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Everything posted by giddyup

  1. No, that's true, but let me just say to my 82 year old ears they sound just fine. Plus all the correct features are there. I guess it's a question of how long they last.
  2. Can they be the real deal? I bought a pair of these from Lazada and they look and sound like the real thing, even the packaging is spot on.
  3. The driver was 50. It's a max of 10 years, don't think that's for each person, but I could be wrong.
  4. End of world cause by virus. Totally original premise.
  5. Not so sure about that. I don't believe that Thailand imposes the kind of penalties for vehicular manslaughter as most western countries. In fact it may only involve a heavy fine and loss of licence.
  6. Earth Abides. One of the worst first episodes of a TV series I have ever seen. Totally unlikable main actor, boring beyond belief where nothing happens.
  7. How did you feel after fasting for 15 days, must have been pretty weak.?
  8. Mind saying what health reasons caused you to fast for 11 and 15 days?
  9. Are you calling me a liar? I'm telling what was true on the day I went, what happened a week before or a week after I have no idea. Why the hell would I make something like that up?
  10. My partner is after a small used car in Pattaya, but neither she nor I has any idea what to check for in terms of ownership or whether the car is still under hire purchase etc. Any tips would be appreciated.
  11. They have the replacement pads on Lazada for 274 baht.
  12. Ear buds or cordless headphones, which are better to use when walking?
  13. Took my partner there today to get her 5 year licence, she was in and out in 30 minutes. The place was almost deserted, so would be a good time for someone needing to renew or even get first licence.
  14. I stayed there for more than two weeks and heard very little noise from the road or bar. It's not a girly bar with loud music, it's very laid back.
  15. Rich Man, Poor Man bar has nice rooms overlooking the beach, and not expensive.
  16. 65 is a way off 82, and if my families health is anything to go by, no history of cancer, and tend to die mid 80s, so living to 100 is not on the cards. Anyway, the decision is mine. 25 years ago I had doctor in Australia wanting me to have a biopsy for prostate cancer, which can cause all sorts of complications, and here I am 25years later with the only problem being getting up to pee a couple of times a night,. Of course the doctor was going to get a kick back from the specialist.
  17. No, the doctor didn't ask for one. Was your friend 82?
  18. There can be side effects from the procedure, internal bleeding, bowel perforation etc. If I was 10 years younger I wouldn't have hesitated, but at 82 time is too short. What if they had found something with the colonoscopy, what then, operation, chemo?
  19. I know I'm going to get a lot of flak, but I chickened out on having the colonoscopy, this was after I'd already taken the laxative (PicoPrep x 2) and <deleted> through the eye of a needle for 4 hours. I weighed up the pluses and minuses the following morning and decided that it wasn't worth the risks involved. Also I felt the gastro doctor was too quick to go ahead with the procedure and the hospital clerk was there clipboard in hand waiting to sign me up for the 31,000 baht procedure, but the cost wasn't the deciding factor. Will have to wait and see as to whether I made the right decision.
  20. Well I've taken your advice, saw the gastro doctor this morning and have an appointment tomorrow for colonoscopy and gastroscopy. Have to get thoroughly purged this afternoon, two lots of laxative to take and have to drink 2 litres of water both times. Drinking 4 litres of water over 2 hours will be tough for me.
  21. Gallstones with chronic pain.
  22. It seem as though cannabis has become the root cause of all evils. At 82 I don't smoke anymore, but in my younger dope smoking days I never ever heard of anyone overdosing on Marijuana, some people got a bit paranoid the first time or couldn't stop laughing, but that was the worst I ever heard.
  23. I've already had my gallbladder removed.
  24. Yeah, his last couple of attempts have been way below par, nothing like his earlier work.
  25. I'm sure the hospital is going to give me the correct laxative to take before the colonoscopy.
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