.

    The speed limit on the motorway is 120 KPH so what were you doing in the fast lane???????? AND when driving in Thailand your not allowed to be distracted

    for even 1 second.

  12. Norwegian tourist fatally injured in Koh Tao diving accident


    Photo: propellersafety.com

    A Norwegian tourist was fatally injured while scuba diving when she was hit by the propeller of a passing boat near Koh Tao in Thailand’s southern province of Surat Thani on December 22, according to local police.

    The Norwegian woman, identified as Silji Macdison, 22, sustained severe cuts to the head and on her left thigh as she was surfacing in shallow waters just off Koh Tao around 2.30 pm.

    A rescue team, with emergency medical services personnel, rushed to the scene of accident but could not save her life.

    According to police, Macdison was undergoing scuba diving course under supervision from an instructor from Scuba Junction diving school.

    Natakorn Meekwan, 23, the captain of the boat was arrested for recklessness causing death. The boat was carrying a group of scuba divers when the accident took place.

    The body of Macdison was being held at Koh Tao health clinic pending an autopsy to be performed at Surat Thani hospital.

    --ScandAsia.com 2014-12-22

    Why does Thailand have such a problem, separating swimmers from speedboats and jetski's. The ferry boats should be forced into lanes and kept away from the beach swim area.

    Boats used for diving could use jet packs rather than propellers and a speed limit put in place around the dive area's. Of course it would be helpful if dive company's took care of their customers.

    There are far too many "accidents" due to carelessness. Stop the police taking "tea money" and get them to enforce the regulations.

  13. a police presence on the roads in cars and pulling over all those that break the laws and issuing big fines, arresting drunk drivers and stopping unroadworthy vehicles would be a great start but as it would require police to actually do their jobs/ get out of the air-conditioned offices it will never happen.Why bother to have a police force if they wont do what they are paid for, maybe they should just bring in police from overseas to do it for them.

    When I lived in a village around 50% of scooters had no lights, nothing wrong with the electrics just need bulbs. Where were the BIB hmmmmmm

    no work at night

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  14. Some people will think this is suspicious but really there are a lot of people lose it in Thailand and depression or drugs are not uncommon.

    Very sad 24 and his life in front of him.

    IT IS SUSPICIOUS he was in Bangkok not Samui

    I would like to hear the parents explanation, he was an adult not a kid

  15. I know this religious based hatred has been going on for thousands of years but you got to admit, the Jews haven't slaughtered a school full of children. Muslims need to be the first line against their own extremists. They need to denounce these animals with the same enthusiasm the exhibit when some draws a picture of Mohamed. Get you priorities in order then ask for help after that.

    In fact this disute has NOT been going on for thousands of years. Islam came about in 630 ish AD

    AND at one time Isreal and Palestine fought the Romans together.

    However Islamists are non humans

  16. I thought UK licences were not valid here, you had to have an IDP or thai licence. Are you sure your insurance is valid with an UK licence?

    I suspect there would be no major problems apart from a small fine UNLESS you were involved in an accident of some sort. Get your thai licence now, it's easy.

    I,ve only been asked for IDP once but in any case an IDP only lasts one year. HOWEVER if the police realise you have been in Kingdom for

    20 months you could be in the poo.

  17. Good god, what a monkey! How the fark do you hit a child that you have just dropped off???

    By being untrained, stupid, and lacking in a single iota of common sense.

    I think your being a little unfair. He is a very small boy, if he walked directly in front of the minibus it's quite likely the driver did not see him.

    Of course if the driver was on his phone then he deserves to be locked up.

  18. “They [the Land Department] are checking the land deeds, which is their job.”

    Translation = someone got paid off to provide the documents and now they are deciding who is gonna take the fall for it and/or deciding who has to be paid next to make it all "legal" again.

    Same Same. These people rely on the fact that it will take years to go through the courts. Now if they stopped them using the resort everything

    will be sorted quickly.

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