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Posts posted by Travelman868

  1. Chaps (particularly the old boys), nowt wrong with pay4play if that's your thing, but always ask yourself why such and such person is with you. If you're having to spend money to keep them, listen to that intuition and move on to avert the inevitable. Avoid leaving brain at arrivals.

    Hope this chap can get back on his feet in his homeland.

    speaking as an "old boy" I can only agree with you. There is nothing wrong with paying for company however, it is totally stupid to give ANYONE access to

    your money.

    I also do not understand anyone on a limited time visa not having a return air ticket.

    • Like 1
  2. I really hope the world laughs at these idiots.

    This is the image Thailand wants in the world, they can have it. I hope the embassies keep goading them.

    This is a very childish and pitiful effort to justify their undemocratic behaviour.

    What is Democracy ?????????? Ahh I know, we get to vote every 4 to 5 years for a bunch of people who in the main, have never worked in their lives.

    OK maybe that's not quite fair but in the UK the politicians go to University, study politics then do very little in proper jobs.

    The US is a little different in that the politicians are very often business people trying to make more money. The Democratic Americans are allow to vote and

    then politicians do what they like to protect their own interests.

    And please don't tell me that Thailand is totally corrupt and the West is squeaky clean. HOW MANY of our DEMOCRATIC Governments have jailed the

    totally corrupt BANKERS and finance companies that have ruined so many lives over the past 20 years??????????

    When the Banks are found guilty of fraud they are fined, then WE the customers end up paying the fine through charges and then the next scam.

  3. I went to a Full Moon Party five years ago when I was 25, when I first came to Thailand and it was pretty much exactly like the pics in the OP.

    It gets a lot of criticsim about drug taking and anti-social behaviour etc.

    But I didn't think it was actually that bad. Sure, drug taking was widespread and quite open but it was no worse than say when I went to Glastonbury or Leeds music festival, in the UK.

    My main problem with the Full Moon Party was that it just wasn't very good, well overhyped with terible music, over priced drinks and full of idiots dressed in flourescent clothing and face paint.

    Accomodation prices on the island doubles whenever the Full Moon party is on, it's basically just one big rip off.

    if it causes so many problems the govt in Thailand could just stop it but it's too much of a money spinner ripping off backpackers!

    Glad I went to it, but I wouldn't go back, it's crap! Too old now anyway!

    I don't have a problem with anyone enjoying themselves BUT why do they have to be smashed out of their brains on drink or drugs. We have the same

    problem in the UK every weekend at a cost of billions. Maybe we should charge everyone who goes to a pub or club to pay for the clean up

  4. Are some of you for real. Disappointed that the police may have got it right, flunked the armchair detective course have we. Can't theorise about a murder can we, no more assumption or speculation. But wait, some of you are now chemists and know that this mix could not possibly kill her. One even goes to the stage of suggesting she would not want to kill herself. Many do not, but many take these concoctions to heighten their experience, not with the intention of doing themselves in but alas, some do make mistakes and end up going to far..

    Death by misadventure, most likely, suicide, a possibility but unlikely however definitely not murder. We even have one poster telling us the coroner did not care to find out the cause of death. Please understand, the coroners report has not been released so how can that statement be taken seriously. Why do not some of you read or is it you do not comprehend or are just picking pieces to suit your agenda? It's only a preliminary report, and these just detail the basics.

    Ok, please note, the Preliminary Report states that a combination alcohol and Valium was found in her system. You would need a large quantity of the drug alone to have an overdose but mixed with alcohol, a very deadly concoction. So why can't all of you who want to go off on your tangents of theories, assumptions speculation, accept that the poor lass was not murdered and, at this point in time, appears to have brought about her own demise and that it had nothing to do with certain people, corrupt police or even the so called mafia or serial killers, as some have suggested. Also, Valium and tramadol are readily bought throughout Thailand, without the need for a prescription.

    We would not theorise about these cases if the RTP did their job properly. Within minutes the RTP say no foul play, how can they say that. The man found

    hanged with his hands tied was "suicide" Really !!!! The boy found dead a while ago, was supposed to have fallen 50 foot without bruising himself.

    The RTP should stop speculating and give out FACTS.

  5. A valium and alcohol will have virtually zero additional effect, like an extra drink or two.

    Technically it's possible that it can kill you but I believe you would need to consume a huge amount of both alcohol and valium for this to happen. It wouldn't happen by accident.

    Certain painkillers which won't generally be available in Thailand are something different entirely, a few of them with a night of drinking can send you directly to the morgue just like all those hollywood types who occasionally die. They often take valium too but it's the opiate based medications that do the damage.

    The RTP say she had the medicine in her room, what they don't say is what meds were prescribed in the UK. If not from the UK why would someone that

    seemed to be a lively and happy person go and buy valium. Did she buy valium from a local pharmacy?? If not then who gave it to her

    Of course the alcohol may have been the illegal stuff that is sold on the Island and has been known to poison Farang's.

    Seems to me that there are a number of avenue's to be investigated but will it happen. One thing is for sure, the number of deaths of young people is

    far higher than normal.

  6. Quite a lot of Thais seem to think KT is full of gangsters killing foreign tourists too.

    Can't think why?

    Maybe it's because when a girl dies unexpectedly the police have the body out of the room within 15mins of discovery.

    Maybe it's because when two brits are battered to death the police announce it was obviously a gay person that did it because she wore bikinis on the beach.

    Maybe it's because of the foreign guys who commit suicide with their hands tied behind their back.

    Maybe it's because of all the dead foreign men who float around the island.

    Or something else?

    I think your being very mean 6 to 8 unusual deaths per year is normal, is it not !!!!!!

    The RTP should learn to keep their mouth's shut until they know for certain what happened, THEN they can make up fairy tales

    that are more convincing.

    Like the guy who hung himself and then tied his hands behind his back could have been training to be an Illusionist and it went wrong.

    The man floating in the bay went for a walk, the ground gave way and turned into water.

    AND the Mayor is not happy, I wonder why??

  7. Young people do not just drop dead of natural causes.. period!! If the Thai police cannot find a cause then you have to suspect foul play and a cover up. Cover ups are now a major part of Thai Tourisms remit.

    Although it's unusual young people can just drop dead HOWEVER there is normally a physical reason. They have carried out the autopsy I say

    " we have found nothing"

    Now there is a problem because Koh Tao's "CSI" are not very good.

  8. This girl's mother must have been aware when her daughter visited Koh Tao of the murders of Hannah and David. Unless her daughter already had a life threatening illness, she must be very naive to allow an autopsy to be carried out in Thailand. The girl was found dead on 21st January - 5 days ago so it surely wouldn't have been that difficult to have the body bought back to the UK in that time for an autopsy to be carried out. It doesn't take a genius to understand that 'No sign of attack' does not necessarily mean she died of natural causes or of a drug overdose. And 'No semen' doesn't rule out foul play. There's an interesting point raised on FB about the doors of the rooms in the In Touch where she was staying not being able to be opened from the outside with a key when they are locked from inside.

    She died in Thailand, therefore the autopsy had to be carried out there.

  9. I find it unfortunate that Chiang Rai is so often referenced in news item about death and drugs. There is so much more to our lovely province but it seems to be less news worthy.

    In the article the “sudden” loss of control sounds like an excuse. From my years of driving here it seems more likely he was trying to overtake other vehicles and the truck driver was unable to avoid a massive bus occupying his lane.
    I am pleased they have arrested and charged the bus driver.

    It's not an easy road to overtake and too many bus drivers just take a chance.

    Unfortunately the bus driver will probably get a small fine and be back on the road next week.

    • Like 1
  10. Murder Island continues in its obscurity. 23 year olds don't just suddenly die of natural causes, unless having had long-term illness and being at end-stage. She looks perfectly ok to me on the photo, and Twittering her stay.

    Another stinker from the Island of Death.

    As for the police punks, well of course they'd say it looked natural.

    The serial killer/s is/are still on the loose, no doubt about it.

    Not totally true, young people can die suddenly however there would normally by an obvious reason that would show up in the autopsy.

    Here we are a week and the RTP do not even know what the pills were.

    There are too many strange deaths on this island.

    • Like 1
  11. LOL, I'll believe it when I see it

    wai2.gifwai2.gif So there we were having a party burp.gif and some more friends turned up sorry.gif we said there is no booze left.

    Not a problem our friends said, we will go and buy some more. BUT ALL the shops are closed. At that point because only Farang has money

    the hands came out ( so normal) and off they went.

    20 minutes later they were back with supplies, I said shop closed they said we show money they say welcomeani.gifwelcomeani.gif

    Ahh life in a village where BIB work 9 til 5 then party burp.gifcheesy.gif

  12. First of all, either the marble is defective, or this guy has very potent urine!

    Secondly, "society" telling men that they must sit to pee? Just when you think that there aren't any other ways to shaft men (and boys), something else turns up!

    Marble unlike Granite is porous and does not like red wine or urine.

    As for shafting men and boys are there not laws governing that whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif

    • Like 2
  13. you don't have to have your own motorbike here but a scooter is a bloody brilliant way of seeing and getting to know the city. helps if you're at least a bit of an experienced rider mind.

    Two tips :- Don't try to keep up with the local kids, too many of their journey's end in the Temple.

    Go to a print shop with your passport and get him to copy at credit card size, then encapsulate. Hire people will accept this, do NOT give over

    passport. I use this in lots of countries as ID and always accepted.

  14. I hope the bar owner and moron are both charged and responsible for all medical expenses plus plus plus .... Land of Smiles my <deleted> !!!

    I would suggest that the tourist was a bit thick going out to a bar with £12 in his pocket. ALTHOUGH I agree that the guard was stupid.

    If you read the attached article it suggests that Pattaya is like the wild west and that is very unfair and untrue

  15. I do have a certain sympathy with the cab drivers. The traffic jams in BBK can add hours to a journey and the meters do not seem to take this into consideration.

    700 baht cost into BBK does not seem unreasonable, in the same way 1200 baht fare to Pattaya is OK. Rather than use meters why can't they charge a set amount to various destinations. In the case of BBK this could vary according to the the time of travel.

    Karaoke costs :- Chang Mai 4 people 140,000 baht, "pay up or we beat you" This scam happens all over the world, if there is no price list leave.

    HOWEVER what happens in Thailand is you end up being charged for ALL the girls or boys working there. It's important that you make it clear who is in your party.

    Better still if not sure walk away.

    I know people go on about the BIB but very few tourists have a bad experience with the police. If you break the "road laws" you may be fined but

    2 to 400 baht is small change AND there are no points to worry about.

  16. OP, reading your posts you come across to me as a little spoiled kid that depend on your parents to support you.

    Don't give me excuses you don't want to take money from your parents or you want to work.

    You are only thinking of yourself and how to enjoy your life on your parents expenses.

    Get a job first in Turkey, prove yourself that you are capable to conduct your own life and then start thinking of coming to Thailand and start partying.

    You are too young and inexperienced and dreams like that don't usually have a good outcome.

    I know you don't like what I say, but sometimes you have to listen to people with more experience in life than you.

    I wonder if Turkish boy will take Greek advice ????? coffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gif

  17. I wonder what sort of market research they have done. In the big cities such as Bangkok, Pattaya and Chang Mai I would not think of riding a bicycle.

    It is dangerous enough to ride a scooter in some roads. Bangkok does not have the road space for bicycle lanes and the pavements are not suitable.

    Then there are the villages, all the kids even the 8 year olds ride scooters.

    There are places like Udon Thani or Nong Khai where it would be possible to use bike's safely but they have not opened shops there. Thailand is not like

    Singapore where the drivers have some common sense

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