So, I have been driving my granddaughter 70 kilometres daily right through kindergarten up to government 'technical college' as they call it. In her previous school we received, at least three times, on a Sunday evening, the SMS "No school tomorrow'... or next week, Covid evidently, so I guess acceptable.
I had thought that a technical college would have got their act together as far as basic stuff like schedules etc are concerned.
Now, three weeks in, I don't think that a single day of lessons has finished at the scheduled times, meaning I get a come get me call at inconvenient times, like when I am eating, etc. On Friday night on Facebook... Facebook! she saw that she had to go to school on Saturday for a health check, probably take all day. So that was my Saturday plans all effed up. Got her there before 8am, nothing happened before 09.30am, and she was finished at midday.
At least we know when her Autumn break starts, that's a first, but don't know when the break finishes.
Is there any point in complaining? Is this generally the case in Thailand?