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Posts posted by Banzai99

  1. True words Rob, I'm quite sure Hugh Hefner wouldn't give a toss what judgmental ThaiVisa members think about his love life, if he has ever heard of ThaiVisa that is, somehow, I doubt it.

    I was in Tokyo and I saw an older Japanese guy with a stunning young Japanese girl, I thought to myself, what's he got that I haven't, guess what, he had a Ferrari F40 parked round the corner.

    Even though I'm a ThaiVisa member and have flocks of Thai Chinese Girls from powerful families beating my door down to get at me, in the real world it's different. I know a lot of people, an example in Pattaya is, an American , retired Airline Pilot, great pension, 60 years old, married a 19 year old stunner last month, he loves Thailand.

    On the other hand I know my mate D____, English guy, 60 Years old, ain't got a pot, let alone a pot to pizz in, has lived on his wits for years, has no pension and is always worrying about money, he stays alone in a fan room and lives on Mama noodles and Boiled Egg sandwiches, he hates Thailand.

  2. Village Farang. I admire very much what you have done and achieved in Thailand, I know Thai teachers must retire at 60 on a pension, but what about you?

    Unless you have been paying into a pension scheme in your own country, how do you live now?

    I was an English teacher and met young Farangs who were settled and married here, but they were not concerned about their old age.

    I never had a career, just interesting jobs along the way which people would offer me. For some reason people liked me and offered opportunities without me having to ask. The last job I had came to an end about twenty years ago.

    For example, I taught a little, worked a 2 and 1 rotation in the Middle East, did a little modeling and some TV shows, worked in a five star hotel and helped a guy with his export company. I entertained his buyers when he couldn’t make the flight from New York.
    A few years back I bought Apple at around seven dollars on an adjusted basis and I still have most of that stock, so I am doing quite well there.
    I have no pension, social security or insurance, except for the required car insurance. I have grown much more conservative with investments as I have aged, with the main goal now being capitol preservation.
    I never really bought into the whole career idea. My goal was always to work as little as possible and quit as soon as possible, and that is pretty much what I have done.

    So in other words, you never got caught. wai.gif

  3. A member for less than 30 minutes asks that sort of question, well, I have a fairly good idea where this is going.

    Of course, it's yet another thread designed for taking pot shots at Thai women.

    It should be closed immediately, but it's click bait, so it will stay.

    And so these type of threads go on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, ad infinitum

  4. I think if you live in Thailand and are giving opinions of life in Thailand from a personal point of view, and people think you're a tosser, it might bother you,.............. but it won't bother you too much will it, seeing how you are thousands of Km's away and don't live in Thailand.


    Wouldn't, and doesn't, bother me a bit under either scenario. I find it sadly humorous. And it goes a long way in proving my point: retiring in Thailand can be boring.

    Yep, I'm living in Thailand and wishing I was in the States, I miss the violence, it's a cross I have to bear............

    • Like 2
  5. I think if you live in Thailand and are giving opinions of life in Thailand from a personal point of view, and people think you're a tosser, it might bother you,.............. but it won't bother you too much will it, seeing how you are thousands of Km's away and don't live in Thailand.

  6. True @ Commercial Diver, what can a Farang contribute ?

    A Farang that came by choice to live in Thailand wants to change it to be more like his home country......If it was more like his home country would he have wanted to move here ?

    Is it just the age of ThaiVisa posters and the amount of Alcohol they throw down their necks a contributing factor towards the negativity, who knows.....food for thought perhaps. smile.png

  7. How many of you experts came to Thailand of your own free will, married one of these uncaring selfish people and live in this backward 3rd world country by choice ?

    You could try Spain if you like good weather, and as you experts know, the Spanish are very Family orientated, and there's no way they don't care for their kids, right, just like all us White folks, hang on a minute......


    Looks like Europes out, you could try the Americas, hang on a minute.....

    There's 372,000 reported drowning deaths per year worldwide, oh my god, what does that mean, that nobody gives a toss, uncaring, uneducated and with a mai pen rai attitude just like these subhumans you choose to live amongst ?


    Oh, and Catweazle, your 23 years here is less than many many others, including me, so it means nothing, just seems like you should have left 22 years ago. thumbsup.gif

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  8. My god, if I was thinking of moving to Thailand, and visited the TV forums first, I'd stay as far away as possible.

    You got that right.

    Negativity tends to get a little amplified on TVF. It's a sounding board for peoples frustrations at certain aspects of living in Thailand.

    Beyond the keyboard I don't think most people are that negative.

    True enough I suppose, I guess if it was as bad as it's made out to be on Thai Visa, the posters wouldn't live here.

  9. The global statistics for deaths by drowning are quite horrendous, so Thailand is not alone in losing thousands of young souls to drowning.

    Don't let this get in the way of declaring Thai people as unfit parents, after all, this is ThaiVisa, the hub of Thai bashing.

    In Western countries people have accidents of all types and they are just that, accidents, the same things happen in Thailand, but on ThaiVisa they are attributed to Thai stupidity, Thai uncaring, Mai pen rai attitude, etc etc.

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  10. Yet another topic where we will get pages and pages of insults directed towards Thai Women and anything associated with Thailand.

    If I owned this site I'd be starting threads like this everyday from a multitude of accounts, tremendous click bait.

  11. There's only one safe way to use the roads in Thailand ... that's in a tank. This is not the first time a cycling tourist has been killed and because the Thais don't care it won't be the last.

    Looks like Americans don't care either. http://road.cc/content/news/134142-more-cyclists-being-killed-us-roads-%E2%80%93-changes-correlate-increase-cycle-commuters

    And the Brits. http://www.rospa.com/road-safety/advice/pedal-cyclists/facts-figures/

    And the Dutch. http://www.iamexpat.nl/read-and-discuss/expat-page/news/cyclist-deaths-not-falling-netherlands

    Why can't these dammed Thais be more like us ? wink.png

  12. "the French tourist, identified by police as Mr Chadd Attardi"

    Is Chadd Attardi a common French name ???

    Are you still living in the 50s ?

    If you hadn't noticed yet, many citizens of many countries have names that were once not common to said country.

    Wake up...

    This is ThaiVisa Carlos, most are living in the 30's and 40's, and most of the younger members were born old.

  13. I can't even get what I have in the US in Thailand because Thailand is a rotten, smelly rathole. It's great for a vacation and then I need to get back to a first world environment.

    As for health care, a lot of guys in LOS are retired and eligible for Medicare in the States. It's not expensive.

    People who dive into a $1,500 a month lifestyle in Thailand are living as one would live in a slum in the US. I have never seen a middle class apartment, condo or house in Thailand that has the amenities that my US house has. Not even close with central aircon, full Western kitchen, Western bathrooms, garage with opener, and on we go. It's paid for so all I have is reasonable taxes, insurance and utilities. That's at most $500 per month all in and I couldn't rent that in Thailand for that much money.

    A lot of guys go to Thailand to retire because they can't afford their home country. Then they live like a pauper in a cheap apartment and eat noodles and tell me it's cheaper.

    No thanks.

    interesting financial maths "it's paid for... in Thailand i couldn't rent for that much money" thus comparing potatoes with strawberries.

    al what i read is pure bias and contradictions. why would anyone have a "great vacation in a rotten and smelly rathole"?

    give me a break NS! coffee1.gif

    I'm not allowed to own a home and land in Thailand and I wouldn't buy or live in a condo so it has to be potatoes and strawberries. I'm describing what my life is like and what it costs in the US vs Thailand, considering what is possible.

    Thailand is a smelly rathole. If you can't see that, up to you.


    Your life is so great you spend most of it in front of a PC, telling everyone what a great life you have, just another old man who couldn't handle Thailand, don't be shy about it, you screwed up, you weren't the first, you certainly wont be the last.

    There are Swiss and German people in my Condo who are in their 80's and they have a ball, then again, they have the money to have a good life whether they're in Thailand or Europe, they certainly don't spend nearly every waking hour on an anonymous forum wasting the precious time they have left.

  14. I have to snicker at Farangs talking about Thai this and Thai that....

    They all choose to live here, they all have a choice to leave, but they don't leave, they choose to live in Thailand and whinge and whine....living the dream ? ( Crazy or what ? )

    And of course you have the others, the ones that don't live in Thailand but are experts on all things Thai...yes, you know who you are... You're worse of all. You know nothing, but proclaim to be experts from thousands of miles away, pathetic.

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