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Everything posted by crazykopite

  1. I was stopped several years ago by 4 police officers way off the main road I was very polite after all I have been living in the Kingdom for 18 years. They asked me to leave the car and put my hands on the car roof while they spread eagled me and did a body search at the same time two officers searched the inside of my vehicle I was worried that they would plant something and then try to get money out of me but they didn’t they thanked me and let me go the only thing that confuse me was they didn’t look in the trunk of the car nor did they lift the hood of the engine they asked me where I was going I pulled out my pink Thai I’d card and told them I was on my way for a hospital appointment but I will admit to being very nervous as it is well known on the island that the police like to collect T Money !!!!!
  2. Pigs will fly 30 million is a pipe dream it has just been reported that Koh Samui a major tourist island had 200,000 tourists in January this is the peak season if you do your maths over a 12 month period at an average of 200,000 that is well short of what it was before Covid I would be amazed if they even hit the 20 million mark especially now that they are introducing a 300 baht surcharge only time will tell .
  3. I’m confused this friend was involved in the accident and was the deceased friend so why was he not asked the name of the driver and his details
  4. When I joined them British army in 1969 I was issued with a dog tag ( ID Disc ) it has been on my neck ever since and it will be there when I go up in a ball of flames at my local temple, however in my 18 years of living here in Thailand I have never left the house without my wallet or mobile phone which has a picture of my passport and my current visa stamp .
  5. As he was on holiday I would presume he hired his bike on the island where I live the majority of the bikes rented out have the name of the hire company I would of thought that it would be easy to locate the business even if it meant going through the transport office to see who the bike was registered to RIP to the deceased my sympathies to his family ????????????️????????
  6. The Thai police are a very honest bunch they would never extort money from a tourist how dare this lady make such an accusation
  7. At least we knew where we stood with him unlike the current administration who flip around like no tomorrow
  8. Deport him Putin is looking for conscripts to go to the front line it sounds like this fella is what Putin is in need of .
  9. Corruption is rife in all of a Thailand foreigners constantly get ripped off from the moment they step off the aircraft until the moment they get the flight back home and the Thais from the government down think it’s okay that this should happen after all it’s only foreigners let’s rip them off
  10. I thought this 300 baht was to cover hospital insurance or from my recollection that was the initial announcement
  11. Good Luck on that the banks will laugh at you I once asked my SCB if I could have a credit card they said yes but you have to deposit 100,000 baht to cover what you use on the credit card and the credit card would only allow spending of 15,000 per month . I’ve been living in Thailand for 18 + years and have 3 good pensions more than the required amount set by the IO
  12. Don’t worry I’m 72 years young next month and still in full working order the massage Lady who comes to my house on a weekly basis for the last year can vouch for that . I have to tell her to stop screaming with pleasure as I worry what my next door neighbours are thinking . Happy Days ! Live today as your Last Day as none of us know what tomorrow brings .
  13. The hospitals and Temples will be overloaded come February all thanks to the idiotic health minister who is clueless
  14. This is purely to satisfy there Chinese friends they don’t want to be seen as only checking those coming from China so the idiots decided to make the ruling world wide and let’s not forget the Chinese vaccine was deemed that useless that all those given it in Thailand then had to be given an alternative vaccine . This new ruling is going to kill Thailand tourists industry unless they do a u turn very quickly
  15. We don’t have an airport it was debunked years ago as for the figures it’s all BS and during the FM party the electricity kept blowing every hour or so yesterday I had no electric for nearly 4 hours I live in Baan Tai maybe they have included Christmas and New Year in that 100 BM as it certainly wasn’t made from the FM which ended in the early hours of Saturday yet 24 hours they come up with this Magic Figure I know for a fact that most of the bars shut up shop by 11.30 as there were very few customers as they had all headed to all the different parties that were going on
  16. So they come up with this magic figure 24 hours after the full moon party ended Amazing Thailand !!!
  17. Agree you only have to look at the ferries that go between the islands and main land they are rust buckets not so long ago I was stuck on one of them for over an hour because the doors to allow passengers and vehicles to disembark were ceased up in the end the ferry had to go back out to sea turn around in order to get the doors on the stern to open it was farcical I missed my hospital appointment
  18. That maybe so but did it have sea trials Immediately after the upgrades and was it issued with a sea worthy certification there are many unanswered questions which will remain unanswered unless a full independent enquiry with no government interference is authorised
  19. I have stayed in a number of hotels around Thailand and not one of them have asked for proof of a covid vaccine I even flew to Bangkok two weeks ago and the airline company didn’t ask for proof of a covid vaccine
  20. I thought it was against the law to spread false information and those guilty could be imprisoned for such a crime !
  21. ???????????????????? Very sad RIP either mistaken identity or he had upset someone ☹️☹️☹️
  22. What was she doing on the balcony and what time of the day was it if we knew these answers we could them surmise what actually happened was alcohol involved rather than the railing getting blamed for her demise
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