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Everything posted by giddyup

  1. Well, sparks flew from the blade of the hedge trimmer, so obviously the current came in contact with the trimmer. I just tried the Test button and it flipped of the main breaker.
  2. No shock, and the cord wasn't actually severed, but the cut wires were bared.
  3. Had a new Schneider fuse box installed a few years ago as protection against any shorts or accidental electrical contacts, but yesterday managed to cut the power cord while using an electrical hedge trimmer. It didn't sever the cord completely but sparks flew and the bare wires were exposed. When I inspected the fuse box I was surprised to see no fuses had flipped off. This concerns me a bit as I don't see the breaker box giving us full protection. Am I right?
  4. Why would they run, don't Thais own cars?
  5. Next time you might find all four tyres flat and the car keyed, what's your next step of retaliation?
  6. Who are you going to point to if you find nails in your tyres or your car has been keyed down the side? You might suspect the shop owner, but proving it might prove difficult.
  7. I found it pretty repetitious with the fight scenes. Not something I'd want to watch again.
  8. Haven't had a tooth filled for years, and the ones that were filled have all been pulled.
  9. That's what I thought. Never heard of renewing online.
  10. Why did it take 7 weeks to get? The last time I renewed 5 years ago, I reckon I had the new passport delivered within about 10 days from application.
  11. Hypothetically, what happens if you're too old, and or sick, to make a trip to Bangkok to renew your passport?
  12. Had a couple of molars out a few weeks ago, which only leaves me top and bottom front teeth. Don't know if it's just coincidence but I seem to be producing a lot of saliva to where I'm constantly swallowing and it also is affecting my speech. Obviously a doctors checkup is in order, but wondering if the loss of teeth could be causing it?
  13. Here's the link I saw. The catch is it's for 1000 million baht. https://www.google.co.th/search?dcr=0&sxsrf=ALiCzsZRkfZ8shAZOnhRb1L03Lai80q-qw%3A1663664668083&lei=HIIpY7LeBMuaz7sP3ICQMA&q=best fixed deposit rates in thailand&ved=2ahUKEwiy3MPsgaP6AhVLzXMBHVwABAYQsKwBKAR6BAhJEAU&biw=1594&bih=699&dpr=1
  14. I can't find the link, only this one which is only 1.5% https://www.scb.co.th/content/dam/scb/personal-banking/product-sales-sheet/deposits/special7m-fixed-deposit-en.pdf
  15. I'll put it in my partners name, she's Thai.
  16. Just transferred a few million Baht and want to put it in a short term, no longer than 12 months, fixed deposit account. I'm with the SCB and they are currently offering 2.60% for 6 months, does that seem OK?
  17. Can't find this on fmovies.
  18. Woulda, coulda, shoulda. It's money that someone would have inherited anyway, no sleep lost.
  19. You are correct, I was a tad agitated when I read that ANZ charged 3% for overseas transactions, it wasn't specified that this was for credit cards, but am happy to pay $30 for a $200K transfer. However, my opinion of ANZ hasn't changed. and I will be transferring the balance in the next couple of weeks.
  20. I only paid $30 transfer fee on $200K.
  21. I transferred $A200K this morning. ANZ were pretty diligent in making sure it was me, including a callback for passport details etc. They did ask what the funds were for, but that would be a formality, I could have told them to pay off a loan shark.
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