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  • Birthday 01/24/1948

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    Buffalo Ban Buriram

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  1. Even in Europe it is easy to buy a chain saw but getting the salesperson to admit that there is such a thing as a chainsaw file, and even, if we get really nerdy about it, a correct chainsaw file size is a persistent battle. Then comes technique of filing. If you are using you saw a lot you might want to buy a chain sharpening machine, which you will also have to learn how to use. Anyway: as far as I remember, the round file should be 1/5 larger than the hole it is filing. You also need to file down the depth guages from time to time. I'm giving you what is basically useless information, most of us learnt it professionally and I find it a scam that saws are sold without instructions as to how to maintain the chain. Don't rely on information from Stihl, the chains are interchangeable, good luck.
  2. I worked self employed in Switzerland for 40 years, and I paid more than my employees as it was assumed that I was going to cheat anyway. A ruinous divorce took the rest and I managed to get to Thailand by the fur of my teeth and two suitcases. So now I learn that the globalists (ASEAN) are going to take another ฿23 000.- from my barely adequate income and I'm not too happy about it. They couldn't intervene in the ongoing Myanmar conflict(s) but invent taxes, yes, they managed that.
  3. Nice! Those are what I call Firebeans, which are judged difficult to grow in my part of Europe. I must admit, I never even tried runner beans once I had found Yard Long Beans, and I hardly grow anything that I used to grow back home.
  4. You got it the wrong way round. Suppose you weren't a typical Biden supporter, who only reads news sources that support your world view. In that case, you might see that the "Insurrection" was't an attempted insurrection, both legally and in intention. Trump's last-minute Tweet urging people to stay peaceful was immediately censored, appeals by Trump to call the National Guard were refused, people like Joe Biden were still claiming years later, that FIVE policemen had been killed, security guys politely invited people onto the premises, thereby making them automatically in breach od the law... etc etc. Never mind, it took 4 years of Biden to ensure that it was "never again:" time.
  5. In most villages around here (Buriram) we are instructed to burn all rubbish. This includes plastics of course. There are sill a few places where we can leave rubbish if you know where to look. A lot of rubbish appears overnight at the roadside. Anecdote: I once saw a school bus stop next to a "no tipping" sige, and a kid jump rubbih there. Education? You have to teach the adults first.
  6. Fish dying during hot weather will often be due to a lack of oxygen in the water. Pumping up ground water should be combined with some kind of aeration, like a fountain, or a solar paddle wheel thingy like you see in public parks. Hope that helps.
  7. No mention yet of the possibility of kidney damage possibly causing back pain. `A blood test which includes uric acid level as a parameter can clear up that question.
  8. It is beyond me, that people haven't read the literature concerning saturated fats. They are not harmful, are in fact desirable. https://www.jacc.org/doi/full/10.1016/j.jacc.2020.05.077?fbclid=IwAR1v-IS6yVRkvsY5alEAqgKIbr9MbyyNQHI6u8ODveZPrc9TjQjvalm3AQw& and https://www.zoeharcombe.com/2020/06/cochrane-saturated-fat-reviews/?fbclid=IwAR1o2QWrxy3F4K2xK6HrCnMfSnmG1jnPfOFor6ZpGsqAHGyxp-txCqXYAJ0 Pretty extensive trials have shown that high levels of Omega-6 are present in all seed oils and that if they overweigh the amount of Omega-3 significantly, they are harmful. AND... why does nobody ever mention coconut oil? Olive oil is likely contaminated with other, cheaper oils and will have started to oxidise in your kitchen, which is a complicated reason for not using it, no matter how expensive it is.
  9. You have little idea of how immigration or any office works. You think they might not find out about it and not tax us?
  10. Five years ago, I asked about the 90 days thing, and was told that I can "avoid" it by paying the fine in advance for the year to come. I think it was ฿2000.-?
  11. 1. My granddaughter spent the summer allocating TIN numbers to people that didn't already have one, and this included a few Farangs. 2. I have a Thai ID card for Farangs, and she tells me that the number on that card is the same as your TIN. So all you guys that have the pink card don't need to worry about that. 3. I watched the video and decided that it was useless, at least in my case. 4. At the local tax office they don't know what is going to happen, and they will likely as not interpret all this in their own inimitable, Thai fashion. So WAIT and see. 4. I asked at Immigration, their reply was "Why worry about something that hasn't happened yet?". I agree. Just WAIT
  12. I can't imagine that a pressure washer of normal dimensions would damage roof tiles (unless they pick it up and drop it). The only things you can change on a washer are" distance from the object being cleaned and intensity of the jet. Just tell the guys to start with an open jet (not a direct, pinpoint jet) and see how it goes. It will be difficult to ensure that no water at all will penetrate between the tiles, but that applies during heavy storms anyway.
  13. Well, yeah, that's a good, rational argument. McD's say they have no trace of her ever working for them They checked twice. That doesn't matter. What matters is when people have their precious world view challenged, and respond with "that's a lie".
  14. Oh, it's substantiated alright, even MacDs has said they can't fing any record of her employment. Try reading something else than your current news source.
  15. I have seen Turmeric planted in such situations, and believe me, after a year or two it really takes over. Cash crop also. Plenty of other tropical herbs are equally useful.
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