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Posts posted by Banzai99

  1. Okay I'm done. I sincerely thank those who gave considered replies on the thread.

    To the admin I say, I will likely not be back. I find the general attitude here by many posters trollish and hectoring, akin to schoolyard bullies. It does NOT seem like a friendly environment for people seeking advice on moving to Thailand, which is why I posted here. By all means please monitor the thread and see for yourself. Do with this information as you wish. Adios!

    This subjects been raised a few times and it gets the TV resident trolls excited as for some bizarre reason they really resent the fact people can earn a living on line. Basically they're just posting their opinion and using their vast (non-existent) knowledge of Thai law to attempt to substantiate that opinion, yet they consistently fail to provide any information from Thai governance pertaining to the subject. They're well practiced arguing this subject as they spend all day everyday loitering on this forum cluttering up various threads with inane rubbish, so if there was an relevant information out there that backed up their "opinion" they would have found it.

    When I obtained my last visa I was asked a few questions due to the amount of tourist visa's in my passport they were concerned that I might be working in Thailand, I told them I work on line and draw an income from my home country, they wanted to see statements to support this once they'd viewed the statements and seen the money was getting paid into my UK bank they gave me a visa.

    If the Thai authorities shared the view of ThaiVisa's arse clown brigade then I'm sure there would be raids on co-working spaces, several websites run by expats would be closed down and there would be at least some anecdotal evidence of people being arrested and fined.


  2. Thai driving license is a must, for insurance purposes, it's the first thing they ask for in case of an accident, you don't have one, I'm sure they will not cover you.

    I may be wrong, but knowing insurance companies, I doubt I am.

    It's probably in small print, a valid Thai driving license, not a US or UK license, check it out and make sure you get First Insurance, I case of an accident, you'll be glad you have it. Bail bond etc.....

    So what happens when you hire a car? There are plenty of people driving, validly, in Thailand with a foreign licence and an International driving permit. My understanding was that the rules say you should get a Thai Licence if you are resident for more than 3 months, and I would certainly advise the OP to get one as he will be resident long term in Thailand, but you cannot be expected to have a Thai Licence on day one of your arrival in Thailand

    And in answer to his original question a Non Immigrant O should qualify you to get a letter from Immigration or the Embassy in order to be able to register ownership

    They will have Insurance that caters to their customers, and covers them in case of accidents, it will be a different policy.

  3. But when someone kicks off with rudeness..

    I simply stated that this topic had been discussed a thousand times already.

    Simon, when a Forum is limited to Thai related questions, are you surprised ?

    Yes he could use the search engine and pull up a thread 5 years old, if he replied to it, it would be closed as an old thread, so he opened a new one.

  4. In Western countries we get the impression that in Buddhist and Hindu countries the people are beyond all the materialism, petty vanities and all the superficial aspects of physical existence that are so much part of life in Farangistan. It is not possible to be more wrong.

    I never had that impression

    Real Buddhists are!

    Someone who does not form attachments, does not assume or judge and accepts things for what they are.

    I have always called LOS the land of contradiction as the people (in some ways) could not be more opposite to Buddha's teachings if they tried!!

    Whereas the Christians and Muslims are having a great time slaughtering each other, why can't these pesky Thais be more like us...

  5. I never understand the desire of western men for respectable women.

    They aren't much fun, but naughty girls are!

    What does it matter to you, what she does when you aren't using her services?

    I never understand why some men constantly seek out empty, meaningless sexual encounters without entering into anything remotely resembling a normal adult relationship with someone they see as their equal.

    But each to their own, I guess.

    What a boring life you must have lived.

    Why, because I've never paid a farm girl to pretend to enjoy my company?

    Get a grip.

    Have you never had a one-night stand you half-wit?

    Have you never done the walk of shame?

    Never had the dubious joy of the trying to chew off your arm in the morning cos last nights eight pinter looks like Jingthing in a wig?

    Give it a rest with your high moral ground bile - one of the joys of my life -

    And I bet you this applies to most guys on this forum.

    Has been empty, meaningless sexual encounters.


    Although when you do encounter a Jingthing in a wig you do wonder if it was worth it.


    ThaiVisa members are different.

  6. Buy her an iPhone and use the find my iPhone app, if she's connected to wifi or 3G or even edge, then you can pinpoint her......accurately.

    All you need is her Apple ID and her Password, you can remotely erase all data, send her a message or lock it.

    Though all she has to do is keep the iPhone at home and use call forwarding mode to another phone, she can be anywhere and you'll never know the difference. :)

  7. I've been here 24 years, and I agree with him.

    But you also have friends who fraud and steal from banks and you support them. Hardly an icon to follow
    I'm sure everyone you know is lily white and beyond reproach, I live in the real world, not a fictitious anonymous forum world.

    Sorry about your dog, we lost one of ours earlier this year, he's buried in the back garden.

    No, but people I know, socialise with and call friends are not destitute who defrauded banks to waste all the money on booze and hookers.

    You want to focus on people I know instead of my dead dog ?

    No respect for my dead dog ?

    Yet you want it from others......
  8. I've been here 24 years, and I agree with him.

    But you also have friends who fraud and steal from banks and you support them. Hardly an icon to follow

    I'm sure everyone you know is lily white and beyond reproach, I live in the real world, not a fictitious anonymous forum world.

    Sorry about your dog, we lost one of ours earlier this year, he's buried in the back garden.

  9. Thai driving license is a must, for insurance purposes, it's the first thing they ask for in case of an accident, you don't have one, I'm sure they will not cover you.

    I may be wrong, but knowing insurance companies, I doubt I am.

    It's probably in small print, a valid Thai driving license, not a US or UK license, check it out and make sure you get First Insurance, I case of an accident, you'll be glad you have it. Bail bond etc.....

  10. The OP should have joined ThaiVisa then he would have attracted a hiso girl 30 years younger, from a powerful family, who has a great job and degrees coming out of her azz.

    Well, if you believe everything on anonymous forums that is,......

  11. We all know what would have happened to a foreign car driver seeing the biker moments before, daring to investigate the crash site, finding a dead Thai biker... Don't we? 

    We all know?

    Chances are like most here, you don't live in Thailand, you just hear bar stool chat and look at posts on anonymous forums, like you're gonna get reality there............right...it's pathetic really.

    I see these guys constantly complaining about all things Thai, yet, they choose to stay here, whys that ?
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