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Everything posted by giddyup

  1. It happens pretty frequently, and it's one of my pet peeves. Not hard to name the source where you either streamed it or downloaded it.
  2. It's a tad frustrating when people recommend a program, but then don't say where, or even if it's available.
  3. Do you honestly think you can remember everything you've ever experienced? You really must have a phenomenal memory.
  4. Maybe some of you have, but I never did and it's something I regret, especially as I'm fast approaching the big eight-0. I've lived a full and varied life, with a lot of travelling, and a few serious relationships to spice things up, but it would have been nice to be able to read my feelings and thoughts at any given time, as my memories are growing fainter with each passing year. Would a journal have been a good thing to refresh these memories?
  5. I see some Apple refurbished tablets on AliExpress.
  6. I watched "How To Lose Friends And Alienate People" (2008) last night, never seen it before but it was funny and enjoyable. Stars Simon Pegg, Kirsten Dunst, Megan Fox and Jeff Bridges.
  7. Anyone else finding the new season of Dexter as dull as dishwater?
  8. Tried it, but gave it away after 15 minutes. Not really that funny.
  9. I just watched episode 1, which was OK, but what was strange was that it showed a flashback from a previous episode. Not sure how this was possible if this was episode 1.
  10. You may well be right. I didn't read the packet, the missus cooked it, I just ate it. But as far as I know beef can be defrosted and refrozen without any problems.
  11. Not sure how you could miss it, but it ruined it for me.
  12. I gave it away because the subs are too big and bright yellow.
  13. Bought a couple of these at Big C Extra yesterday for 155 Baht, and have to say it was pretty damn good, very, very tender. More than enough for two people, unless you're used to Texas BBQ's. It came in vacuum packed plastic, so could be frozen if needed. Best Thai beef by far in 11 years of living here, in fact better than a lot of the imported beef I've bought.
  14. He's gone the way of other once A list actors, he'll take anything that he's offered, no matter how trashy.. He's worth $250 Million, so why he needs the bucks beats me.
  15. I don't mind subs, but they were just too distracting and intrusive.
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