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Posts posted by Banzai99

  1. @Banzai99


    tell me what you would do in a situation that was very serious but you

    had the opportunity to grease some palms and walk away ?

    Be honest.//

    Maybe being smart and not end up in a Thai jail would be a start... But making connections and friends would probably be more of a useful advice. This would go for any country you move to.

    Ah, connections...:)

    Even with the amazing connections that only ThaiVisa members seem to have, somewhere down the line, I would pay and so would you.

  2. Farang seem to have selective corruption syndrome.

    If they directly benefit from said corruption, everything is fine, motoring offences comes to mind, how many Farangs would jump at the opportunity to buy their way out of a serious offence, like causing death whilst under the influence for instance ?

    And anyone here who says they would refuse the opportunity to pay their way out and spend years in Prison instead is a liar or mad or both.

    Yet they rant and rave if a Thai does the very same thing.The fact that Farangs have nothing to offer in Thailand that could ellicit a bribe embitters them, but they are willing to pay bribes that are of benefit to themselves.

    It's the Thais that get the monetary gains though, that's what really hurts, once again they are outsiders, once again they are not on the recieving end never can or will be, all they can ever do is pay, never recieve, and look on as a Policeman gets in his new Mercedes.:)

    Paying off a ploice officer for a drink driving offence is still something i feel would be frowned upon by most farang.

    Yes, on an internet Forum it's easy to frown upon everything one percieves as wrong, but in the cold light of day, they would do whatever was neccessary to save themselves, so would I and so would you.

    A pay off would not be offered for the offence you stated as a far larger sum of money would be gained through the legal chanels, i.e. payments to the family plus fines and the fact a conviction for a more serious crime was achieved.

    Tell me, have you ever been to Thailand ?

  3. Farang seem to have selective corruption syndrome.

    If they directly benefit from said corruption, everything is fine, motoring offences comes to mind, how many Farangs would jump at the opportunity to buy their way out of a serious offence, like causing death whilst under the influence for instance ?

    And anyone here who says they would refuse the opportunity to pay their way out and spend years in Prison instead is a liar or mad or both.

    Yet they rant and rave if a Thai does the very same thing.

    The fact that Farangs have nothing to offer in Thailand that could ellicit a bribe embitters them, but they are willing to pay bribes that are of benefit to themselves.

    It's the Thais that get the monetary gains though, that's what really hurts, once again they are outsiders, once again they are not on the recieving end never can or will be, all they can ever do is pay, never recieve, and look on as a Policeman gets in his new Mercedes.:)

    Ah yes, the defender of... hmm, I forgot... :coffee1:

    So, you would sacrifice and go to prison for years even if you had a way to bribe somebody and walk away?

    Jesus has returned folks and he's a ThaiVisa member.

    There are other ways to fix a problem obviously you haven´t been raised in the proper manner of taking care of your own problems. :coffee1:

    Pray tell me what you would do in a situation that was very serious but you had the opportunity to grease some palms and walk away ?

    Be honest.

  4. Farang seem to have selective corruption syndrome.

    If they directly benefit from said corruption, everything is fine, motoring offences comes to mind, how many Farangs would jump at the opportunity to buy their way out of a serious offence, like causing death whilst under the influence for instance ?

    And anyone here who says they would refuse the opportunity to pay their way out and spend years in Prison instead is a liar or mad or both.

    Yet they rant and rave if a Thai does the very same thing.The fact that Farangs have nothing to offer in Thailand that could ellicit a bribe embitters them, but they are willing to pay bribes that are of benefit to themselves.

    It's the Thais that get the monetary gains though, that's what really hurts, once again they are outsiders, once again they are not on the recieving end never can or will be, all they can ever do is pay, never recieve, and look on as a Policeman gets in his new Mercedes.:)

    Paying off a ploice officer for a drink driving offence is still something i feel would be frowned upon by most farang.

    Yes, on an internet Forum it's easy to frown upon everything one percieves as wrong, but in the cold light of day, they would do whatever was neccessary to save themselves, so would I and so would you.

  5. Farang seem to have selective corruption syndrome.

    If they directly benefit from said corruption, everything is fine, motoring offences comes to mind, how many Farangs would jump at the opportunity to buy their way out of a serious offence, like causing death whilst under the influence for instance ?

    And anyone here who says they would refuse the opportunity to pay their way out and spend years in Prison instead is a liar or mad or both.

    Yet they rant and rave if a Thai does the very same thing.

    The fact that Farangs have nothing to offer in Thailand that could ellicit a bribe embitters them, but they are willing to pay bribes that are of benefit to themselves.

    It's the Thais that get the monetary gains though, that's what really hurts, once again they are outsiders, once again they are not on the recieving end never can or will be, all they can ever do is pay, never recieve, and look on as a Policeman gets in his new Mercedes.:)

    Ah yes, the defender of... hmm, I forgot... :coffee1:

    So, you would sacrifice and go to prison for years even if you had a way to bribe somebody and walk away?

    Jesus has returned folks and he's a ThaiVisa member.

    • Like 1
  6. Farang seem to have selective corruption syndrome.

    If they directly benefit from said corruption, everything is fine, motoring offences comes to mind, how many Farangs would jump at the opportunity to buy their way out of a serious offence, like causing death whilst under the influence for instance ?

    And anyone here who says they would refuse the opportunity to pay their way out and spend years in Prison instead is a liar or mad or both.

    Yet they rant and rave if a Thai does the very same thing.

    The fact that Farangs have nothing to offer in Thailand that could ellicit a bribe embitters them, but they are willing to pay bribes that are of benefit to themselves.

    It's the Thais that get the monetary gains though, that's what really hurts, once again they are outsiders, once again they are not on the recieving end never can or will be, all they can ever do is pay, never recieve, and look on as a Policeman gets in his new Mercedes.


  7. When old guys stare at me I go and stand right behind them and stare at their back intensively, they can't turn around and do feel like an object in their turn...it drives them nut as it give them a taste of their own medicine.:giggle:

    No you don't....

    • Like 1
  8. If I was just curious about Thailand, and judged Thailand by the posts from posters on ThaiVisa, I would think Thailand was the worse country in the world.

    I would also wonder why they lived there or kept going back there on holidays, if it was so bad, but, it would put me off.

    Luckily, I have been here since 1990, and take absolutely no notice at all of the BS on this forum.

    I would advise other readers to do the same.

    • Like 1

    Regardless, I stand by what I said which is; Any man who pays his wife or girlfriend a monthly stipend is an idiot. I'm not talking about money for houskeeping, some nice clothes, gifts or what have you; I'm talking about a regular payment she "sends to the family" that ensures she'll remain with him.

    Tell you what; tell your wife or girlfriend that the stipend is being rescinded then come back and tell us all what happened . . . once you've fought through the cloud of dust she's left on the way out.

    I totally agree - And while we're at it I think we should stop taking care of our children. Let the little buggers buy their own diapers and milk, doctor visits, cute clothes and toys. Damn straight.

    Simply a feeble attempt of humor. Forgive me.

    Don't be daft. That's hardly the same is it?

    You can't compare a helpless child with a fully-grown woman who'd rather meet her financial obligations with the proceeds of a stipend provided by a hapless, lovelorn idiot than rely on her own efforts.

    Guys getting into relationships where they know full well the woman's gonna chuck her job in favour of the meal ticket he represents are idiots and time usually proves it.

    ThaiVisa members are different, I know that, because they tell me on the on the internet that they are different, nearly every Farang I know in real life ended up with a bargirl, seems very strange that nearly every Farang on an anonymous internet forum, didn't.

    It don't make sense, most guys on ThaiVisa are old, how would they get a normal Thai woman without there being some financial benefit to her, it just don't happen in real life, only in internetland.

    This woman 30 years my juniour loves me for who I am..............yeah right, of course she does.

  10. I. Hate that, I Used to live in Hastings, UK, we had a huge problem with drunks on the promenade, one day my wife came home and told me they had accosted her when she was with our 2 daughters, they asked for money then ranted and raved at her when she walked away.

    I done whatever a man would have done, I went straight down to where they were and offered them to fight me, I called them everything, still not one of them would get up, luckily for them.

    I had the same <deleted> in Charing Cross railway station with the aggressive Scottish drunks trying to sponge money, I did a roundhouse kick that just missed his head, then he was a dribbling drunken Scottish blubbering fool, " i'm sorry mate, I didnae mean to offend, I was only jokin" yeah right.

    I was 30 years old and in my prime, that's the only reason they were sorry, if I was and OAP, they wouldn't give a toss.

    If I see this tosser in Patts, I will get out of my truck if he accosts anyone within my vicinity, and lay him down.

    I hate people like this with a passion.

  11. In Singapore a drug smuggling operation was busted, it was like this, a drug smuggler would carry the drugs on his body to Singapore where he would be in transit to somewhere else, the final mule would also be in the transit lounge from a draconian country, the drugs would be passed from one guy to another, then when they entered their home country the checks would not be so stringent, as they came from Singapore and another draconian country.

    Maybe now it's changed, maybe you have to go through customs when in transit ?

    The guys that got busted were from Taiwan.

  12. Probably try to come with that xxxx in Thailand and poison lots of people, good jugement hope they execut it that is what drug dealer deserve.

    But alcohol poisons/kills more people a year than what this guy had, but I'm sure you're ok with that
    I think if drugs were allowed in most countries like alcohol drinks are - then the drugs would cause the death of much more people then alcohol.

    So, why is Alcohol ok?

  13. I strongly disagree with their policy of execution for trafficking cannabis, but I would allow for the execution for methamphetamine which itself kills many people and destroys families.

    Alcohol kills more and destroys more families than meth and all other illegal drugs put together.

    That's because it is considerably more widely available than the illegal drugs.

    So should it be less available as it kills so many, like be made illegal ?

  14. I strongly disagree with their policy of execution for trafficking cannabis, but I would allow for the execution for methamphetamine which itself kills many people and destroys families.

    Alcohol kills more and destroys more families than meth and all other illegal drugs put together.

    Perhaps, but my 2 beers in the evening make me feel fine.

    If I was on Meth, would you know what quantity I would need to just feel fine???

    But if you were on meth, it would be your choice, nobody would force it on you.

    The US has spent billions of dollars of tax payers money on a totally pointless war on drugs, but, IF American people didn't want to take drugs, drug smugglers wouldn't be shipping them in.

    They obviously want to take a different drug other than government sanctioned and most imporantly TAXED and massive politcal donated legal drugs, so there will always be a massive business opportunity for people willing to take the risk to give people what they want.

    Science is a great thing, the days of watching your grandfather stumbling through life in a drunken stupour and thinking that it's the only release available are long gone.

    All the while Alcohol and Tobacco companies are allowed to sell their poison through massive political clout, nothing will change, and the old fellows on ThaiVisa, well, they are just too indocrinated to know any difference.

    Sorry guys if you cant understand it, I've just had 4 large cans of Chang Export.......

    • Like 1
  15. Ok , let me get this straight, if you live in Chiang Mai you're good, if you live in Pattaya, you're bad ?

    I have been to Chiang Mai, in fact since living here full time since 1990, I have been to many places in the realm, and apart from the awful traffic problems now existing in Pattaya, I can't think of anywhere else in Thailand that I would rather live, I also have a house upcountry, that's great in the cool season, but the ocean breeze blowing through my 13th floor condo on wong amat beach takes some licking.


  16. Problem is, Alcohol and Tobacco have got it all sewn up, with their massive political donations and lobbyists, smoking a joint can get you years in jail,yet you can go and purchase a warehouse full of hard liqour with no comeback.

    What gets me is that so many people think its right, people like my grandfather, ThaiVisa members seem to hold many grandfatherly views, or they were just born old.

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