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Posts posted by Banzai99

  1. it has been done far more by Thai lady's to falang's than the other way around,

    I knew a Farang that was pretending to be a Thai woman online, he said he had made some money from the gullible, don't know if he did or not, but there are plenty of skint Farangs in Thailand who will do just about anything to stay here.

    • Like 2
  2. The OP in this case has displayed hints of racial superiority and jealousy because a race or 2 that are similar in this case koreans and japanese that he deems inferior to farang and why would thai people choose them over farang. The funny thing is he then brings in indians into the equation and tries to show case how a thai hooker who is obviously lower on the spectrum reject 2 indians that he considers to be higher up all because they were "good looking"

    The fact of the matter is this. Thais have a pretty good opinion of koreans and japanese and to be honest most people the world over hold the same opinion. Japanese people are seen as one of the most advanced asians compared to their "heathen" cousins from other less advanced asian nations.

    Anyway OP's view of racial superiority isn't due to how advanced a country of origin is but more on "innate" superiority. That is he is basing superiority or inferiority due to a person's external appearance. Take note he asks why do thais choose japanese over farang since japanese people look more similar to thai people in which he is wrong as japanese being east asian have a pretty distinct appearance from the thais but all because they are grouped as "asian" they would look more similar compared to a farang and that line of thinking sounds rather stupid to be honest. Anyway back to innate superiority he obviously thinks that people with a more "caucasian" appearance are superior compared to those with an asian appearance and so was actually indignant that the thai lady rejected those 2 indian dudes who looked more caucasian because according to his view it was like someone from an inferior race rejecting people from a superior due to external appearances.

    The biggest problem with people with his type of mentality is that he totally ignores the fact that different people have different preferences but actually hides it by going along a "moralistic" route. So let's say 2 asian looking men were rejected by a street hooker saying she prefers farang and guess what OP would do when he observes such a scenerio. He would have absolutely no problem with it because in his mind farang are superior and asians are inferior so it would be natural for asians to be rejected.

    Take note that east asians seem to be the only group that farang can be openly racist to and suffer the least consequences.

    Not me. I don't have a good opinion of Koreans because, "More than 15 per cent of married women in the country are victimised by domestic violence every year. The ratio is about five times higher than that of other advanced nations such as Britain and Japan. Further attention needs to be paid to abuses of immigrant spouses, children, and elderly and disabled people." http://www.asianewsnet.net/S-Koreas-domestic-violence-48729.html

    I don't like the Japanese because they smoke too much they almost smoke as much as S. Korea.


    Korean men are known to be aggressive some call it alpha. The point of the matter is well when it comes to some farang they just like to switch it around like when they are aggressive they are alpha but korean men being aggressive = abusive and yet if they aren't their beta aka girly. Still yes korean men have been known to be abusive but i don't know how extensive it is and what is actually defined as abusive like did they hit their spouses etc.

    My old man used to beat the crap out of my Mum, he wasn't Korean.

  3. When you spend every waking hour on an anonymous internet forum slagging off the citizens and the country you chose to retire to .

    And when you realize it was a bad decision by you, blame Thailand and Thai people, and find fault in everything they do.

  4. The endless whinging and whining, the constant Thai bashing, yet you still stay here, so It can't be that bad can it ?

    Yet it seems that many ThaiVisa Farangs really dislike Thailand, a country they are free to leave at any time, but they don't, they stay, and complain.

    Or they continue to come here on their annual holidays, ( I think most TV members fall into this catagory ), why would they come to a country they have such contempt for , let alone live here ?

    It's really strange, to the people who never stop whining, why do you stay ?

    To the whiners who are tourists, why do you keep coming back ?

    Why do Thais hate farangs?

    I think the OP "Banzai99" a slobbering Thai apologist hates farangs, but has a condo in Pattaya. Why does he not live in a remote area where there are no farangs, so he can suck up to the Thais 24/7 ?

    Best reply yet, cheers Munger. smile.png

  5. Here you go again.

    Sent from my GT-S5360 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Of course, it's an unanswered question, can you explain it ?

    It's been asked and answered a few thousand times on this website, in just the past two years alone.

    Why are some people never satisfied with the answers they get?

    Ah, yes, because they are not getting the answers they want to hear. So they keep asking, and asking, and asking ….

    So, do you live in Thailand by choice ?

    It's not a difficult question.

  6. Nobody, that lives here, or comes back as a tourist, hates Thailand.

    It's just expressing there miserable selves to an anonymous forum.

    Situations from the past have made them miserable and by posting here negative comments, let the steam escape.

    We all love this place......but please, let us have some fun, reading the answers on TVF.

    Feel free to have fun with the replies to this topic :)

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