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Everything posted by giddyup

  1. Not true. I used a joint account in Pattaya for my first visa extension. As long as the account had 1.6 million baht, or more, it was accepted.
  2. A partial upper was what I went for, cost 17,000 baht and works a treat. At 82 the cost and lengthy procedure of getting implants didn't make much sense. I lost most of my teeth due to badly fitted crowns that allowed decay to get under the crown.
  3. Yep, obviously believing in a god has no effect on your moral compass.
  4. I thought Deadwood was pretty gritty.
  5. It's on all torrent sites, including the ones you mentioned.
  6. And some humans should be euthanized at birth.
  7. According to the television report the dog had been chained all it 's life, so much for "beloved pet". Plus the dog looked like it had a bad case of mange, so maybe abused as well.
  8. Carnage (2011) If you just enjoy great acting with no car chases or special effects, this Roman Polanski film is a doozy. Stars Christoph Waltz, John C Reilly, Jodie Foster and Kate Winslet.
  9. They don't stop because there is still a huge demand, especially for live performances. The Rolling Stones, Dylan etc still performing to sellout concerts. Wonder how many current bands will still even be remembered in 50 years?
  10. My favourites are Ideal, Peep Show, Nighty Night, Alan Partridge, Life is Short, Extras and The Office.
  11. After reading so many glowing reviews on the Brit sitcom Gavin and Stacey I thought it was worth a try. Gave it away after 10 minutes as it seemed very dated and not a bit funny. Maybe one had to be British to appreciate it.
  12. They won't even put a dog down in Thailand, so definitely no assisted dying for people.
  13. I did see it some time ago, but it might be worth another watch.
  14. You'll change your mind when the time comes. Believe it or not there's more to life than getting your end away.
  15. I'm 82, still driving the car, mowing the lawn, walking the dog etc. Not ready to lay down and die just yet.
  16. You know there's a big difference between 64 and 82. I never had any joint problems until I hit 80.
  17. I didn't have any knee problems at 76 either, a lot can change in 6 years.
  18. I'm walking at would be seen as a brisk pace, so I'll try slowing it down and 2 X 15 minutes as you suggested.
  19. I'm 6' 2" and weigh 84 kilos.
  20. my knees are giving out. At 82 I expect some wear and tear, but do I just persevere through the pain, or am I causing more damage by 30 minute daily walking?
  21. Paul McCartney still performing and releasing new albums at 82, don't talk rubbish.
  22. Started out OK but I got bored with it pretty quickly.
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