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Posts posted by realenglish1

  1. Dereliction of Duty? A criminal charge then why is Obama still the President Not such law in the United States so I think Obama will give Thailand a pass because once he sets foot here they can through several charges of dereliction of duty at him.

    You know I don't like here either but this law is undemocratic .

  2. This is no doubt the comments of the Luni fringe. Ok even in the United States and the UK if there is vote buying you go to jail for a year or so but the death penalty?

    So why not extend it to "J' walking too since a lot of people j walk here in Thailand. Lets make this crack down a real momentous occasion.

    You want to be a representative of the voting public then get real

  3. You can debate back and forth about this but the route problem is violence against woman and it is shown on TV. They obscure someone smoking on TV and sensor it but when it comes to someone hitting a woman there is no censorship.

    This is one of the problems Little boys here in Thailand see it and think its OK to hit a woman and I read an article here that says that 13 % of Thai woman say its OK for a husband or boyfriend to hit them if they do bad

    WOW its not ok for a man to hit a woman for any reason And I can assure you this guy who raped this girl on the train is a partial victim of Thai society albeit he is a bad man and should pay for his crime It is because of Thai society that says its ok to abuse a Thai woman who are partially to blame.

    Thai society should have 0 tolerance of violence against woman and should ban it totally from TV. Why teach little boys its ok to hit a woman ?

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  4. It seems no one answered this question and just gave water cooler comments here. This is the general answer. If you are arrested for an overstay they will take you to jail and then you are going to half to try and make arrangements to exit the country from jail . You may half to rely on friends to help you in jail. No you will not be able to go back and get your stuff. You will be unceremoniously taken to the airport and pay the fine and then get on the next plane out of the country.

    You may or may not be able to access your personal stuff It will all depend on the cops involved but they are not duty bound to do so. In other words you are in a lot of shit at that point.

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  5. These people that did this to the girl are absolutely disgusting. I just do not understand how another human being can do this to another . Its simple these people are morally bankrupt and should not be allowed to be on the outside with the general population Not telling what they are capable of doing

    Lock them up for life That is where they belong My heart goes out to this girl

    So sorry little one

  6. You have about 60 billionaire generals, who have controlled most industry there for decades. Even after this utterly false declaration of reform, which Obama has accepted due to pressure from the Chinese, very, very little has changed. The generals are still making billions off of illegal ruby smuggling, and dealing in heroin. So, how much is available for the people? Whatever the generals and Than Shwe (yes, he is still in control) choose to allow them to participate in.

    There are always morons who no nothing of what they say. I am a gem dealer and it is very open dealing in ruby in Myanmar and I have not seen or had dealings with those so called Billionaire Generals who you think control the ruby markets.I dont know about drugs because I have nothing to do with that market but rubies are a open market controlled by local miners

    Get a job on a communist paper then you can believe what you read

  7. I am sorry this is not a well thought out Idea. Just adding more days off for a long weekend does nothing for tourism. It is only a good idea for Thais not to half to work. The result will be they will go back to their respective provinces but not boster tourism in the country. Foreigners do not care if there is a long weekend or not in Thailand coming from another country. This has not been a well thought out idea. More importantly why not give foreigners who come for a holiday over the next while free medical insurance or a coupon for discounted hotels or a further 10% if they buy made in Thailand Now that will help spur spending and tourism . But just to make a holiday for a long weekend will do nothing for tourism TOT I thought you where smarter than this ?

  8. If she did not take a vow then what is the fuss all about. This is stupid indignation . Just because you think she should or should not do something is not right. I am not defending here but I hate people who try and put their own morals on someone else . If you feel that way cut off your hair and start praying for all your worldly goods to be taken away.

    Then you should feel better you *$()#)_@(*@)

  9. P.S. from my last post to you

    You had enough of a doubt that you came to this forum because you do not feel comfortable. Well that should tell you its wrong and you are about to get take a fall Listen to your inner voice

    I had dated a girl and she was emphatic about Thai Thai tradition about sin sod and the gold So I told here I could not afford it Then we are not together today So this give you a glance at it . If she really loves you she will not care about Sin Sod or anything other than you being a good mate and husband and good to her parents Thats it and on top of this many guys who put up a sin sod get it back after the ceremony as it was just for looks

    Good luck

  10. Your handling a hot potato. She says you don't have to pay if you pay the 1 million for the house. Walk away she is manipulation you . She has found the brass ring. Although some Thais want a dowry a lot to day are just skipping it and living a very normal like. Mostly the Poor Thais care about this because is is the only way out of poverty.

    Buy a condo and put it in both names then there is No problem. My guess is she is going to say anything to make you sure you pay a large amount at the beginning.

    What I would do is tell her you will not buy for 2 years You want to get to know the Thai culture and areas much better . Then see what happens My guess is she will not sympathize with you she will go nuts or give you are real headache If that is the case my friend walk away. I have lived here for almost 20 years and see this all the time

    Its culture maybe but its MONEY hard earned cash. DON'T DO IT you'll be sorry.

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