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Posts posted by Banzai99

  1. If you didn't understand her 100% why didn't you just ask her for clarification or brush up on your Thai?

    If you're going to post this nonsense as a thinly veiled attack on males (expats) and their adulterous behaviour at least make sure you understood her first.

    (sounded so unbelievable to me).

    Exactly. smile.png

    . To call this unbelievable is what is unbelievable.

    I can't believe you just said that . smile.png

    • Like 1
  2. Obvious Troll, you went over the top with the, he's not wealthy, doesn't take care of her, she owns her own house and has a business, he is severely disabled and in his late 50's, she cooks for him and showers him, and he still treats her like crap.

    Then you ask a bunch of bitter and twisted Alpha males what they think about it ....rolleyes.gif

    If such a man existed I'd say he's doing good. smile.png

    talking sh*t doesnt make alfa anything.

    Correct, as you so eloquently demonstrate. smile.png

  3. If you didn't understand her 100% why didn't you just ask her for clarification or brush up on your Thai?

    If you're going to post this nonsense as a thinly veiled attack on males (expats) and their adulterous behaviour at least make sure you understood her first.

    (sounded so unbelievable to me).

    Exactly. smile.png

  4. Bad choice. Voter incentives would have been easier than what is going on now. Why do you think the Democrats win in the USA? People who don't work vote Democratic.

    Abhisit is an intellectual, educated at Oxford. Yingluck got an "Honorary" degree (in what?) from Chiangmai University. There really isn't any comparison. Abhisit could have been a Statesman for Thailand if it wasn't for these fools. That's the tragedy.

    Stop lying. Yingluck Shinawatra earned a bachelor's degree from Chiang Mai University and a master's degree from Kentucky State University, both in public administration.

    Can you expand on how she 'earned' a masters at Kentucky when she can barely speak or understand English?

    The very uncomfortable truth that never gets directly answered as the unpalatable answer is she simply bribed her way to receiving it.

    Are you saying that she bribed someone at Kentucky State University ?

    Brave statement from you, brave of this forum to keep such a post up too, good luck to both of you.

  5. Thank you most of you for your aggressive replies and proving my point; West confrontational, Thai reaction, immediate or later.

    If immediate you had better be younger than me, if later some diplomacy might be an aid.

    Just do not get involved if you are a farang, black belt or not.

    Are you involved to try to solve a problem or to intensify it?

    Sure going in fists flying will end sadly for you, one way or another!

    This is not about aggressiveness .. This is about WOMAN or CHILDREN being abused hurt or worse.. anyone who does so in my presence better run and quickly, whether in thailand or elsewhere is completely irrelevant !

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    So if Mike Tyson whacked his wife and you were about, you reckon he would run, nope, he'd cave your head in with one punch if you went anywhere near him.

    Like to see you approach a 7 foot wrestler too, your Shotokan would be useless, and the result would be bad for you, having studied Shotokan with a master in Japan, he should have told you that already

    Talking about about your prowess, is absolutely pointless on an anonymous internet forum you're probably 70 years old with a bad hip

    • Like 1
  6. You want facts , I'll give you facts .And this is mainly directed at the ones who posted that this is a great system without a hitch.

    I'm 55 yrs.old .Never been to thailand in my life but had thought about retiring there. (Yes I am presently retired.)Anyway before making the leap I naturally wanted to see the country . So about four months ago I applied for a double entry visa from my home in the U.S. I received it and off I went. Now from what I understood is that I would enter, and before sixty days were up I would apply for a thirty day extension. Then before the extension ended ,a few days or so ,I would leave the country and reenter because I had a tourist visa. A dble entry tourist visa. That's,,, tourist , visa .

    Well I received my extension with no problem.

    Now to keep you up to speed I really liked thailand and decided that it would make a good retirement location and was planning to reenter on the dble entry and apply for the ''retirement'' visa.Get my affadavit from the consulate, proof of income, fill out the documents etc.

    After three months I had seen enough and felt content.

    On this past Tuesday a week before my extension ended I crossed the border to reenter.I had left all my luggage and personal belongings at my room I had been renting and only took the nec. documents along to present to the fine ,honest, intelligent, uncorrupt immigration officials.

    (By the way not that it should make a difference, but I 've been staying in Chiang Mai.)

    Now what do you think happened??? They refused to let me back in.

    I was dressed well, clean shaven , very presentable and polite.My papers were in order . But regardless ,the interrogation began. And it was'nt pleasant .They accused me of working illegally and/or attempting to seek employment. They wanted to see my itinerary. Why I was in thailand to begin with, where I was staying, who did i know there, how much money I had.(I had about 6000 bht with me). ,etc.etc., This #$^% went on for an hour. They ultimately said ...no.Partly because I opted to rent a studio apartment rather than stay at a hotel ! Renting a studio apt. evidently removes one from''tourist'' status!!

    Oh they wanted to see money, alot of money! And I got the feeling that a bribe was being suggested, more than once.

    Now at that point I was livid. but I 've read enough to know you don't get angry. So I politely asked to speak to someone in charge. Which i finally did. And to tell you the truth I would have said fine and the hel with thailand, but all my belongings were at the room I was renting. The guy finally allowed me to enter ,this took oh about 5 hrs total.

    Now I'm in this sewer of a country and will not be staying. I am completely disgusted with the place . I'm not a deadbeat . I am a retired police officer with a very nice pension. But this whole thing transpired because some idiot at immigration ''suspected'' I was working. did you get that..................... ''s u s p e c t e d''. Regardless of my tourist visa that I had been issued, by his Embassy.

    And that is the entire problem, all they have to do is suspect someone .And a few intelligent posters get that here. Some jerk at immigration has a bug up his or her behind and that clown decides not to let you enter ,because they use the ''suspect'' card and accuse you to be working illegally or whatever reason..they ''feel''.at the time .It does'nt matter what visa you have. Way too much power to give to immigration ''officers'' with regards to enforcing a very vague rule.

    The lunatic asylum has handed the keys over to the patients and it's going to be bad for everyone ,honest and dishonest forieghners alike.

    Strange that, I've been in Thailand since 1990 and never had a problem.

  7. I can confirm the accident happened just before midnight as I was on the opposite side of the road. I didn't see the accident but heard the bang. I went over to help him and, contrary to the reports that he was killed instantly he was still breathing. Unfortunately, I could do nothing for him. He had blood oozing from his head and mouth and half his face had been ripped open. He started convulsing then died. He wasn't wearing a helmet. I would think he was drunk or drugged up. Others who arrived at the scene just took loads of pictures on their phones as he was dying, photographing or filming his final moments before death is probably the thing that sickened me more than anything. My friends tell me this will be the first of many bike accidents I will seen in Pattaya and, ironically, I was also riding a Honda PCX 150 and I can tell you I have thought long and hard about riding it again but I still am... For the moment.


    My own family including 2 small children see these types of accidents nearly every week on Teprasit Road.

    Sadly, through experience of seeing so many other vehicle accidents here in Thailand, you will soon come to recognize that what you described was agonal breathing, Here in Thailand with only basic First Aid available, the chances of a positive outcome for a patient exhibiting these symptoms are not good at all. In the West, things may have been different, as some case studies attest.

    So take care Alistair and all my motorbike riding friends out there - buy a good quality full face crash helmet and wear it every time.

    And I see Farangs everyday going on the same road , driving much too fast , Farangs here on ThaiVisa seem so appalled by drink drivers, yet I don't know any Farangs that dont drink and drive on a regular basis, it happens everyday, why are you so surprised ?

    Most of my friends in Pattaya are English, Swedish, Danish or German.

    You would think Farangs would know better, but they don't, believe me.

    • Like 2
  8. But why the assumption they are lying? Perhaps they are entirely truthful....you don't know unless you've met them. I'm not referring to personal wealth necessarily. If someone talks about a new Mercedes they bought and the topic was new cars, so therefore entirely relevant to the topic, why so many posters on TV would be negative towards him?

    Or if, say, he had three Mercedes, and just wanted to tell us all about them, but then everyone made fun of him and the thread got locked?

    As I said, my point was T.I.T!

    As I have the 3 cars with the same broker,( notice this time I don't mention the model, less I upset others!!?) the same insurance company and get No claims bonuses on only 2 of the cars with no explanation even offered, why not on the 3rd.

    The point made by the replys was I was ''posing'' about having 3 cars and or making it up.( I have 4 cars actually!)

    Most choose to ignore my point, which was they refused No claims bonuses on the 3rd car, but with no explanation of why.

    My guess is the ''sour'' replys are probably from guys walking across the border every 2-4 weeks!

    Who now have a serious visa problem to over come!

    4 cars is too much! ask my wife who said "won't it cost a lot of money if you parked an additional car in an underground garage downtown?"

    women! dry.png

    Naam, I am the adopted son you don't even know about yet, I will take care of you to the grave, and the cars and the house after I've burnt you !

  9. What about the saying ...Have a look at that old girl .....she looks Ok.

    True, look at the old girl...


    Thinking about even more, we don't call our Cars or Airplanes women either, it's always Girl.

    I took the old girl up to 10000 ft to fight Jerry, sounds better than, I took the old woman up up 10000 ft to fight jerry , true?

    So are old Farangs known as

    German boys ?

    English Boys ?

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