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Everything posted by giddyup

  1. Torrent Galaxy has HD Rip-Cinema 4, whatever that is. I think it is one of those Slots advertising movies. Thanks for pointing it out, I've deleted it and wait for a better copy.
  2. VENOM Let there be carnage, now available most places.
  3. FINCH starring Tom Hanks, a robot called Jeff and a dog named Goodyear. I really enjoyed this, if your eyes don't get moist at the end, you have no heart.
  4. To those people that recommended the Wim Hof breathing technique, many thanks. Have been doing it several times a day for the last 3 days and the depression has lifted somewhat, not totally disappeared, but it's early days. Have also been soaking up some early morning sun for 30 minutes a day as well, and maybe that's helping as well. Antidepressant meds will be a last resort.
  5. I'll try to get the missus' rellie to buy some leaves from a market in Bangkok. I don't always trust the quality of some products from Lazada.
  6. I don't intend abandoning my Thai partner of 12 years to return to Australia, so there is no EXIT strategy. I thought I made that pretty clear, or are you asking so you can boast how well organized you are?
  7. Might not seem particularly strange, but they are all sitting next to each other, and it struck me as the kind of thing Larry David would do for a laugh.
  8. I imagine it was done tongue in cheek, but the new series of Curb Your Enthusiasm has a white guy, a black guy, a butch lesbian and an obese woman in a wheelchair.
  9. Making the most of every day isn't so easy when you have that big black cloud hanging over your head. It can take away your sense of enjoyment. Winston Churchill who suffered with depression called it his "black dog". He must have learned to live with it though, he lived to a ripe old age.
  10. I came here 11 years ago, bought a house in a gated village in Pattaya, and can't say I've noticed any radical changes, other than Covid restrictions. I have no health insurance either, have enough funds to cover a short term hospital stay, but that's about it. I could return to Australia and get free health care, but would have to rent, and not sure if my Thai partner would be happy there, or me either, she's no spring chicken and I'm nearly 80. So, I've made my bed and just have to accept what happens. Getting old is not much fun wherever you are.
  11. I didn't take your post as trying to discourage me, but I just want to try an alternative first. I've always been a lazy sod and other than a bit of walking avoided exercise like the plague. It's pretty hard to start lifestyle changes at 79, but I'll give it a try with more walking, more sun, and the meditation.
  12. I've always been like you, my first thought when hit with the panic attack was to run out and buy a packet of smokes, even though I've quit for more than 8 years, but I was looking for that quick fix, a big lungful of nicotine. Second thought was to rush to the doctor and get prescribed some medication. I've never meditated in my life, but I found a YouTube channel, Meditation For Beginners, and been giving that a try, it's basically just breathing and relaxing. It's early days but I'll try and persevere. I'd rather not put more chemicals into my body unless totally necessary. I already take medication for high BP and gout, rather not add any more to the mix.
  13. So if you are still taking Sertraline, how long has it been, and do you stay on it for life, and what are the side effects? Or were you taking it just to get you through the rough patch? Pretty sure I won't be reading the book you suggested. Reading about depression while depressed may not be the best therapy.
  14. Are you still on antidepressants? Did you try any other alternatives like meditation? I tried a couple of breathing exercises and it did seem to help temporarily, but like a lot of things you have to persevere before any real results.
  15. I have a very bad back, plus knees and hips aren't what they used to be, so I'm not going jogging up Pratumnac hill as suggested, but according to the post I'm just being closed minded. You can buy St John's wort from iHerb or Lazada.
  16. I get the breathing from stomach to chest, but not sure how you breathe to your head, other than through the mouth like everyone else. I guess if it works for you, that's all that matters.
  17. How is the "weed gel" taken? Just Googled it, taken in capsules. What are the effects of the gel?
  18. Clonazepam was actually prescribed for my RLS and works very well. Just don't use it on a regular basis, otherwise, as you say, it quickly becomes habit forming. Nothing else works as well for my RLS.
  19. Meditation is my first step. Try and clear negative thoughts.
  20. Marihuana can also increase feelings of anxiety and paranoia.
  21. Yes, my dog gets plenty of attention, he's only small, Schitzu size, but he's my shadow and gives great comfort.
  22. Antidepressant meds will be a last resort for me. I'll start with trying meditation, which I've never done before, more exercising, more sun, and see how that goes first.
  23. There are a few symptoms of thyroid problems in men, depression can be one, but I'm not suffering any of the other symptoms.
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