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Everything posted by theblether

  1. Don't tell me you're one of the FBPE brigade. It's over. And I voted remain.
  2. I agree that they are low IQ, and amusingly they are the same people that refer to MAGA as being "dumb". They fall for every drivelesque trap in the book. Today they are running about screaming about hidden messages in dresses. It's unbelievable.
  3. I met a few deportees when I was in Mexico for a few months. They weren't fazed as they knew the game, go over, make a few dollars and return. I was also intrigued to hear that they didn't want to live in the USA full time. The immigration trap meant that once they were in country they had to stay as re-entry was difficult. All Trump has to do is offer Mexicans six month per year working visas and they will be dancing in the streets. They'll cross over, pick the crops and work the tourist high seasons, then go home till next year. It's as simple as that. And as for third party nationals crossing the border? The Mexicans will turn against them ( it's already started ). They'll find Mexico to be a hostile place if they interfere with Mexicans ability to earn.
  4. How does the OP know that uninsured Thais get charged less?
  5. This is why the Democrats lost the election. People are sick of this cr*p.
  6. It reminds me of the 18 security agencies that signed a letter saying that Russia interfered with the 2016 election. One of them was the coastguard. How the h*ll did the coastguard know? Did they intercept a dolphin with a box of ballot papers strapped to its back? It's time for these security agencies and officials to go back into their box. Interfering with democracy as they did should be radioactive and career ending.
  7. We all know about the infamous 51 former "intelligence" officials who signed the letter saying that the Hunter Biden laptop was a Russian hoax. Now Trump has said he's going to revoke all their security clearances. I say - deserved - but with a proviso. Every single one should be brought before Congress to demonstrate evidence supporting their signature. Virtually none will be able to do so. Then revoke. Make it clear that these mass signings will be taken seriously and will have consequences. There is a downside, though. The whole point of these security clearances is to create a council of wise and experienced people. It does not help the USA if they chose to be unwise - and to undermine elections through partisan hatred. So, yes - revoke. But it won't be without consequence.
  8. Keep your eye on the Blue Dog Democrat group. They are far from happy with these pardons.
  9. Rumors are going around that Fetterman will cross the floor next week. It wouldn't shock me as he is at odds with the anti-Israel wing of his party among other things. The downside for the Dems is losing another one of their voting bloc - but a couple of GOP Senators won't be happy as his switching sides will nullify their awkward squad mentality. And with Senators such as Sanders saying they are all in re attacking waste in the military budget, Trump may have an easier time than expected this year.
  10. I think Melania is sending a message:
  11. He can't. But those who accepted the pardons can't plead the 5th. So if Congress can unravel the documentation they must tell the truth. And while they may avoid jail it will utterly destroy the Democrat party machine if Americans discover systematic criminality. I mean, dear me - a Democrat President had to pardon a Cheney and she accepted it? This is absurd.
  12. All these pardons are a major problem for the people who accepted them. Their credibility is shot, but worse, they all can be called to testify under oath before Congress and if they are caught in a lie they can be prosecuted. Fauci, in particular, is in serious jeopardy for his previous statements to Congress about "gain of function."
  13. US military experts - my first reaction is that the Milley pardon is extremely problematical. Accepting this pardon should result in dishonorable discharge?
  14. I was on the Magners last night. My local pub has a karaoke contest booked at 5pm and the TV set up for the inauguration. A son of Scotland will be President again tonight. Lets celebrate.
  15. I'm over the moon that forum miserabilists are having a bad day. 200 executive orders incoming.
  16. This place used to be informative. It's now a repository for bitter men taking about things they can't control.
  17. I don't "may have a point." The point is clear and a matter of fact. As for not disputing policies with you, how about we wait until Trump starts issuing Executive Orders? Or are you that bored that you want to play Nostradamus today?
  18. Its a fair bet that the first female President will be Republican. It's also a fair bet that the first American Descendent of Slavery President will be a Republican. Jesse Jackson said of Obama that he "wasn't black enough." Obama said that his wife's family had the ADOS experience, not him. Kamala Harris was descended from Jamaican slavers. Unfortunately for the American Left, who tried to insinuate that it was a result of slave r*pe, they discovered that the family link was born of love long after slavery had been abolished. Harris' father disputed her "woe is me, segregation/bussing" story when she ran for President in 2019. Further, her mother was an immigrant from high caste and extraordinarily racist India. Only the Democrats could be that stupid as to put up two so-called African-Americans as President who had no Black American slave history pouring through their veins. And they wonder why the African-American vote was so poor this time round?
  19. Almost 4pm and the hostages haven't been released yet. The Times of Israel is running a live blog - apparently Red Cross are on their way to pick up hostages. Link to blog here: https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog-january-19-2025/
  20. Harris wasn't demonised, she was exposed. The whole point of primaries is to weed out unsuitable candidates, she failed in her first run as Democrat primary voters hated her. I'll say that again. Democrat primary voters hated her. Then some clown came up with an idea - "hey, why don't we get that woman that Democrat primary voters hate to run for President?" Have a wee think about that appalling piece of self-sabotage. It should have been an open convention. I reckon Amy Klobuchar would have beaten Trump under normal circumstances. However, that assassination attempt was the biggest turning point in the election. As someone said ( can't remember who to attribute this to" "The freaks of the night have been wakened, these people who don't care about politics but will now swing behind Trump because you can do anything but assassinate our political leaders. And if, by chance, Trump is assassinated before the election, JD Vance will win at a Reagan-level landslide." In short, many Americans will tolerate anything but bullets flying. Rumours are abounding ( and I have no idea ) that the FBI has prevented two plots to assassinate Trump at the inauguration, and there are more that they are chasing down. Hence why the inauguration has been moved indoors.
  21. If you don't watch any of those clips make sure you watch this one - this is what Malcolm X thought about Liberals and he wasn't wrong.
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