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Everything posted by crazykopite

  1. A Captain is meant to be the last person on board the ship they are charged with I would of thought he would of gone down with his ship and the poor souls who are still interned in the sunken vessel
  2. If the Thai navy ships are as bad as the Ferries between the islands a sea worthy vessel certificate should never be issued the standards between sea worthy craft in Asia and those in other countries of the Western World would deem them to the scrapyard RIP to all those who perished and yes a full enquiry should be held by independent investigators to ensure nothing is brushed under the carpet with no interference from the Government
  3. Open a wise account it’s very simple I sent 25k over last week it cost around £145 but was sat in my Thai bank account in.ems than 2 hours if you send £1,000 it normally takes less than 3 minutes last week I managed to get 43 to the £ today it’s 41.990 so I did okay the good thing the rated change many times during the day so you need to keep an eye on it I have a GB account with them where I hold money so it’s l most instant as I don’t have to transfer monies from my U.K. bank avoid doing transfers at weekends as the Friday rate is all weekend plus it takes much longer to reach your Thai bank so best do it Monday to Friday
  4. You are correct Armagh in a county in Northern Ireland which is part of the U.K. like me he might have two passports one English and one Irish if he travelled to Thailand on his Irish passport that would be the explanation for the Republic of Ireland to deal with it . Very sad it appears he did not have insurance cover during his visit as the insurers should cover for the repatriation of his remains ????????????????????
  5. They ask if you can pay prior to giving treatment if you say okay , if you say NO it then depends on the hospital from experience Samui government hospital are normally very helpful they have an office that deals with overseas patients Tina who heads it is very helpful she goes out of her way to help those in difficult circumstances sadly most tourists have never ridden a scooter till they come to Thailand and rental bikes don’t have insurance to cover those who hire them
  6. Very easy to get the yellow book and pink card they do have there advantages when I got mine it took all of 30 minutes and cost less than 500 baht and as I was 65 I never have to renew it last week I purchased a car no need to go to the IO and pay for a certificate of residence I also get discount at my dentist and I always show it when I go to a government hospital although I’m not sure if I get any discount
  7. Can see big fat brown envelopes being handed around
  8. It would be more financially sound to fine him 20,000 baht than to go to the expenditure of locking him up and giving him free B&B then giving him 7 days notice to leave the country
  9. I agree with your comment but no one forces you to go into a bar until the government change the law and ban smoking in public areas you will have to put up with it by the way I don’t indulge in any form of drugs unless coffee is classed as one !
  10. They missed out on opening up weed businesses around the country and are jealous of those who had the brains to act quickly !
  11. 16 days overstay yet it takes 6 police officers to track him down when they should be out hunting those who have entered Thailand to escape justice in their own country for serious crimes like drug dealing , murder and rape
  12. If I’m visiting Samui i go to Boots but as i live on Phangan i use a very good pharmacy behind the Bangkok bank it is my understanding the pharmacist who is a very nice and helpful lady works in the government hospital so Monday to Friday it only opens at 5 pm and closes at 9 pm Saturday and Sunday it’s open from 9 am until 5 pm her costs are excellent compered to other pharmacies on Phangan hope this help
  13. If we looked at the road deaths in Thailand I am confident that the majority are very much younger than these two souls who perished I would like to think it was an unfortunate accident and not a suicide pact may they both rest in peace ????????????????????????
  14. If it was a couple in their 30s or 40s would the same question be asked age is just a number a very unfortunate accident I can only hope that they held each other’s hand whilst the perished in the klong may they rest in peace ????????????????????????
  15. Does it matter what visa he has I don’t think so if he’s got people running it on his behalf he’s just the investor he’s only 49 so he won’t have retirement ( extension of stay )
  16. Get the hell out of there ! a bullet in the head you end up dead is that really worth it NO cut your losses and learn from the experience Thais are the wrong people to upset if they lose face anything can happen .
  17. These people contribute to the local economy can the IO afford to go around arresting overstayers with the prospect of deporting them
  18. Spy ! Is this the next Ian Fleming model let’s be honest he was grassed up by an individual who he may have upset
  19. Your home is your castle everybody has a right to defend there property and those who live there . I would of done the same had someone had entered my property to steal and possibly injure members of my family
  20. Immigration have been tipped off she obviously has upset someone all she has to do is pay the overstay fine it’s pointless placing her in detention make her pay the fine and tell her to,leave the country
  21. *Deleted post edited out* Both parties have to be there and agree to everything including finances if you get married in Thailand you can only get divorced in Thailand .
  22. If you married in Thailand and your wife is happy to divorce you it can be done at the local Tamban office 500 baht however if that is not the case you have to go to the court which is a lot more expensive they will grant it as you have been separated a number of years she doesn’t even have to be there I looked into all of this and in the end decided to remain married after two failed marriages I’m not going down that road again a weekly massage home service is more than enough to keep me more than happy
  23. He will be in Ukraine by the end of the month
  24. I don’t live in a gated community but I have CCTV and the property is gated and walled plus I have buildings and property insurance . I also have a nice baseball bat next to my bed although as yet I’ve never had the need to make use of it security camera light bulls with a built in alarm are not expensive you can buy them on Lazada for around 500 baht
  25. The lesson is don’t announce your going away and purchase some WiFi light bulbs you can put them on even if your on the other side of the world . I would of thought they would of rented out the houses rather than leave them empty .As for for 50k mountain bike must have more money than sense
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