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Posts posted by Banzai99




    Ok, no offence meant


    Accusing a Senior Admin member of staff working illegally in Thailand. Especially under all the current crackdowns does cause a lot of offence.


    So if you meant no offence what did you mean?


    I wasn't accusing, I was enquiring.



    Accusing, enquiring? It's not your job unless you are working for the Labour Depatment. Are you? Because it's not even an immigration issue.



    Hey, now, do yourself a favor, don't get personal, 


    I always said the ATF were pussies.

  2. Geese there's some nasty sods in this world. How bout you show some appreciation for a difficult job done well rather than go on with that sort of rubbish benzai, start another thread if that worries you!



    How is asking if one needs a work permit nasty, after all, this is ThaiVisa is it not ?

    • Like 1

    Another topic aimed at slagging off Thailand and Thai people..





    Nope I'm polite enough not to b**** around Thai friends and so it's normal to do so around other expats, I've actually heard a similar complaint from a Thai-American friend who lives here. But good to keep complaints balanced, I wouldn't want to become the expat who just whines about his chosen country all the time; note also that at the same time I started a thread about the Thai person you respect the most, perhaps you can offer your opinion there.


    What the are you on about pal ?


    Don't post when drunk, ok !!!  laugh.png

    • Like 1
  4. I like how they talk about farang driving like idiots, because we tend to obey the rules.


    Really ?


    Tell me, have you ever actually been to Thailand, nearly all the farangs I know drink and drive on a regular basis, and often brag about the speed they do in their powerful pick ups and SUV's.


    So when you say Farangs tend to obey the Law, you are talking B.ollox.

    • Like 1


    AWESOME they're really doing a great job tidying up the place. Im sure it wont be difficult to get Thai's to snitch out corrupt civil servants, the bib and the military will be busy bee's indeed, keep up the good work guys!

    Let's see how many farang cheerleaders there are when the junta turns the spotlight on all those foreign-owned companies that bought  chunks of land throughout the kingdom before the 49/51% rule came into effect
    Let's see how many farang cheerleaders there are when the changes being implemented by the junta actually START affecting whitey on the ground.
    Ok,. So because you cannot find fault with the Junta now you are projecting an unfounded "guess" as to what the Junta may do in the future to denounce them. That is itself is a sign that you respect the Junta. I didn't even need to project what the PTP may have, could have, but didn't do in the future. I was too busy complaining about what they have already done!!
    "The bad, evil Junta doing something" they have not actually done yet, has not been reported and may actually never happen. Bravo and I am sure the Junta will see that as a big compliment. I do.
    That would be like me saying "The evil PTP are bringing robots to kill all falangs in Thailand in 6 months" That story is just as plausible because it has not happened yet and it was never reported.
    Your excuses are reaching a new boundary that I have rarely seen yet. I am still getting over the "Fake news story" excuses. Mind you your excuse will catch on as it usually does with the gullible. 
    If  a new "Red Dwarf" series ever comes out I hope you are writer on it. 
    The bit about the Companies that don't trade that have been set up to circumvent the laws on land ownership, is a very good point though.
  6. OP, just ignore the more self-righteous posters.

    While I think it was less than clever of you to slate the police in Thai in the bloody POLICE STATION laugh.png, i do sympathise somewhat with your sentiments about the country.

    There does seem to be a definite move to make us sing for our supper. Right now, the visa exempts and TRs are the targets but give 'em time and soon enough, the authorities will get around to all the smug so-called retirees; mark my words.

    Trust me, for every genuinely moneyed retiree living here, there are 20 living on chump change . . . and the authorities ARE coming for them

    Anyway, at least you're a young man and have the skills and time to build something somewhere else; can you see these guys going home to ask for their old jobs back in rail signal maintenance or national mail sorting offices when the hammer comes down?

    Good post. I make you right on this. I know plenty who survive on a UK basic pension in LOS and no way they'd meet the criteria for retirement visas. I reckon most haven't had a genuine or any visa for years.

    Sad for them really as they have nothing to come back to. But back they'll be coming.

    Seems as though you are already there, sad for you.

  7. So, judging by the ridiculous posts, many posters don't live in Thailand.

    Some do. Some don't. Some do sometimes.

    So why the ridiculous posts that would embarrass a 5 year old ?

    Most don't live here , some of the so called esteemed experts who would have you believe they live here, don't, they just want to.

    They work overseas and know more about the poxy desert than they know about Thailand.

    A few weeks a year does not an expert make, and having a Thai wife who would have married a well heeled Baboon doesn't cut it either.

    • Like 1
  8. What Buddha said and what average Thai people do are two very different things.

    + 1,000,000

    Ditto for Jesus and the lemmings Danes.


    Ditto every country on this planet and their dominate religion. Why do people keep bringing up religion in Thailand when they know zilch?

    The opportunity to bash Thai people, Thai religion and Thailand in General ?

  9. It's ok, Guesthouse is not to be questioned, with his vast experience of the Alcohol ( Trouble ) hotspots of the world in his capacity as a doorman, he knows what he's talking about.

    I on the other hand have no experience at all in that field, yes Guesthouse, Alcohol and Violence are not associated at all.thumbsup.gif

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