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Everything posted by crazykopite

  1. Tourists ! I bet most are either Thai or expats returning to the island having been caught out due to the Covid travel ban
  2. What happened to the other 6,000 +as we were told were arriving on Monday
  3. It’s okay to have 100s packed into markets but try and have a drink after 9 pm is a no go and yet they expect tourists to come back and put up with these restrictions it’s not going to happen and the people it’s going to hurt most are the ordinary workers the governor is okay with his pots of monthly money
  4. Mainly Thais returning home they are not tourists in all honesty the people I see returning will be Thai nationals or ex pats who got caught up in Covid and are returning I cannot see many tourists arriving until early next years providing the restrictions have all been lifted
  5. Anyone who doesn’t insure there property is an idiot my insurance covers me for 10 million baht and as I live on the beach I am covered for a the sea breaching my property I also have contents and indemnity cover for guests staying either in the main house or separate apartment 10 million doesn’t sound a lot but if my house was washed away it covers the cost of the total build at the end of the day I still have the land . I would of thought that all condos would of required buildings insurance unless it’s covered in the yearly management fees . My insurance costs me 16,500 bag to per year I paid a lot more when I lived in the U.K. and that was 16 years ago
  6. Cash your money in and pay upfront in cash that’s what I did there are no pockets in shrouds you cannot take it with you and the way the Thai economy is going interest rates will rise in the near future at least when you reach the pearly gates you leaving knowing your wife has a paid up home to live in for the rest of her life
  7. What a pathetic response the guy has a contract it doesn’t matter where in the world he lives and it’s not a Thai he is dealing with the owner is a miserable French Frog .It sounds to me that you have gone through life giving into people you need to grow a pair of B@lls
  8. Did you pay a deposit up front or did you pay rent in advance if you like the place I would stand my ground and tell the agent you won’t move until the contract is up or until you find a suitable place if you have a solid agreement then there is not a lot the landlord can do except making your life a misery if it were me I would refuse to move unless he is prepared to refund the rent I’ve already paid if it was you breaking the contract that is what the landlord would be demanding
  9. A former GF sent me a video two days ago to wind me up she was in a bar with many others knocking the booze back and listening to a live band so who is telling the truth she sent it to me as I had mentioned to her that I was fed up waiting for our little island to open up rather than to be serving beer under the counter in tin mugs the date and time was on the vid so I knew it was real
  10. That’s why I installed my own transformer when I built my property
  11. I’m hoping the BKK car show will still go ahead in the first week of December to see what EVs are being shown Nissan have the Nissan Kick no need to plug it in as it has a small petrol motor that charges the electric batteries it’s just over a million baht for the top end model . I have been doing a lot of research the bad point is there are very few charging stations and living on an island such as mine it will be years before it happens so I would have to get an in-house charger installed which could end up rather expensive . I would love to go down that route but I think Thailand has a lot of catching up with the rest of Asia and let’s not forget the ridiculous taxes on imported cars !
  12. Funny you mention this as last night I was having an in my home deep cleanse scrub finished by a coconut massage I asked the girl why she did not advertise on the web / FB her reply was that she did 3 years ago but all she got was abuse ,she now has a really good client base and they recommend her as was in my case and seeing that she employs five staff she must be doing something right . I have a one page website advertising one of my properties the pictures and description work fine for me when it comes to renting nothing worse than going thru pages of verbal when you can cover it with a single page !
  13. Try and avoid anti depression tablets most people I know who are on them are now addicted to the medication however having said that I don’t know the answer to your depression and I can only advise you to seek medical advice . I do know someone who takes the weed gel that is now legal in Thailand and they say it has worked wonders for her . Hope you manage to sort your problem out ????????
  14. In with anger out with love buy your wife some flowers and apologies it’s that simple It appears you have allowed Covid to take over your life to such a state it could end up ruining your marriage ,you need to take a step back and look in the mirror and ask yourself how you have managed to get so wound up over using the alcohol sprays . You’ve got more chance of catching something if you don’t wash your hands after a dump than touching a pair of chop sticks “ Calm Down “
  15. A couple of months ago the 3 million baht cover that all banks guaranteed should they go bust was reduced to 1 million baht and very little warning was given which makes it difficult for some foreigners who like my friend deposited 3 million baht to get a 10 year type visa I made him aware of the situation and he managed to open up accounts in several banks to protect his money I think he told me the 3 million had to be in the bank untouched for a number of years whether having drawn out 2 million to protect his money will have any effect on his visa I’m sure at some stage he will find out . I to reduced my balance under just under the million baht by purchasing a jet ski which I was going to do anyway . It’s no good having 3 savings accounts in the one branch either as only one account would be covered I think it’s highly unlikely they would go bust but having been a share holder in the U.K. Bradford & Bingley bank I lost several £1000s when the U.K. refused to step in and help them so now days I don’t take any risks
  16. They can increase to a 100 but there is no guarantee that people will jump on an aircraft knowing the amount of restrictions they have to go through just to get here !
  17. The numbers appear to be increasing again don’t be surprised if we have another lockdown before Christmas ☹️☹️☹️
  18. It’s only October between now and December anything can happen after all this is Thailand this administration changes its mind on a daily basis
  19. Now that the curfews are ending it appears the administration still want to control the people it’s a bit like China ☹️
  20. Your company is still active as you never closed it down therefore you have to ensure that you submit a balance sheet every year which it appears you failed to do hence the 40,000 baht bill on top of this you will have to submit accounts for the end of this year . I suggest you don’t ignore it as you are living in Thailand if you were overseas that would be different . I am surprised your accountant if you have one failed to contact you ,it’s a case of bite the bullet and pay up . To close down a company is expensive maybe you should try recoup some of your money by selling it that would be the cheaper option however you have to clear any debts one being the 40,000 bht
  21. OMG a Thai woman who know how to use an iron you are a very lucky fella It seems you made the right choice
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