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Posts posted by Banzai99

  1. True to JBrain.

    I was going to Loei and a car in front of me left the road, he went down the bank and smashed into some trees, I stopped to see what I could do.

    My missus told me to get back in my car and go to the Police checkpoint about 5KMS further on, I admit I did leave the scene, but, I did make sure the guy was breathing and within a few minutes the Police were informed.

    I have been involved in taking road racers to hospital many years ago, never cost me a baht.

    But, I do appreciate what Brain has to say, take notice, he's right in general.

  2. The people with the most annoying and irritating avatar brigade

    Ps: Count me in thumbsup.gif

    I quite like your avatar, I will admit, It did make me swat my iPad screen the first time.

    Then again, I have huge cockroaches waiting to get into my apartment at the slightest chance, I feel sorry for them really, I don't know why I squash them, but I do. it's not just Thailand folks, Tokyo is Cockroach heaven too.

    But the Japanese cockroaches are polite and into cosplay. thumbsup.gif

  3. The: " Waking up at 530am at a Thai farm without the alarm clock, feeling good, boil the water for coffee and slowly, very slowly start going around your business of the day, no pressure whatsoever" Brigade.

    The I'm Jealous of everyone who appears to have a better life than me brigade.

    It makes no difference if it's true or not, on ThaiVisa if you're young ( like me) good looking ( like me) have great academically gifted GF's ( like me ), you will have problems with the old men who can only dream of such a situation.

    Can I tell you about Japanese women and Farangs ( Gaijin), it's much easier than Thailand, believe me.

    No, I'll save that for another thread

    Try to leave your room once in a while, it helps.

  4. Make the most of not celebrating this day while you still can. IMHO in a couple of years time, all will be forced to dress up, sing and dance NK style to celebrate the glorious occasion of our eternal brave leaders birthday.

    No, you won't be forced.

    As a Farang, you have the great opportunity to go back to your own country.

    Of course you can still remain in Thailand if you so wish.

    Do you know how lucky you are to have that choice ?

  5. The constant Thai bashing. My Thai acquaintances are all well read and spend lots of money at Kinokuniya or Asia Books (and not on comic books). Certainly better read than a lot of the people on TV, judging by some of the posts made.

    Could be your friends happen to read, but I ride the BTS at least 25 times per month, and hardly ever seen a Thai read anything but comic books or some study book from university.

    Have looked many times, as I like to look around.

    And BTS riders are much more wealthy and educated than the average Thai farmer (40% of the population).

    Maybe you missed all the book readers as you were so engrossed in your own book ?

  6. We get away with a lot more than Thai people do, because we're Farang.

    The drunken bullshit many Farangs give to Thai guys would not be tolerated if it was a Thai guy giving the abuse, you'll get a free pass because you're a Farang most of the time, a Thai guy won't get the second chance.

    What drunken bullshit are you referring to?

    Why do not you get drunk, go to Thai bar and give Thai guy some shit and see what happens

    The only place where they get away with it to a point is with taxi drivers and inside girly bars without security.

    Rest assured the moment foreigner steps over the line he gets attacked by a pack of wolves.

    The only time he does not get attacked is when a Thai is alone or Thai does not understand a word being said

    Well, I have only been here for 23 years, so I will bow to your greater experience, I stand corrected. blink.png

    But, in the real world , what I said was right. thumbsup.gif

    please do not tell me you want to play "mine is bigger than yours"

    real world? you mean YOUR world of what you have seen?, it does not mean a real world, no matter how long you have been hererolleyes.gif

    I'm sure you're right, what would I know ?

  7. This is good news! It falls into the picture that TAT work on showing that the majority of tourists come here to visit temples, admire scenery, watch the wildlife, etc, etc, etc.

    I do however feel sorry for the 'average' tourist in this case, as the wildlife will be slightly pacified for a couple of days..............wink.png

    On a serious note, I wonder if TAT recognize 'word of mouth' as a deterrent to tourist figures as much as a positive action?

    And yes, I know it is a governmental decision, but you would think TAT would put up the argument.

    The final nail in the coffin ?

    Pattaya is doomed ?

    I've lived in Pattaya since 1990, Farangs were saying the same things then, these were the pre FoodLand days, pre Pattaya Mail days, big C and Lotus, never heard of them,

    Pattaya has come on leaps and bounds since 1990, although, I personally think it was better then in some ways, not so much traffic, much better attitude generally and a lot less Farangs who live here full time complaining about everything that doesn't suit them.

    We had a mass influx of Farangs in 1997 and just after, due to the exchange rates, when I came here it Was average 25 to USD and 40 to UKP, now of course these guys do nothing but complain about the exchange rates, and blame Thailand, like the worlds financial markets are wrong, and they should adjust the Baht to suit a pensioner in Pattaya........

    Yet year after year, there are more and more tourists, Billions of Baht has been spent by world class hotel chains, the Thai investers have invested Billions of Baht in projects, but I'm sure a bunch of disgruntled Farangs on ThaiVisa know better than they do.

    That's why you're in a fan room in Soi Buakhow , and they're in their mansions. rolleyes.gif alt=rolleyes.gif width=20 height=20>

    I remember it well, I had an apartment there from about 1990 - 1999, but only lived there full time from 97-99.

    As I am sure you will remember, there wasn't all the bar closing days then that we are seeing now. When someone came on holiday, they could pretty much do what they wanted, whenever they wanted. People on holiday want to enjoy themselves.

    Now-a-days you see someone coming on holiday with the possibility of their holiday being changed because of religious holidays, pre-election and election weekends and any other day they decide would be good to be dry.

    Pattaya will always survive, I have no doubt about that. It is the stories going back to the homelands by disgruntled visitors that I was referring to.

    Nice Post.

  8. We get away with a lot more than Thai people do, because we're Farang.

    The drunken bullshit many Farangs give to Thai guys would not be tolerated if it was a Thai guy giving the abuse, you'll get a free pass because you're a Farang most of the time, a Thai guy won't get the second chance.

    What drunken bullshit are you referring to?

    Why do not you get drunk, go to Thai bar and give Thai guy some shit and see what happens

    The only place where they get away with it to a point is with taxi drivers and inside girly bars without security.

    Rest assured the moment foreigner steps over the line he gets attacked by a pack of wolves.

    The only time he does not get attacked is when a Thai is alone or Thai does not understand a word being said

    Well, I have only been here for 23 years, so I will bow to your greater experience, I stand corrected. blink.png

    But, in the real world , what I said was right. thumbsup.gif

  9. We get away with a lot more than Thai people do, because we're Farang.

    The drunken bullshit many Farangs give to Thai guys would not be tolerated if it was a Thai guy giving the abuse, you'll get a free pass because you're a Farang most of the time, a Thai guy won't get the second chance.

    • Like 2
  10. This is good news! It falls into the picture that TAT work on showing that the majority of tourists come here to visit temples, admire scenery, watch the wildlife, etc, etc, etc.

    I do however feel sorry for the 'average' tourist in this case, as the wildlife will be slightly pacified for a couple of days..............wink.png

    On a serious note, I wonder if TAT recognize 'word of mouth' as a deterrent to tourist figures as much as a positive action?

    And yes, I know it is a governmental decision, but you would think TAT would put up the argument.

    The final nail in the coffin ?

    Pattaya is doomed ?

    I've lived in Pattaya since 1990, Farangs were saying the same things then, these were the pre FoodLand days, pre Pattaya Mail days, big C and Lotus, never heard of them,

    Pattaya has come on leaps and bounds since 1990, although, I personally think it was better then in some ways, not so much traffic, much better attitude generally and a lot less Farangs who live here full time complaining about everything that doesn't suit them.

    We had a mass influx of Farangs in 1997 and just after, due to the exchange rates, when I came here it Was average 25 to USD and 40 to UKP, now of course these guys do nothing but complain about the exchange rates, and blame Thailand, like the worlds financial markets are wrong, and they should adjust the Baht to suit a pensioner in Pattaya........

    Yet year after year, there are more and more tourists, Billions of Baht has been spent by world class hotel chains, the Thai investers have invested Billions of Baht in projects, but I'm sure a bunch of disgruntled Farangs on ThaiVisa know better than they do.

    That's why you're in a fan room in Soi Buakhow , and they're in their mansions. rolleyes.gif

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