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Posts posted by Banzai99

  1. Yet I'll wager the Bertty tells all his friends back home what a wonderful life he has in Thailand......secretly regretting the day he set foot in the kingdom, slithering off to his lonely 2500 baht a month fan room after the air conditioned shopping malls close, surviving on Boiled eggs and mama noodles wondering how he will survive the month on his paltry income..

    Living the dream Bertty ? rolleyes.gif

    • Like 1
  2. He will have come here with the Koh Tao story ringing in his mind.

    Gets here and gets fleeced by a bunch of Thais who then beat the crap out of him to add insult to injury and will then go back home and possibly report to his local press of how truly violent and dangerous Thailand really is for tourists as he has found out first hand.

    Repeat this a few times.

    Slowly the message will get across.

    Has the message got across to you, if so, where will you be going instead of Thailand ?

  3. Hold on just a minute, i thought that the TAT stated that the tourists were flocking back to Koh Tao after the police had apprehended the "murderers". Like i said typical propaganda published because they think we are all stupid.

    So the new slogan for Thailand should be " Come to Thailand, we dont have ebola, but plenty of other ways you could mysteriously die "

    I cant believe that Hannah and David have not even been buried for 5 minutes and all they are worried about is getting the tourist numbers back up.

    they must be feeling the pinch, i know quite a few people who are now swerving Thailand for there holidays and instead going to Vietnam instead, people fed up with this blatant cover up and do not feel safe visiting somewhere like this despite empty promises of beefed up security blah blah blah.

    so people are going to Vietnam because of the KT murders ?

    You are delusional, I tell you what, why don't you leave Thailand in protest, or don't you have the same convictions, are you only good for spouting out your hatred on an anonymous forum, makes me wanna puke!!

    ThaiVisa home of the guys with really strong opinions, as long as they can stay in Thailand at any cost!

    • Like 1
  4. "As a woman I would like to express my gratitude for Malala's courage and determination. She fought for women's rights even though this almost cost her life...Today, everywhere in the world women still face gender inequality in many areas, including education, and women are still the victims of violence and torture, she said."

    And what did Yingluck do to address the issues of gender inequality (Gender is a non factor when your family's wealth can buy you power), advancing education and domestic violence while she was Prime Minister? The only right she fought for was her right to take as many shopping trips as she could fit into her schedule.

    I bet she has done more in her life than you ever have, or will.

    • Like 1
  5. I don't see it as my place here to 'educate' the locals. I just go with the flow.

    Educate the locals ?

    Farang arrogance at its ThaiVisa best, makes me sick, I want to be in a food court when you try to educate me or my kin, you will have a whole new thread to write.

    I was trying to educate the locals when this 6' 3" inch 105 KG Farang put me on my azz, picked up my Bike and snapped it in half, OMG what can I do ?

    Don't forget to spank the troll's little botty.

    That"s part of the package. smile.png

  6. I'm surprised he actually used a key to open the safe, normally they do it with a potato.

    I actually feel sorry for you, you must lead a very sad life, obviously you have nothing to do and worst of all , aren't intelligent enough to write something funny, humor I enjoy but stupidity I don't

    Errrr, it's true.

    • Like 1
  7. And I remember to have read in TV that our dear PM declared that the situation in the South was improving.

    Maybe he was saying the South Pole?

    Can't keep their trap shut for one minute, Thai arrogance is inbred, comes from all the decades of ignorance.

    Yeah, and anyone moving to such a country would need their head examined..............oh wait a moment.....

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  8. ALL Thai women are hookers, in some way, shape or form. They are culturally socialized from birth, to "please" a Thai man, regardless that they may have no real feelings for the man. Every foreigner in Thailand should READ Thistlewaite's book "Money Number One", to get a clue.coffee1.gif

    I've been here since 1990 and I should read a book to tell me how it really is ?bbcheesy.gif

    YES, if the shoe fits, then definitely wear it! Otherwise, there's no need to be defensive, if the Richard Forbrain label doesn't apply to you. Capiche?coffee1.gif

    Haha, what an idiot, generalizations are abound in books about Thailand, the reality is usually somewhat different.

    When you some day go to Thailand, you'll agree with me.

  9. Didn't you know? Thai women just love to be seen with alcohol smelling farang in a wifebeater. They really are different than the rest of the world.

    FYI ~ A farang wifebeater will definitely been looking to shorten his life, by beating on a Thai woman. Only Thai men enjoy the right to both beat and even murder a Thai woman, with impunity

    Another guy with absolutely no clue, I have known many Thai women abused by their Farang husbands, and guess what, he hasn't been or wasn't killed.

    Have any of you guys actually been to Thailand, and if you have, is it for longer than a 2 week holiday, some of the <deleted> I see on ThaiVisa is stereotypical and nothing to do with reality.

  10. ALL Thai women are hookers, in some way, shape or form. They are culturally socialized from birth, to "please" a Thai man, regardless that they may have no real feelings for the man. Every foreigner in Thailand should READ Thistlewaite's book "Money Number One", to get a clue.coffee1.gif

    I've been here since 1990 and I should read a book to tell me how it really is ?


  11. Yes of course looks matter, as well as personality, as well as wealth, attitude, age, you know. the normal things that human beings do, the only way you will find it difference in Thailand is if you pay for a prostitute, the same as if you pay for a hooker anywhere, she'll normally take you anyway, as long as you're paying the price she thinks is worth it, like the old Farang men I see with women 20-30-40 years younger, do you really believe that if it wasn't a financial contract she would be seen dead with him ?

    No chance, she just happened to be born into a poor family, if different, there isn't a chance in hell she'd be with a Farang old enough to be her Father or GrandFather, anybody who thinks different is delusional.

    Honestly, some of you guys seem so green

    • Like 1
  12. Sorry Banzai. but they appear to have made legitimate protest illegal, not to mention martial law. You wouldn't be suggesting that we all go out and break the would you?

    If I felt strongly enough about something, I would break any law that is only enacted to protect the very people I am protesting about.

    In this case I don't believe the Police have done wrong and have got the right men.

    So no protest from me, how about you, how solid are your convictions ?

    A protest outside a building is about the most useless thing a guy can can do in a situation like this.

    I have a number of questions about the actions and findings in this case. But this does not motivate me to take leave of my senses.

    This country clearly has contempt for freedom of speech. I guess we are being asked to respect that aspect of the culture.

    Yes this country has different laws to your home country, but you always knew that, you still moved to Thailand though, so you accept their laws.

    • Like 1
  13. Sorry Banzai. but they appear to have made legitimate protest illegal, not to mention martial law. You wouldn't be suggesting that we all go out and break the would you?

    If I felt strongly enough about something, I would break any law that is only enacted to protect the very people I am protesting about.

    In this case I don't believe the Police have done wrong and have got the right men.

    So no protest from me, how about you, how solid are your convictions ?

    That's a convenient reply Banzai, thousands of

    people coming together on social media to protest and voice there concerns about something they disagree with is more powerful than 50 people standing outside an embassy waving signs about. Get with the times grandad.

    People are already taking notice, the telegraph have written an article about the Burmese being scapegoats and questioning the RTP's conduct in this case.

    Do you think that TV is the only forum with these topics on?

    So, are you going to physically protest or not, I'm not, because I believe the Police are right, how about you ?

  14. Sorry Banzai. but they appear to have made legitimate protest illegal, not to mention martial law. You wouldn't be suggesting that we all go out and break the would you?

    If I felt strongly enough about something, I would break any law that is only enacted to protect the very people I am protesting about.

    In this case I don't believe the Police have done wrong and have got the right men.

    So no protest from me, how about you, how solid are your convictions ?

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  15. So, how many TV CSI Armchair Detectives and Special Agents that have been slagging off the Thais from day one are willing to go to protest outside a court of law against this travesty of justice ?

    Thought so.

    Are you totally gormless?

    You just dont get this do you!

    It is people like you who are slagging off the Thais by going along with this blatant deception and thinking that the Thai people are stupid enough to believe this farcical display of police work.

    We are disputing inconsistencies in this shambolic police investigation.

    Like ive said in previous posts, its not the first time that the RTP have performed such shenanigans so why are you sure that this is any different?

    Read, research use your own brain and then come back and post.

    So, instead of spouting off totally useless posts on an anonymous forum, have some conviction, get yourselves together, form a protest group and go and protest.

    Go and do something constructive, instead of pointless whining and whinging, do something tangible for once !!

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