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Posts posted by Banzai99

  1. Well what do you know! The Royal Thai Police have found a reason to improve security for tourist visiting Thailand, while at the same time ignoring the real threat,Thai rapist. I would like to see all Embassies in Thailand issuing travel warnings to visitors.These warnings should cover corrupt police, Thai Mafia,Scams carried out by Thai's,Double pricing, A Non-existent justice system,Dangerous bus/train travel.......I could go on. The only way Thai's are going to,maybe,do something about their atrocious record is to deter tourist from coming to "The land of smiles" and there by cut the money they so love.

    Are you going to stop coming to Thailand, and if you are already here, are you leaving ?

    • Like 1
  2. And village headman has a salary of what ? perhaps Bt30k a month, yet this guy summons up Bt1m form petty cash ?

    30k a month? What ! Are you pi$$ed ? He probably owns half the island.

    agree, why do people think village headman has to be a poor lad. Anyone rich or poor can be village headman. Phuyai Ban is just a title, they are not paid by the government. Just like why do some folks think rich politicians are only rich because they plunder the tax payers money, most politicians are rich to begin with, and many are just richer after being elected.

    Why do all 'elected civil servants', from Phuyai Ban up, give out a lot of money to the voters in the hope to get elected? For the honour, for serving the people? Sweet dreams! They do it to become control over the local trough! And the corruption must be rife, as they need to collect enough to recuperate their 'campaign spendings', to fill their pockets and those of the many 'members of the team', and save up for the next election, the 'generally accepted formula' is to make during the tenure 3x the originally 'invested' money... Did you know that policemen, some state officials, like from Land Office, even guys from the Electricity Cy., pay big money to get a job in Tao, Pha Ngan, Samui, and many other 'touristic places'.? Why would they do it, if not, because corruption money and dishonest deals will make them a lot more than what they paid? Sweet dreams, again, when you think this is not the, plain and sad, truth!

    Agree, I know the formula all too well smile.png

    My local district chief comes around every year to ask for money so he can host his Birthday by inviting the whole district to a sit down chinese dinner. These people have skins thicker than an elephant.

    Don't tell me, you refuse to give him a donation...........................yeah right you do .

  3. Problem is, Apple are fixated on making the iPhone thinner and thinner, there is no room for a bigger battery.

    Then they need to stop fixating because it's becoming annoying or they need to design it so that you can change the battery if necessary.

    Whoever makes the design decisions really need to be fired. Stop making it all about thin and make it about practicality please.


  4. Most I see look fairly healthy and are too lazy to work or make more than minumum wage begging.

    Ignorance at it's most splendid.

    I wish I could strip all you arrogant Farangs of your money and trappings of wealth and put you in the place of these lazy people for a month.

    What really bugs me is a-holes come to SE Asia and critisise all things that are here, hey guess what, it's what you signed up for when you moved to a developing nation.

    You want to live in Asia but not have to suffer the poor in your face, go to Tokyo.

    Yes your welcome to. The game is called capitalism, try to strip me of all my money and trappings.

    Banzai99, I agree the people complaining about beggars in thailand are nauseating, but that is Thailand's problem. Foreigners have no moral responsibility for what Thailand allows because the country fails to provide an adequate safety net for the poor.

    Another thing, you talk of moral responsibility, many Farangs travel thousands of miles to exploit poor Asian women, and you talk of morals.......................

    I don't see plane loads of old western men landing in Narita or Haneda to partake in Tokyo's unbelievably massive sex industry, why's that ?

    It's because they can't exploit the people in Japan, it's too expensive for them, if Japan was 3rd world, believe me, there would be hoards of westerners bypassing Thailand to go to Japan.

  5. Most I see look fairly healthy and are too lazy to work or make more than minumum wage begging.

    Ignorance at it's most splendid.

    I wish I could strip all you arrogant Farangs of your money and trappings of wealth and put you in the place of these lazy people for a month.

    What really bugs me is a-holes come to SE Asia and critisise all things that are here, hey guess what, it's what you signed up for when you moved to a developing nation.

    You want to live in Asia but not have to suffer the poor in your face, go to Tokyo.

    Yes your welcome to. The game is called capitalism, try to strip me of all my money and trappings.

    Banzai99, I agree the people complaining about beggars in thailand are nauseating, but that is Thailand's problem. Foreigners have no moral responsibility for what Thailand allows because the country fails to provide an adequate safety net for the poor.

    I've had beggars come up to me in London, Paris, Geneve and Zurich, why is it seen as so abhorrent when it happens in Thailand, a land of no Social Security ?

    I'm sick of the moaning Farangs who move to a developing Nation by choice, then whine and moan when they see and live among developing nation problems by choice, they want First world, stay at home and don't move to a developing nation, it ain't rocket science.

    I understand many who move to Thailand are too old to adapt, but they should have thought about that before they moved, that's their problem, not Thailands!!

    I saw a movie once where people were all killed off at a certain age, there were no old people, makes me wonder if it would be a good idea .....laugh.png

  6. Most I see look fairly healthy and are too lazy to work or make more than minumum wage begging.

    Ignorance at it's most splendid.

    I wish I could strip all you arrogant Farangs of your money and trappings of wealth and put you in the place of these lazy people for a month.

    What really bugs me is a-holes come to SE Asia and critisise all things that are here, hey guess what, it's what you signed up for when you moved to a developing nation.

    You want to live in Asia but not have to suffer the poor in your face, go to Tokyo.

  7. what I cannot understand is that with all this gruesome murders and also the incompetency of the thai police and also the fact that new stories are coming out about robberies and scams against foreigners on the same island are being covered in almost all of the various International media.......there are still stupid tourists coming and patronsing the island! Where the hell are the dignity of these stupid people.....your own kind has been killed in the most gruesome way and yet you come here and patronise the islanders who all in cahoots with each other. Better still, it was hilarious to see pics posted by the thai media showing certain tourists still patronising the island clad in only bikinis and their overflowing fats and skin!

    Really.....I do not know what to say anymore......no wonder the thais think lowly of westerners as they most probably think that these farangs do not even care for their own kind and lack any dignity.

    It's the way it is.

    Many ThaiVisa members do nothing but complain about nearly everything and everyone in Thailand, yet they still choose to live in Thailand. wink.png

    It's just the way it is.

    You are projecting your agenda Banzai99: Upset is asking a very valid question regarding tourists that continue to visit Thailand in spite of alot of bad news.

    Its not about thaivisa members commenting about Thailand

    I can understand Tourists not knowing about Thailand still coming to Thailand, that's not a puzzle, they probably don't spend 24/7 on internet forums that pick holes in every aspect of Thailand and Thai people.

  8. what I cannot understand is that with all this gruesome murders and also the incompetency of the thai police and also the fact that new stories are coming out about robberies and scams against foreigners on the same island are being covered in almost all of the various International media.......there are still stupid tourists coming and patronsing the island! Where the hell are the dignity of these stupid people.....your own kind has been killed in the most gruesome way and yet you come here and patronise the islanders who all in cahoots with each other. Better still, it was hilarious to see pics posted by the thai media showing certain tourists still patronising the island clad in only bikinis and their overflowing fats and skin!

    Really.....I do not know what to say anymore......no wonder the thais think lowly of westerners as they most probably think that these farangs do not even care for their own kind and lack any dignity.

    It's the way it is.

    Many ThaiVisa members do nothing but complain about nearly everything and everyone in Thailand, yet they still choose to live in Thailand. wink.png

    It's just the way it is.

  9. I've been down the Apple Store in Tokyo today to have a look, I'm underwhelmed.

    They seem so thin and fragile, my 4s is built like a Battleship compared with the 6 series, I truly do believe the 4 series was the best designed iPhone to date and it will take a true deign masterpiece to top it, the 6 series fails IMO.

    I read online that some people are having problems with the 6+, its so big and thin its bending ! xohmy.png.pagespeed.ic.shABmucp9T.png


    I will pass on the 6 series and hang on to my 4s, it's still a very good phone.

    The iPhone 6+ bend test.
  10. Looks like a few of us may eat humble pie (like me)

    looks like the police may have found the correct murderers / not stitched anybody up etc

    For that i apologise for doubting them and hope this is the future now

    "Fred Flinstone"

    "Pluto" and few others who will not graduating from the TV school of armchair dectectives...

    Be fair, they are both cartoon characters. smile.png

  11. Why would the Thai Mafia walk into a bar full of people and threaten him, they could have just waited for him outside, he said he was hiding from them, but he still managed to get his guitar and belongings from the pad he stayed in without being seen by the organisation that is after him, why does he not tell what he knows, is he waiting for the Fee for an exclusive from the Mirror, is he hoping the publicity will kick start his so far failed musical career ?

    The Mafia are not going to tell you they are going to kill you, they'll just do it, how was the Mafia put off by him being in a 7 eleven, they could have pulled down balaclavas and dragged him out, is the 7 eleven some kind of no go area for the Mafia ?

    I don't believe his story, its all too convenient, I think he'll soon be exposed as a fraud who has jumped on the bandwagon for some free publicity, I'd like to be wrong, but I don't buy this story at all.

    I say again, I would like to be wrong.

    • Like 1
  12. Love to repeat that:

    MESSAGE TO TAT and their admirers

    Just be honest and tell what the foreigners has to expect when they arrive to Thailand:

    Many people here in this forum and in the world not understand the role of a foreigner (farang)

    in this country.

    We(foreigners-farangs) are not guests in this country,we are customers

    from the arrival stamp till the departure stamp.

    So dont start whining when the thais not like or care us,They really don´t like us at all.

    If you expect to get true and honest treatment as a friend or a good guest

    you are in the wrong country.

    Even every single smile in this country is faked and based only on financial interests.

    Be a good customer and shut up ;-)

    So Mike,

    Why do you CHOOSE to live in Thailand if it's that bad ?

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