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Everything posted by giddyup

  1. No, it's not. My parners family are all from rural Issaan, all hardworking people, not a drug addict or user among them.
  2. "How couldn't do a runner"? Can't make any sense out of that, and what's a "shuffle"?
  3. Well I had my gall bladder out on advice of a Thai doctor, could well be dead if I hadn't.
  4. I sympathise, but you can find those petty bureaucrats in just about any country.
  5. I'm 100% legal as well and been doing it myself for 11 years without a hitch, cost 1900 baht.
  6. At least he never did a runner, he accepted his punishment like a man.
  7. The price of good quality furniture in Thailand is either on a par with or higher than a similar product in a western country, even if made here. I wanted to buy a nice pair of bedside cupboards, price here around 6000 baht each, made from rubberwood. A similar cupboard in the UK made from oak would cost around the same.
  8. Hardly taboo information. If Immigration is happy for falangs to use agents to sidestep having the 800K in the bank, who are we to argue?
  9. I, like a lot of others, had two Pfizer jabs, one at Bkk/Pattaya and the other at Central. Wondering if anyone has heard anything about a follow-up booster shot?
  10. Not at all. I often see the word hunt used in trying to locate someone, often a killer or criminal of some description, ie "The Hunt for Bible John", a doco featured on torrent sites recently.
  11. I use SCB and have a daily limit of 30K set. Have no trouble drawing that from ATM's.
  12. I gargle twice and then drink some water but the hoarseness remains. If I talk for too long I start to lose my voice.
  13. This question is for Sheryl. The doctor at Bkk/Pattaya hospital prescribed a Symbicort Turbuhaler for mild COPD about 3 years ago, but one of the side effects is hoarseness, which doesn't disappear even with gargling after every use. Is there something similar that will help with the COPD but not have the same side effects?
  14. Did you pay the nearly ten thousand baht your link shows? I can't believe how crazy the prices are on Lazada. I only saw mine at 4300 baht for a couple of days, and now there are sellers asking 6000 baht for the same model! I'm sure that's well above the RRP.
  15. I bought it two days ago for 4300 baht, must have been a 2 day special, now nearly 5000 baht. Some sellers selling it for 6000 baht.
  16. A heads up for anyone in the market for a cheap tablet. I just bought one of these Samsung 8.7" tablets from Lazada for 4300 Baht. Gets very good reviews and does everything I need a tablet to do.
  17. There are 39 houses in our gated community, average cost 4 million baht, every house has been bought by a falang for his Thai partner, or a couple that are in company names. Multiply this by the thousands of falang bought houses, and condos, plus motor vehicles, motor bikes etc, and yes, I would say falangs have contributed significantly to the Thai economy.
  18. The last person hanged was in the 60's and the death penalty was totally abolished in 1973.
  19. Moderator, please close this post, I believe it has run it's course.
  20. I don't need to hear from half baked gurus as to how to live my life. If I wanted to learn meditation techniques there's a hundred to choose from on YouTube.
  21. I see your meditation hasn't taught you to be above bickering or using insults, so might I suggest you refrain from further comments before I ask the moderator to close the post. Or is that your intent?
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