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Everything posted by crazykopite

  1. No thanks I’m only interested in casual dating the last one was 3 months before she started showing her true colours
  2. Why leave it so late you are allowed to renew your extension one month before the expired date
  3. The only people attending would be the elitist crowd spend the money on those who cannot afford to feed themselves or there children .spending all that money for a few hours gratification is totally absurd
  4. I wouldn’t use that airline if they gave me a free ticket
  5. You would think working from that height the workmen would of been in a metal cradle not dangling from a bit of rope . Health and Safety in Thailand is zero it’s time the government issued stringent rules for workers protection
  6. At my local walk in street market last Saturday there were well over 300+ people squeezed together within cms of each other so what’s the difference or can you only get Covid because your in a room drinking beer and having a dance “ The Mind Boggles “
  7. And we all know what happens with Thailand’s web based systems there forever crashing when your half way through it !!!!!!!!
  8. ????Because he likes to pollute the atmosphere if he does that to his car he must run his air 24/7 in his property
  9. Look at the MG very affordable I hired one for half a day to see if I liked it and for the price I thought they were of good value however as I have a car already my intention is to go to the Bangkok car show at the beginning of December to see whats new as I fancy going 100% electric
  10. OMG I never had to go through all that mine took 20 minutes to do .My Thai neighbour came with me confirmed that he had known me for ex amount of time all they wanted was the names and birthdates of my parents who had both passed some 30 years prior signed a couple of forms had my picture taken paid 200 bight was handed my yellow book and pink ID Card and was told due to my age there would be no requirement to renew either the yellow book or ID card all this happened some 4/5 years ago . I suppose it comes down to different offices have different requirements by the sounds of it I was lucky as the process was straightforward
  11. Yes you must both go to your own embassies to fill in forms confirming your past marital status .then you need to have them translated into Thai and go to your local office to get wed when I did it we completed the whole process in a single day . You should note that if your marriage ends as you got married in Thailand you can only get divorced in Thailand I can confirm this from personal experience
  12. He needs to register the new house to get an address also there is the requirement to pay yearly land and property taxes every April
  13. Do I understand then with life time if you were to die tomorrow then the agreement you made dies with you and cannot be left to a family member. I built property but by way of a company I built two houses one that I live in and the other for rental income on completion I received two blue books as each property has its own separate address I then got a yellow book and a pink ID card issued by the tessaban with my name on it in the house that I live in as I was over a certain age the issuing officer told me that the book and card were for life , my friend who has now returned back home had what you have his was for 30 + 30 years he also had a yellow book in his name as suggested by another reader if as you say you are using a lawyer maybe it’s better to see what advice he offers . One thing you also need to do is make out a Thai will and deposit a copy at your local government office . It should be noted both property blue books are in the Thai company name my two grandchildren inherit the company on my death
  14. Just read the report it say’s the majority of Brits want to retire to Spain or Portugal did I miss something there are a lot better places than Thailand that you can retire to I would never of put it into the Top Six has a brown envelope found it’s way to the author I did read that the PM was presenting gifts to some has been actor for promoting Thailand as a wonderful place
  15. The message is very clear do not come to Thailand if you enjoy going to bars and entertainment venues as they are closed but it’s okay to sit in your hotel room and drink yourself silly
  16. Do they think that these two peoples posts are going to bring back the millions of tourists ????????????
  17. Plenty mainly those who used to work in the massage industry and now use Tinder those who have stayed have told me I make a mean breakfast it’s very simple open a packet of mama noodles and place a couple of fried eggs on the top ????
  18. Why is it always as far as your concerned old people who come looking for there hole if the bars aren’t open then there who t ge any bar girls it appears you have a very negative attitude towards the older generation of which I am one of them and if I want a bit of female company I don’t do the bars I use Tinder of which I currently have 33 likes
  19. One set of complete dentures I suffer with acid reflux which causes me to throw up if I have a full set of dentures The only way to get around this is not to have a top palette and to have similar to the bottom where the denture fits on your gum
  20. Stay away from it a friend of mine has just been scammed in the last month to them value of $75,000 which has effected her financially big time
  21. I see another u turn coming from the PM countries such as the U.K. are seeing a purge in a new wave Russia has gone into complete lockdown for 11 days due to over a 1,000 deaths a day
  22. They need to bring there prices down I have been quoted 700,000 + baht for all on 4 dentures I could get it cheaper in the U.K. which is what I am planning to do once I am confident enough that I will be able to return to Thailand without all these stupid restrictions
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