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Everything posted by JimmyJ

  1. "Quote Investigator: There is no substantive evidence that Mark Twain who died in 1910 said or wrote this joke." https://quoteinvestigator.com/2018/10/17/diaper/
  2. "The Harder I Practice, the Luckier I Get Gary Player? Arnold Palmer? Jerry Barber? Jack Youngblood? Lee Trevino? Ethel Merman? L. Frank Baum?" https://quoteinvestigator.com/2010/07/14/luck/
  3. "QI has found no substantive evidence that Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) authored this remark." https://quoteinvestigator.com/2020/12/23/fooled/ Snopes in agreement.
  4. "Quote Investigator:There is no substantive evidence that George Orwell who died in 1950 made this remark." https://quoteinvestigator.com/2011/11/07/rough-men/
  5. "Choose a delivery option: Friday, Aug. 5 - Wednesday, Aug. 17 AmazonGlobal Flat rate Shipping" On checkout bill, calls it "Flat rate shipping promotion". On all other pages does not list it as "promotion". Items of course have to be shipped by Amazon. Shipment 1 is 3 light small items, shipment 2 is 1 light (3 oz.) item. Total price for all shipping: $9.95 to Chang Mai, Thailand Have not completed order but got up to "Click to pay".
  6. "Great service too." Bought at a Samsung store? Have you needed service on the phone under Warranty? If so, do you bring it back to the store where you purchased it? Or have to ship it somewhere yourself? At your own expense?
  7. Can you explain why these buildings are an exception?
  8. "CPU: Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 (US), AVOID CPU: Exynos 2200 (UK)" Did you purchase while In the US?
  9. @Sheryl I'm going thru the same currently. Most of my wants are similar to yours. If you don't mind, would be interesting to learn which models you are considering, or which you have chosen. (And why).
  10. The USA has (officially) dropped 1,178 bombs under Biden. The USA is continuously at war. (Pentagon publication) https://www.afcent.af.mil/Portals/82/November 2021 Airpower Summary_FINAL.pdf https://www.salon.com/2022/01/11/the-us-drops-an-average-of-46-bombs-a-day-why-should-the-world-see-us-as-a-force-for-peace/
  11. Here's the 1st link that turned up in a search - penalties for passing a stopped school bus in the state of Florida: https://www.rhinolawyers.com/penalties-for-passing-a-stopped-school-bus/
  12. In the USA when a schoolbus stops and puts out a red Stop sign and/or Unloading sign, traffic indeed halts in both directions. That is obviously NOT the case here. All schools also have road signs posted in their area to SLOW - SCHOOL ZONE - while school is in session to 25 mph/ 40 km per hour. And all traffic does slow. Serious penalties for transgressing. Am I also a "Thai basher" for pointing this out?
  13. In Thailand or online probably via the Lazada Samsung store.
  14. If purchased thru Samsung store on Lazada, what is the procedure if repair needed? Can I bring it to a mall Samsung store and they deal with it from there?
  15. Never had a 5G phone - I assume they must be backwards compatible with 4G LTE and 3 G? I.e., if 5G not available phone will use 4G LTE, if not available will use 3G.
  16. Anotherwords, purchased not from a Samsung store but an online seller or a non-manufacturer b&m store. Warranty valid? ALSO - What is the procedure? If under warranty, can I bring it to a Thailand mall Samsung store? Ever told "That phone was not intended to be sold in Thailand. You need to do repairs thru (e.g.) Korea cs"? Or does owner have to ship it at his expense, possibly out of the country, even if phone was sold officially in Thailand? Other issues?
  17. Time to close this trolling thread? Some posters enjoy stirring up the same discussiom over and over, sermingly because they enjoy the turmoil. And/or they are upset that some are willing to spend money for an agent's services to make life easier and avoid hassles. People who do use agents and appreciate their services need to realize that pointless threads like this could eventually harm the agents abilities to help customers. Hopefully the OP has gotten his jollies off by now. I suggest let's end this post - no need to respond further.
  18. Great info, thanks. I have a few questions - Do your phones have the Exynos chip (listed for the Global) or Snapdragon 865 (listed for USA)? I know nothing about these - only that the video and posts I saw were very specific re: getting the Snapdragon 5G and not the Exynos. Just read GSMArena's review and reader comments - numerous battery life complaints re: the Exynos but the Snapdragon supposed to be better. I see Snapdragon was in the USA/Japan/Korea/China models and Exynos for rest of the world. _________ "The battery of my first has lasted far longer than any phone I've ever owned." You refer to how long till it needs charging? How long does it typically take to need charging? ___________ Are there any features of the S20+ or S20 Ultra that would make them worth considering? (I imagine not since you passed, just curious what features I'd be missing). _________ It is dual SIM plus takes an SD card, but if the SD card is used it takes up 1 of the 2 SIM slots. Is this correct? Or a 3rd slot for the SD card? ________ Never had a 5G phone - I assume they must be backward compatible with 4G LTE and 3 G? ________ Thanks for your help.
  19. @Gaccha - You mentioned in another thread that you have 2 Samsung S20's. As mentioned, I'm interested in the S20 FE 5G with Snapdragon 865. How recently did you get the 2nd one? Do you have exactly the model and chip I've mentioned? Battery life? Anything not included that you wish the phone offered? Did you get a 2nd due to an issue with the 1st, or you liked it so much and wanted a backup? Very interested in your feedback.
  20. Probably the most amazing 58 seconds you will see this year...
  21. I.e,. way out of touch with the phone market for a long time. My phone is also my computer. Will probably be purchasing it in Chiang Mai or from Lazada/online. Will not be purchasing from a SIM Card provider (e.g., True). I would ideally like: 1) Dual SIM (Apparently that is standard in this region); 2) Large screen (Although probably all phones suggested will be at least a bit larger than my current 5.5"/13.97 cm phone); 3) Wifi Calling capability (using a USA SIM card I have which accomodates that); 4) Long battery life; 5) Lots of storage (SD card would be nice in addition to at least 125 if not 256 internal - or at least 256 internal w/out an SD Card); 6) Some way - hardwired or not - to screencast from phone to TV (this is probably standard). Current phone works on LTE/CDMA and GSM. That's ideal, but plan to be in SEA predominately. Open to any price if it makes sense/fills a need, but normally look for the best for the least. I am not a gamer, so do not need a high refresh rate I don't think. Don't take a lot of pix. I probably would not miss much of what's included with the flagship top of the line phones. Reading Sheryl's "Looking for a Samsung" thread, someone linked a Samsung phone review Youtube video of about 6 months ago. Watched that, then read hundreds of comments. Both the reviewer and several posters agreed that the Samsung S20 FE 5G with Snapdragon 865 is worth getting/a great phone, and that the S21 and S22 are only minimally different and not worth the extra cost. Unfortunately, the battery life is supposed to be less than many other phones, so not sure about getting this one. Whatever I buy I hope to be able to handle it in a b&m store first before online ordering. Open to any brand. Interested in your suggestions. Thank you.
  22. That's been going on for 60 years or more. 1940's big bands used to tour long after the big name bandleader had passed away.
  23. Will start reading up on these this weekend.
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