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Everything posted by giddyup

  1. Believe you also have to have a registered business in Thailand.
  2. There is also the incentive of a very generous DVA pension.
  3. In fact, a lot of those fat, old retired whingebags are in Thailand on PTSD pensions. So that kind of defeats your statement.
  4. You must be reading an alternate Thai Visa, never see anyone say that.
  5. What part is confusing?
  6. I worked for DVA for a long time in different positions.
  7. That also applies to some posters here. Do you know how many dangerous criminals were released back into society because they convinced a trick cyclist that they were rehabilitated?
  8. I just gave an account above of a psychiatrist being easily fooled, and believe me I could name many more instances of the same thing. No doubt most were probably genuine, but a lot weren't. I did get to read all the case files, so have first hand knowledge.
  9. Who's laying down the law? I'm telling you what my experience and observations showed me after 15 years with the DVA. I saw psychiatrists approving PTSD claims for people, who as it turned out, never even served in the military, but gave false accounts of witnessing all kinds of atrocities. Watch any court case where psychiatrists are called by both sides to see how their opinions can be total opposites.
  10. There's no way of knowing exactly how many are genuine. Psychiatrists on whole are gullible people and will believe anything a client tells them. Perhaps I'm a bit cynical because I saw so much scamming going on.
  11. I worked for the DVA for many years. A lot of the PTSD claims were just scams to get TPI pensions so they could retire comfortably. When Vietnam vets reached retirement there was an avalanche of claims.
  12. It's a fact that the younger generation has produced a lot of snowflakes.
  13. Funny how a lot of them developed PTSD just after retirement. Gave them a nice little retirement package from DVA.
  14. White people have been enslaved by other cultures as well. Hundreds of thousands of Europeans were captured by Barbary pirates and sold as slaves in North Africa and the Ottoman Empire between the 16th and 19th centuries. I want reparation!
  15. How far back you want to go, Romans enslaving Brits? History is full of barbarism and enslavement. Move on.
  16. Three Thai relatives have all been scammed out of 50,000 baht each by a Thai "employment company" promising fruit picking jobs in Australia. The jobs never materialised and the money disappeared.
  17. Definition of scam: a dishonest scheme; a fraud.
  18. Somebody in Immigration is getting rich off these scams.
  19. Been here 13 years, it's home.
  20. Or, alternatively, they don't exist.
  21. Everybody has a cellphone, but nobody can get a decent picture, always blurred or out of focus. Why?
  22. Ridiculous to compare Bieber and Springsteen. Springsteen has written so many classic songs, I couldn't name one song from Bieber. Bowie wrote Major Tom, he was never an astronaut either.
  23. Just had another look. I think that Vivo has to be a fake at that price.
  24. I need a small audiobook player but all the MP3 players seem to have very small screens, so I'm wondering if something like a Vivo Y53 would do the job. They are available on Lazada at present for around 1100 baht. At that price they seem better value than an MP3 player with phone, camera and internet capabilities.
  25. Different countries have different ages of consent, ie younger. Does this mean they mature earlier?
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