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Posts posted by Banzai99

  1. Thais are not the worse drivers in Thailand, let alone being the worst drivers in the world.

    The worst drivers I see are old Farangs who have no clue and are too old to adapt to this enviroment and should employ a Thai driver, but they think they are better than the Thai people because they are Farang.

    I have absolutely no problem driving in Thailand, also absolutely no problem with Thai drivers, but, I came here when I was 35 in 1990, if I had come here when I was 65 instead, maybe I too would struggle to adapt, like so many others obviously do.

    Employ a driver if you can't adapt, it's safer for all of us.

  2. When I arrived in my company, my boss told me not to trust any Thai person in the company, especially the one being nice to me, they always have ulterior motives.

    I found this advice totally prejudiced and wrong.

    Now I understand what he meant.

    I was told the same, then I was stupid enough to place all my trust in Farangs, it ended up costing me nearly 100,000 Baht in unpaid loans.

  3. Seems for now most of us live for min 50k a month for pretty modest, but correct life (rent+food+motorbike+all except exceptional leisures)

    @sjohnson : you can even find places for 4-6000THB to live. You can eat for 60-100THB a day if you eat strict thai food or from Tesco.

    I know I could, but I don't want, live for less than 10k... :

    5000THB rent

    1000thb electric+water

    100thb food a day, 3000/mo

    Rest is comfort... better house, internet, more choices in food, motorbike, leisures. A must for me to pay 5 times this but for much higher quality of life. Also we are two.

    10k a month? I lived better in the Scrubs :-)

    True. :)

  4. Am i the only guy who has an older wife? Only 1 year though.

    Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    My wife's 5 year older.

    I wouldn't know what to do with a woman twenty years younger.

    By the time we get through the first round I'll be half-dead while she's just getting warmed up probably.

    That's why they have Boyfriends their own age on the side....

    • Like 1
  5. This topic has been done to death over many years, but still good for a giggle.

    Another good topic is : " Where did you meet your wife " some of the replies are really cringeworthy, and obvious fabrications, if you met her in a bar, like most farangs do, just say so, don't make up some ridiculous tale, who are you trying to kid anyway, yourself ?

  6. You are entitled to define your maturity as you see fit.

    My wife has had her own house for years. I wanted a bigger a newer one and that's the one we live in. Why not be comfortable with plenty of space around you if you can afford it? She has her own vehicle but I wanted to be able to use a rather nice brand new suv I fancied. She prefers the pick up for business. Read my previous post.

    My wife is younger but hardly young.

    Funny how kids think that they know more than do grown ups. Chappy, I've been around the circuit more times than you have. I'm in the best relationship that I've ever had and am enjoying myself. I hope that, one day, you too reach that happy state.

    Soften your soul.

    Well all power to you if you're in the best relationship of your life. I'm sure you said the same thing in all your previous marriages or liaisons.

    All I'm saying is that plenty of men, myself included, have had successful relationships with women where they haven't needed to grease the wheels of bliss with liberal quantities of cash. If that's what you have to do to keep your wife, fine . . . as long as the dosh is there.

    You and I both know that advanced years don't provide any guarantee whatsoever of success in relationships or superior knowledge of the ways of women so I'm at a loss as to why you keep berating younger men.

    You were younger once; didn't you have successful relationships back then or do you genuinely feel that one has to have a foot in the grave to be able to make one work?

    I'm 'berating' younger men because I'm hacked off with them coming here and telling others how to live their lives when they haven't got a clue what life beyond the nappy stage is about. They also think that they have the right to insult those other people and their wives. If they don't like it back, they should keep quiet.

    And no, my relationship doesn't depend on the 'dosh'. I enjoy, with her, what I have over here. She spends her own money on me too. Up to me and not the business of any bitter, clueless, pot-less young prick who's just realised he hasn't done anything about his pension fund.

    So, what turned your business owning financially independant woman onto an old man ?

    The gut, the grey hair, the sexual prowess, lol........you're kidding yourself, even Mick Jagger knows the young chicks are with him for the money, the fame etc, what's your story ?

  7. Old men with young women aresad and strange, but all the women I know in this situation have a boyfriend nearer their own age and both benefit from the old mans money.

    Sad really, but it is to be expected.

    I find it especially sad when the old chaps dye their hair and wear a younger mans clothes thinking it will roll back the years, it looks stupid.

    • Like 1
  8. I'm not yet a grandfather, young chap.

    My wife is a good bit younger than me and has her own business. She relies financially on me for nothing but I do like to treat her to nice things like a second home and a second car. You'll understand when you are more mature that life isn't simply the black and white picture that you see at the moment.

    You will also learn in time that people who are happy in their relationships don't give a damn what other people think.

    I'm perfectly mature thanks.

    Mature enough to know that no bloke with any common sense or self-respect goes out and buys his wife a second home and a motor unless he's providing her with reasons to stay with him.

    Of course, there's a chance that your relationship is genuinely different and, as I don't know you, I can't say for certain that you're delusional but given the track record of older men who've dished out the readies to younger Thai women like you have, there's every reason to suspect that you've got an unpleasant surprise or two coming your way at some point.

    Just be prepared.

    Yea, but don'tf orget, he is a member of an anonymous internet forum and his wife is different, she is fianancially independent, she just happens to fancy old men.
    • Like 2
  9. Yep, I'm sure Mick Jagger, Ronnie Wood, Rod Stewart will look at a bunch of old losers on ThaiVisa, drop their girlfriends immediately, and go after the grandmothers instead.

    I know a guy who is in his late 70’s, he has a very young wife, she's still in her teens, he treats her like a princess and she seems happy enough, of course, there is more to it than that, but the old bitter and twisted men of ThaiVisa would never understand, they are just jealous, same as I am.

    Lets see, he's happy, you're not, not much more to say.

    I think it's the young bitter and twisted who never understand. Who wants a lesson in morals from today's kids?

    How old are you, 234 ?

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