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Posts posted by Banzai99

  1. The cheap USB to dock cables are very often crap too, better off buying an original cable.

    I bought 3 of them once thinking I was onto a good deal, wrong, all ended up failing and I had to buy an original from Apple, gotta hand it to Apple, they sure know how to make you buy their overpriced accessories once you are in the Apple system, but they do work, and if they don't , they replace.

  2. There was no actual "incident" until Barry raised his fingers and mouthed at the minivan driver. I don't think there are any laws about how close you have to stop behind another vehicle at the traffic lights.

    Whilst not condoning the following actions of the minivan driver which were clearly OTT, if Barry has lived here for over 7 years he should probably have more local knowledge and not bothered to make a non-incident into an incident.

    Maybe not a "local" law in Thailand against driving to near the vehicle in front of you but in the educated traffic world, yes.

    This is why there are no accidents in the western world, no road rage and nobody dies on the roads..............

    It only happens in Thailand.

    • Like 1
  3. I have a friend in Pattaya, total nutcase, flip him the bird at your own peril.

    I was unfortunate enough to be with him when somebody did!

    I felt really sorry for the other driver ( Farang ), poor old guy did not deserve the abuse he got, but my mate is a total nutter and really should be locked up.

    One day he is gonna abuse the wrong person and get a bullet in the face.

  4. The tent is where your car will end up after you have part exchanged/sold to the main dealer, they offer you a price, you take that price, then they pass it on to a third party, the profit margins are sometimes incredible.

    When I bought my Toyota Fortuner I had a Toyota Tiger 4x4 2 door, I part exchanged it to the dealer for 270,000 Baht, he gave it to an outside dealer, who sold it for 350,000........................

    I couldn't believe it as I had only paid 300,000 for the Tiger 2 years previous...I was amazed.

    But, the high prices are commanded because people cannot afford to pay cash, so they put a small deposit down and then pay through the nose for the car.

    Sell your car private is always the best bet, unless it's a dog, then leave it to a motor trader.

  5. Another example, I was in Pattaya, I had an altercation with another Farang.

    What does that mean, anything to do with cock size ?

    No, he was wrong I was right, simple, he may have had a bigger cock, I never looked, but I was still right.

    I have never understood that analogy that a guy in a powerful car has a small cock, or a guy in a 4x4 has a small cock or the guy on the powerful motorcycle has a small cock........

    Does that mean the guy's in low powered cars, 2WD's and 50cc mopeds are hung like horses ?


    It's just something Jealous guys say cos they can't afford or can't ride what the other guy has, so they feel inadequate!!! rolleyes.gif

  6. who has lived in Phuket for seven and a half years

    Should have known better. I try to stay very calm when driving here in Cambodia; way too many VIP's with guns and bodyguards. As in Thailand, they need to compensate for deficiencies elsewhere....

    What do you mean, deficiencies elsewhere ?

    Are you referring to their Penis size or ........

    Thai males don't need a huge Penis, that's because they are not with huge Farang women, they are with Thai women, who in general, are physically a lot smaller.

    I think it's the Farangs that feel inadequate, they just can't handle the fact that in the grand scheme of things, they are totally insignificant.

    This is 2013 not 1963, times have changed.

    • Like 2
  7. Oh sorry, The Room isn't free, but it's cheap for what it is.

    Free games, some are ok, but I cannot recommend any really, I only play paid for games regularly.

    There are heaps of free games on iPad, good luck.

  8. You don't keep ANYTHING around valuable enough to want to be able to lock up?! Maybe a nice camera; some jewelry; cellphone; important documents?

    No. As far as portable things go I have a camera worth about 5000B, an Android tablet worth about 15,000B, and old phone worth a couple of thousand. No jewellery, gold etc. Non-portable things are worth a lot more (desktop PC, monitor, large TV, hifi) but the likelihood of anything being stolen out of my condo is so small as to be negligible.

    And I do have insurance for it all anyway. In cash I have between 5-10,000B at most.

    My car sitting outside my condo is worth much more than my other possessions( it's worth more than many new Pattaya condos for that matter!), and I dont lock that in a safe either. Of course it is insured too, and the 24/7 condo guard who sits about 15 yards from where I park it is also a reassuring feature.

    Yeah, I never worry about Theft from my condo, what are they gonna steal, a bed, a sofa, a TV, a fridge freezer, a <deleted> computer and carry it down 13 floors with none of the 3 security guards seeing them, or none of the cameras identifying them ?

    No Chance, condos are the safest option in Pattaya, I know Condos are not for everybody, but I never ever felt completely safe in any house I used to rent.

    In my condo, I'd leave my entire wealth of 30,000 Baht for months without worrying about it at all, and when I went back, I know it would be there. smile.png

    In a house, it's different.

  9. Humm ... the way I read your question is ...

    Get a single entry Tourist Visa = 60 days

    Get the extension (yes, you have to pay the 1,900 Baht extension fee) = 30 days

    Take the trip to Cambodia on the 90th day

    Assuming you are flying back into Thailand, get the Visa exempt stamp which allows for 30 days

    That's your 4 months covered.

    The downside is that you must take the trip to Cambodia at a predetermined day ... give or take a day or two.

    As for saving money, I don't know the cost of Visa's issued in the States.

    Just do the sums ... is a single entry Tourist Visa + 1,900 Baht cheaper then a double entry Tourist Visa?

    Is my logic sound?

    Very Sound..

  10. Sorry.

    In a previous life my job was a T.O. on the railway, T.O. = Technical Officer. I left before I became an S.T.O or a P.T.O Senior Technical Officer, Principal Technical Officer, most of the guys working in our office were useless. They didn't have a clue.

    The guys that get the jobs done are the gangers, they actually know what they are doing , without having any engineering qualifications, TO's would have a tape and a thermometer, and would go by the book, or, so they should.

    The final signature was mine, even though I knew naff all compared to these guys, I had to sign the paper, if it was wrong and there was a derailment, I'd be in court, cos I had to sign my name so I always went by the book.

    I saw some Plasser tampers in Bkk once, they cost a lot of money.

    Anyway, what I'm saying is, the Railways are safe.

  11. In a previous life I was a Civil Engineer on Railways.

    I cringe at Farangs slagging off the That Rail system, look at the accident record in the UK, I worked at Hither Green, Lewisham,, scenes of carnage, and not one Thai in sight.

    Some of you people should wind your necks in, andstop this attitude that everything Farangs do is right, and everything Thais do is wrong !!!

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