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Everything posted by crazykopite

  1. Looking at the marks on her body I wouldn’t say that was rough sex he’s given her a good hiding by all accounts . As for what he did to her downstairs did he think he was eating his dinner he needs to be given a lesson on how to treat woman
  2. Thai citizens are allowed to own guns as they are allowed to own weed plants but we farangs aren’t allowed anything even if it’s to protect our selves
  3. We don’t have taxi service on Phangan only the B Beeps for two or three hours it will cost you a fortune rent a scooter and ride around yourself but I doubt you will get anything over that period try some of the hostels in Thongsala or bring a tent and pitch up somewhere there are speedboats that run all night for Samui to the full moon you might have a better chance getting accommodation on Samui
  4. The prices for accommodation on the island has gone crazy I went to my old landlady yesterday to ask if she had a house available when I lived there it was 15,000 baht per month plus electric for a bed and a fridge not even a rea spoon was in the place 15,000 for a 1 bedroom villa I thought was okay at the time as I was getting more baht to the £ yesterday she gave me the price of 25,000 baht. It as I had stayed there a long time she would do it for my friend at 21,000 baht per month and you pay for the electric the prices have rocketed since the Russians arrived on the island
  5. There all running away from conscription I wonder what Putin will do to them when they have to return to Russia will they be cast aside and regarded as cowards there are as many on Samui, Phangan and Koh Tao at least it makes up for the number of Chinese who have failed to come to Thailand so the current Government will be more than happy and now they can make more money by extending all those visa applications
  6. The time has come that those apprehended by the U.K. police forever should have all travel documents / passports taken from them whilst further investigations are taking place
  7. Why are they struggling to get the insurance company to cover the cost they have a contract with the insurers
  8. Yes I believe in God although I know I have sinned meany times . I don’t go to church this is due to my being forced to during my early days when I enlisted in the military, having said that in recent months I’ve attended my local temple due to friends cremations one day I will be attending my own to go up in a big cloud of smoke I hope it’s not for a few more years when the good man upstairs decides to call me home ????????Amen????????
  9. I was in Bangkok the other week loads of sex toys for sale in the street might markets a rubber penis was going for 1,000 baht mine is free to any lonely woman in need of help .
  10. I have to conclude that he is very wealthy when you consider just the cost of the air-fare let alone the 100s of ££££s he sends each month maybe he has a secret family in the Kingdom
  11. Have to assume you listened to Putins 1.50 hour speech yesterday how great the economy was I thought it was total BS
  12. Don’t know why he is complaining Thailand is currently overrun by Russians who are running away from conscription into Putins war
  13. If the young lady does not hold a licence to drive a scooter/ motorcycle then the insurance company have every right to withhold any medical payment / expenses
  14. Poland is not Russia I can only conclude that his life could be in danger as he has mixed with the wrong crowd back home and now his wife is in fear that her monthly allowances are about to come to an end maybe she should of made sure he didn’t abuse his education visa zero sympathy from me .
  15. Once they wake up and realise that tourists have decided to go to more inviting countries they will once again do a u turn but that may be to late the only thing that they will achieve is the tourism industry suffering
  16. Great news we don’t need people like this guy in Thailand it ruins the reputation of those of us who come to live a peaceful retirement in the Kingdom lock him up and throw the key away
  17. Was there on Saturday mid morning it was absolutely ridiculous standing in line for more than 30 minutes plus just to get into the departure area totally unacceptable
  18. A little late me thinks should of been there within hours of it happening it is highly unlikely that there will now be any survivors but I suppose the Thai government will say “ Better Late Than Never “ RIP to the poor souls who perished sadly there will be a lot more deaths due to the freezing temperatures, lack of shelter and lack of quality clothing ☹️☹️☹️☹️ 5 million baht donation will just about feed one meal to all those left homeless how embarrassing are you sure it wasn’t 5 billion baht
  19. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  20. How do they know are they checking everyone’s passports I’m a Brit but I tend to us $ when abroad
  21. I think there are more Thais vaping than tourists at least the tourists go home after a couple of weeks the Thais are here permanently if weed can be legal then so should vaping I do neither so I have nothing to worry about as for non smoking in public places that’s the joke of the year
  22. Hard discs on 3 police helmet cameras damaged I suppose the next thing is the actress will be blamed for attacking the officers with her handbag and causing all the damage
  23. I was brought to a bar in Bangkok forget the name stunning young woman all in a line you just pick one you like and she comes over and chats to you they are not bar girls they are University students who need to earn money to pay for there university fees they are highly intelligent , polite and up front unfortunately most girls , ladies have to go down this route as this is the only way they can make there dreams become a reality of course if you come from one of the eletist families money is not an issue .
  24. You can take the girl out of the bar but you can’t take the bar out of the girl . Ivie seen this many times over the 18 years I have lived here foreigner pays the bar big money as he wants the bar girl to live with him only to find a few months later she is bored and misses the bar and social life . So what is a bar girl she is an individual who has little option but to sell herself to pleasure a man’s desire that cost is determined by the girl herself but it’s normal that you also have to pay the bar 500 baht in order that the lady can exit the bar for the remainder of the evening
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