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Posts posted by Banzai99

  1. As your missus seems to be in on the big joke, perhaps she can give her experience to the other girl who seems very inexperienced and innocent, unlike her.

    Hang on a minute, were you not the one that stated you or your missus had never set foot in a bar, correct me if I'm wrong.

    So, in this thread are we supposed to slag Thai People off, laugh at them, generally put them down, or are we supposed to congratulate you ?

  2. Whilst you have poverty , low wages, greed ,poor education, corruption, peer pressure , high dept levels ,in a society such as Thailand you will always get the idiots trying to make the easy money, in real terms, they just cannot see the big picture, only tunnel vision , money money money,

    So what about the rampant drug trade in first world countries ?

    • Like 1
  3. Un freeking believable, so, once again it time to slag Thai people off cos we Farangs are more civilised.....what a load of crap.

    Look here and tell me we are.


  4. My car was hesitant, stalled, started up fine sometimes and ran fine, it was not right a few times, but I thought it was bad fuel, then it stalled another time on the Sukhumvit. On advice I bought a new battery ( it was 5 Years old) and From then, never had a problem, my problem was 100% the battery.

    If the battery is the original it will be 5 years old, it could well be the battery and you could stall in a very awkward place, like I did, you lose power steering as well.

  5. Just take to a Toyota dealer, get a mechanic to sit with you and demonstrate it then leave it to them

    Change the battery.

    My Fortuner had a similar problem, the Battery was 5 years old, changed the Battery, no problem after that.

  6. In my opinion neither are the slightest bit attractive , youthful and my wife who is thai/chinese/korean/european/alien is far prettier.

    You need to get over yourself.

    Try looking inwards instead.

    You wouldn't have a photo of your thai/chinese/korean/european/alien beauty from the inside, per chance?:lol:

    Take it easy. Just a joke...

    She's busy getting her 13th Masters Degree at Yale.

    • Like 1
  7. Me and the wife went to an arab restaurant in early sukhumvit. When walking back to the bts some guy grabbed my wifes ass. I was walking 3 steps ahead cause the footpath is narrow with street sellers and all their crap.

    She only told me about 30 seconds later when she caught up to me.

    I was so pissed off. Still boils my blood thinking about it.

    So, a guy grabs your wifes ass, you are only 3 steps ahead of her, and it took her 30 seconds to let you know what had happened ?

    Gotta love anonymous forums...... :)

  8. The actual percentage of foreigners married to ex-working girls may be very negligible.

    Yeah right,of course it is.............one in a million.......( Shaking my head in disbelief )

    ThaiVisa members exempt of course, as we all know young attractive intelligent Thai Women queue up for old, fat, grey haired monstrosities 40 years older than them, as long as they have a ThaiVisa T-Shirt on.

    • Like 2
  9. Nice work Neeranam, great Troll thread, you had a drink with a 60 year old Farang, yet you say you haven't had a drink for 14 years as you're an Alcoholic, it's confusing.

    Yes, of course you could have been drinking milk, but it don't come across that way, you wan't to give the impression that it was a meeting we can all relate to, again, nice work, but you have told of your alcoholism many times, so your imaginary tale of having a drink, sorry, it don't work.

    I have been here in Thailand since 1990, and apart from members of anonymous internet forums ( where people lie through their teeth), most guys who come here as tourists have a very limited pool to swim in, unless you know people who have lived here for years, it will be difficult to meet women outside the normal venues, it's a fact, I don't care what ThaiVisa members say, the fact is, in the vast majority of cases, old Farangs meet their women in bars, and so do most young tourists for that matter.

    I know, I had a Bar for years.

    Of course this s a Troll thread by a guy who has been here a long time and knows the score here. These threads are made to make the old guys feel bad, simple as that.

    For me, I have a Japanese GF and we share a Thai girlfriend, works for us, and we met her in a bar ! :)

    Oh, I'm such a loser....:)

    • Like 2
  10. ..............and so we descend into a festival of low level trolling.

    Okay gents, MissFarmGirl is one of the few female Thai members of Thaivisa, she is sure to read this thread.

    I suggest the mods keep an eye on this thread, and in particular question why Banzai99 has posted that stupid comment. Others are overstepping the mark too.

    You can troll members like me to your hearts content, but don't be attacking our female members.

    Marker down.

    Carry on.

    It's a fictional sotuation, the OP made that clear !!

    It was said in jest, as it is fictional it's aimed at nobody, , so, get of your Mighty Steed Sir Blether, the ladies honour does not need saving.

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