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Everything posted by giddyup

  1. So that would take 10 months of daily withdrawals.
  2. Long story short, I went through all the steps of getting married a few years ago with my partner of 15 years, like going to the Aussie embassy, getting translations done etc, but found out before I took the last step of getting married in a Amphur office that being married would impact my Aussie pension, so cancelled it. Now I'm 82 not too bothered what Centrelink might find out, so rather than go through all the same steps wondering what an agent can do to save me running around?
  3. The one thing that might make it a bit awkward is that I set a limit of 30K a day, so it would take some time to deplete or transfer the money in the account at that rate.
  4. No, I said that the SCB I Googled wasn't the SCB in Thailand, that's not to say a POD form or similar is not available here. Not up to you when a post gets closed.
  5. Are you a moderator?
  6. I'll ask the bank, but I don't think there is anything illegal about the surviving partner accessing money from a joint account.
  7. You are correct. I was mistaken, I got SCB (Standard Charted Bank), confused with SCB Thailand.
  8. I stand corrected. I Googled SCB but I got Standard Chartered Bank, which I believe in the US.
  9. If there is such a thing as a POD form, and it says there is online, surely that would allow the 800K to go to the person nominated.
  10. How would the bank even know if you were dead? There could be joint accounts with any of a dozen banks, not just in Thailand. Neither joint account holder needs permission from the other to withdraw money, why would that change after one dies?
  11. Looking online I believe there is a POD form available, at least with SCB. I have two bank accounts with SCB, a joint account with my partner and a fixed deposit for the 800K for immigration purposes. The joint account is no problem because the surviving partner automatically gets the balance of that account, but if the fixed deposit account could be automatically transferred to the remaining account holder, in this case my partner, it would solve the problem of having to go through probate or whatever is necessary for her to get the 800K.
  12. Too cerebral for you?
  13. Heretic, Hugh Grant at his creepy best. Really enjoyed this.
  14. I'm transferring quite a lot of music from my PC to my Oppo phone, but I can't see anywhere where it shows the status of the transfer, so I have no idea when the transfer will be completed.
  15. It's the one I always use for my bank letter for Immigration. Not usually that busy, so in and out in 15 minutes.
  16. Don't know the soi, but has a big "Moonlight" tree outside, the one with yellow leaves. Also has a big SCB sign.
  17. Maybe I'm jaded, but thought it was pretty average, and quite frankly, a bit silly.
  18. It was OK, but could have been a "made for TV" movie.
  19. You're a hard man to please if you don't like Breaking Bad.
  20. One of the best TV series I've seen, other than Breaking Bad, is a series called Get Shorty. There's 3 seasons available on PB. Give it a try.
  21. Think it's called The Son.
  22. Not from me. If I had my doubts about it being fake I could have returned it.
  23. No one knows that, even guys on death row. Unless you're already strapped to the gurney with a needle in your arm.
  24. No, that's true, but let me just say to my 82 year old ears they sound just fine. Plus all the correct features are there. I guess it's a question of how long they last.
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