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Posts posted by Banzai99

  1. Thanks for the advice

    I took a biz this morning

    Actually, I had forgotten about the 20,000 baht of tax

    Therefore a First wouldn't have been worth it

    Unable to book the 25 A as it was already locked ( have to check later on )

    How about the 26 A?

    It is not clear to me as the seats seem to be placed differently

    27A would be better. Row 25 and 27 have the seat beside the window and the table between the seat and the aisle. Row 26 has the table by the window and the seat is beside the aisle.

    Your best options are 25A, 25K, 27A and 27K


    Thanks for the advice

    Avoid 24J. :)

  2. I have just flown to Tokyo from Bangkok, TG Business Class A380, I would say it's ok, as said before by others, your seat choice will affect your experience, I had the last seat available which was 24J, it would not have been my choice, but it's all they had.

    On my upcoming return trip, I will try to book a different seat. The Business Class on the A380 is nice enough, but it cost over double the Economy fare so it's expensive, of course it's not just the flight, you get the fast track Immigration, the no queue check in, lounge access, extra luggage allowance, priority luggage, first on and first off....

    Is it worth it, well, if someone said to you go economy class instead of business, wait in a couple of queues, sit in a narrower seat, take less weight in your bag, wait longer for bags, have no lounge access and no fast track Immigration and you will be given 34,000 Baht would you take the money ?

    Me, I'll be going back to economy next time, it's not worth the cost, not on Thai anyway, I paid just over 63,000 Baht, economy was under 30,000 !

  3. Yes, I'm sure the senior bloke was after some pocket-money. The info I had was that I could get a border pass for $US10 on-the-spot. He hadn't even looked at my passport before refusing my exit. And the look on his face when I said "Ok, I'll just return" was priceless.

    And the look on his face when I said "Ok, I'll just return" was priceless.

    And your imagination as to what he wanted and what his response to you meant is priceless too. Try reading the posts above to understand what the reason was. If you wouldn't be allowed back into Thailand and you had no visa for Myanmar entry, would you prefer that they let you wander back and forth in limbo?

    THAT would be priceless. :)

  4. Well, it's very convenient that they found 1000 tablets on him.. I mean as opposed to 96 or 107 for example. not convenient for him though.

    I suspect that the quality of the reporting may not be that great..

    Actually I feel sorry for him anyway, I know I shouldn't but I just do. The punishment (if convicted) will be out of proportion to the crime.

    Are you serious ??

    These drugs are ruining many people, both young & old, zero sympathy from me.

    Alcohol has been ruining people both young & old for centuries, it's still legal though, that's the difference, huge corporations make sure it's kept legal with their huge Political contributions, just like the Tobacco Industry that ruin many people , both young and old with impunity.

    So to hand out a sentence of 99 Years to someone for having ecstacy seems harsh, considering the damage that Alcohol and Tobacco does. The Alcohol Industry, with massive Political contributions will make sure that recreational drugs are tightly controlled, they want their drug to be the only legal one, a global monopoly, not a bad deal for them and their shareholders, and governments of course.

    I also feel sorry for him, but especially her, he may have friends who can bribe him out or get sent him back to Finland, she'll probably be on her own with nobody to help her.

    Yes he knew what would happen if he got caught, and he got caught.

    I in the meantime can go and buy a warehouse full of Alcohol, crazy world we live in.

  5. face covered up, picking on a woman alone, very brave... i´d like to see him try that with a few big russian geezers sitting on the sand

    Looks to me like there were several farang men just sitting there

    Pity they weren't the Thai visa super hero's. They would have chop seuy'ed this bloke in two seconds flat, just by sitting on him.

    LOL..... giggle.gif

    • Like 2
  6. That someone giggling with mirth when you injure yourself isn't rude.

    That lying is expected and only fools think honesty has some special virtue.

    That my safety or even life is not worth 15 seconds of time to the average Thai male driver.

    That Thailand is a drain grate where the most sexist humans on earth gravitate like slimy hairballs and then propagate offspring to this attitude.

    Where free speech is a criminal offense.

    Now for the bad stuff....

    I Bet you're happy that you don't live in Thailand.

    It wouldn't suit you.

  7. You have to accept that are old people who have moved to Thailand thinking they would live some kind of Hugh Hefner lifestyle, only to be bought down to earth.

    There are others. you know., the experts on all things Thai, that don't actually live in Thailand, the few months a year tourists who think they know all, but know nothing.

    Then you have people like me, full time since 1990, came here when I was 35, had a ball, still having a ball but the others don't like it, I know too much, all Thai Visa members wives or Gf"s are Uni Graduates, I know that isn't true, they know that isn't true, yet they lie to themselves daily that it is, even though they met them in the Full Moon Bar.

    Over to you.......

    • Like 2
  8. I think the idiots here that are responding in a negative way against Thai's, ala prostitution should take a good long look at themselves, think about the reasons you came to Thailand, hey, Poor people who are good looking, and the best thing is , you can sexually exploit them..................................................................because they are poor, you are willing to fly half way round the world to do it to, how dare you poke fun at them !!! !!

    I await the day when ASIA rules the roost, and throngs of sex tourist Asians flock to Europe and US to exploit the women, hang on.............................................

    There are plenty of Euro and US women working in Asia already, Tokyo is full of them, yes it costs more money, but, you can get much more in Tokyo than you can get in Thailand !!!

    Ever wonder why Tokyo is not full of sex tourists, when it actually has a fantastic sex business, I know the reason why, they don't have the money, the sex tourists in Thailand could never afford Japan, they can only exploit the poor in SE Asia.

  9. I have the same system, it's fine for the price and it has Bluetooth so you can play music from your smartphone too.

    Go for it.

    Just a quick couple of questions please.

    When watching movies and tv shows are you happy with the sounds from the speakers?

    Any disadvantages you have encountered?


    No disadvantages, for the price it's actually very good, plus having Bluetooth to stream music from your mobile phone, it's good value.

    Go for it.

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