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Posts posted by Banzai99

  1. There are only so many Thai related Topics available, and they have all been done and done and done to death.

    Therefore, you get many ( mostly) inane and banal threads in General Topics that in the main, are just mass cyberspace brawls, or a Thai bashing free for all.

    I have seen some interesting threads from an OP, but closed as non Thai related, fair enough, it's a Thai related Forum.

    Perhaps a sub forum for non Thai related threads ?

    There are many sub forums dealing with a multitude of topics, specific themes, there is a lot less animosity in these forums.

    General topics............. it's the same stuff done over and over and over ( ad infinitum ) again, most of which I would guess is not based on fact, Troll paradise. smile.png

    Yet, I'll wager it's the General Topics forum that generates the most traffic for ThaiVisa.

    So, it appears there is a fan base for total rubbish. rolleyes.gif

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  2. I have an old DLink router in the Condo, works alright. So I bought another DLink Cloud Router to use in Japan, christ, the thing drove me nuts, my iPhone or Ipad wouldn't connect properly and when they did, certain Apps work, but others like Line, Tango, Yahoo weather won't, but getting to the App store, no problem, it was really frustrating.

    Eventually I went to the Apple store and purchased an AirMac Express, virtually sets itself up, can be done on any iDevice with The Airport Utility App, don't need a computer to set the router up, within a few minutes it was up and running flawlessly.

    My friend in Japan was running an SMC wireless router that I had bought over from Thailand, iPad and iPhone would keep disconnecting, now, no problems at all, but I still blame Apple because it was only after IOS 6 came out that the disconnection problems started.

    AirMac Express 9800 Yen , around 3000 Baht, expensive compared to a cheap DLink, but if you ain't that Tech savvy when it comes to wireless networking, and have no patience, ( Like Me), It's not so bad.

  3. Yeah, I reckon they should have university educated Farangs slaving away 15 hours a day for a few hundred baht in a 45c Kitchen, I'm quite sure you'd never have to put up with such blatant incompetence ever again.

    As we all know, every restaurant in the western world always get their orders right.

    Why can't these natives be more like us Farangs, why can't their businesses run like they do in the west, why can't they drive like they do in the west, why can't they be educated like they are in the west, why can't the police be like they are in the west, why can't the government be like the governments of the west, why can't I own land here like I can in the west, why do I live here at all when it's not like the west ?

    I wan't to change it, well, not everything of course, only the things that don't suit me, but why oh why can't these pesky natives not understand that THEY have to change to suit ME.

    I swear this country is going downhill, and if they are not careful, I'll leave and never come back.

    • Like 2
  4. She/he is fat and pig ugly and just sits in the corner like a sack of spuds when ever I she her/him...


    Makes a change though, that's normally the description of many Farangs.

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  5. I want to die as I am making a meaningless post on ThaiVisa, I could die happy knowing someone I don't know, may, or may not have read the last words of someone he or she don't know, and upon finding out about my death more people who I wouldn't know if I walked into them can write RIP.

  6. You have been here 7 years and you need to ask on here where to find a decent girl?

    I agree with Klubex99, why on earth would you ask a bunch of strangers on an anonymous forum on where to meet someone.

    You claim to be in your late 20’s and you're asking advice from people, many of whom where in their 20’s decades ago, for advice ?

    Just ask your Grandfather, at least you know him.

  7. On the other hand, I know a couple of English guys who had brilliant credit ratings, got as many credit cards as they could and had the maximum cash advance on all of them, took out as many unsecured loans as they could, banks, loan companies etc then pizzed off to Thailand with the money.

    One went back after 10 years fearing arrest for fraud charges, nothing, he just has a crap credit rating, can't open a bank account etc, but, there are ways round that too.

    Yet in Thailand I imagine it's different, writing a cheque that bounces is a criminal offence.

  8. Seems like the OP is another one of the Farangs who expects millions of Thais to change to the way he does things, because he chose to leave his own country and chose to live here.

    Hate to burst your arrogant Farang bubble, but it's YOU that has to adapt, not the Thais, you might think about getting a Thai driver if you are too old to adapt.

    Why is it when ever you post anything, anywhere it is always trying to degrade a farang in some way, old, arrogant, fat, etc. I believe you have a problem ?

    If you believe that I have a problem because I am not continually slagging off Thailand and patting myself and others on the cyber back for being Farangs, therefore always right, then yes, I have a problem.

  9. Seems like the OP is another one of the Farangs who expects millions of Thais to change to the way he does things, because he chose to leave his own country and chose to live here.

    Hate to burst your arrogant Farang bubble, but it's YOU that has to adapt, not the Thais, you might think about getting a Thai driver if you are too old to adapt.

  10. I have a kettle and the instructions say to fill it to the brim when boiling. It might have something to do with covering the element completely with water so it doesn't short out.

    I hope this helps you with your angst.

    Nope, it's just Thai behaviour at it's worst, having the temerity to overfill a kettle should be met with as much ThaiVisa scorn as we can muster, typical Thai.

  11. Meanwhile, back in reality with people below 80 years old.

    Alcohol continues to wreack havoc with millions of people and is perfectly acceptable.

    Just don't dare to take any drug that isn't taxed, or we throw you in jail, or kill you.

    If I made pills that were as potent as Alcohol and caused as many problems as Alcohol, I reckon those pills would get me life imprisonment or the death sentence, yet, I can buy a warehouse full of Whiskey that causes so much grief to so many people with no comeback, but, if I smoke a joint, I could get jailed for years.

    500 grammes of grass in Singapore its a mandatory death sentence, but the biggest killers of all (Alcohol and Tobacco) are legal in Singapore.

    That makes sense !

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