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Shah Jahan

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Posts posted by Shah Jahan

  1. I signed up for Twitter online, then after entering my mobile number, got the following message:

    "Note: We currently don't support sending SMSes to this number."

    Anyone know if this is true for all Thai cellphone service providers?

    twitter is annoying on SMS - better to get an interface with wifi or Gprs - I use twinkle on the iPhone, but there are others.

    or just use the web interface or even better tweetdeck which is an AIR desktop application for power twittering

    after you get into it, you will have too many tweets coming in to handle via sms

  2. This is what The Nation is saying;

    "Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat travelled to northeastern province of Nakhon Panom on Sunday, People's Power Party MP Paijit Srivorakarn said.

    Somchai visited the province to pay respect to Pratart Panom Temple, he said.

    He travelled from Chiang Mai where he lately used as his office after anti-government protesters seized two Bangkok airports."

    is that thaksins black magic temple that he always goes to?

  3. Say whatever you like about Thaksin, but he tried to make Thailand a modern country, .....

    he did, and he did do many good things for Thailand and the sad thing is that he of all people had the chance to really lead and carry Thailand into its next era. To be the Lee Kwan Yew of the 21st Century. Unfortunately his shortsight destroyed him , where instead of focusing on Thailand, he only focused on himself. with great power comes greater responsibility. for this reason he is a failure and disgrace - the one who could have made changes, but was blinded by petty greed.

  4. There is no leadership left.

    Thaksin looked horrible in his youtube video. his is a broken and spent man with sleazy ringtones, nothing more to come from him

    somchai is just hiding and useless waiting for thaksin to do something.

    not sure what is up with the army?


    PAD Hannuman squad?

    come on

    where is the one leader who can unify the country?

    Time to stand up.

  5. Have you ever played chess before? A stalement is deemed as a draw. Checkmate, where one player wins, has nothing to do with a stalemate. :o

    This is actually more like a 19x19 Go Board. The PAD surrounds and captures. When there are no more moves for either party, then the score is counted and the winner declared.

  6. Actually what Thaksin has done in Thailand and what Dick Cheney has done over the last 8 years in Amerika are very similar in nature.

    the only difference is that Americans are trained to put up with the crap until the next election and Thais have no need to wait. In that way, I would say that Thailand is a much more evolved democracy than the USA.

  7. Is coup needed? how much would it take for the army to round up the trouble makers and restore law and order??????????

    If there's a coup the red shirts will come out in force and be the new trouble makers.

    no they wont. they will have nothing to protest against.

  8. Is coup needed? how much would it take for the army to round up the trouble makers and restore law and order??????????

    which trouble makers? you mean the somchai cabinet?

    get rid of somchai and the PAD disperses and there is no more problem.

    much easier to move one man than 50,000

  9. Does anyone know if there are good places or sites for local dating? Most of the girls seem to live in BKK.

    depends what type of girl you want to date

    if you want to bang college girls go to the Warm Up on niemenhaman and you will get their phone number - call them the NEXT day take them to dinner on the river and then to your room -

    if you dont want to put in that much work then goto spotlight

    if you dont wake up till 1am then there are always plenty of girls to date at spicy.

    but really your question is worded like a windup for promoting a dating site. i wonder if other posters have conveniently replied with a url of a dating site?

  10. Uthai has been seen wandering around the streets of Pai the last few days. I even saw him perched up at a roadside bar full of foreigners trying to pick up on some english girls who had no idea he was the killer cop. he was wearing a yellow shirt and looked like a broken man. I could not determine if he was carrying a sidearm.

  11. Well if this is real - then the UK is very smart to want get involved in a bunch of messy Thai politics. They probably had enough when he started using UK as his staging ground (phone in) for his personal propaganda - which didnt really match up with the asylum card he was trying to play

    if it is a hoax then this is some good piece of magic someone pulled.

  12. I have been Moving around a lot lately, haven't had a lot of time to focus on the Bangkok News and Political stuff.

    People tell me there is Protesting in Bangkok and I'm like "Oh yeah? AGAIN?"

    I was wondering if there is anyone out there who is really paying attention to what is going on, and can please post a whole story about what has happened in the past year so I can get caught up here a little.

    Cause I read the News, but all I get is bits pieces and fragments of the Story, instead of getting an understanding of what is really going on. I mean in one News Article all I learned was someone was disqualified for hosting a Cooking Show? You're kidding right? That is actually a reason to disqualify someone in Thailand? What other strange reasons can Politicians get the Axe for? And in the Political arena who is the good guys and who are the Bad guys now? I'm beginning to lose track. My Head is spinning just trying to get a grip on all of it. Last I heard Thaksin was the Evil Republican. They got rid of him, then what happened? Where did it go wrong from there? They had an election and did it Count or not?

    Who won that whole thing? Or they still haven't decided so they have to have ANOTHER election to solve the Dispute over the 1st election? How does that work?

    If someone doesn't get it straight pretty soon it looks like Civil War is on the Horizon no?

    So who is the good guys, and who is the Bad Guys right now? Who is doing what wrong the most?

    Enlighten me a little here okay?



    which version do you want?

  13. Hello

    We are two 23y/o girls living in Thailand (me in Chiang Mai, the other one in BKK) and we were planning to travel to Malaysia in October during our holidays. Were planning to hitch-hike, we don't mind spending 3 days for the trip between BKK and Penang, as long as we can meet and chat with Thai ppl along the way. We both speak enough Thai to ensure the basic conversation.

    Do you think it's generally unsafe ? I'm a bit worried about the southern part (though we would go along the east coast, i think it's more quiet). I've never heard of anyone hitch-hiking. Mainly, I guess, because transportation are cheap, but we don't want to hitchhike because of a lack of money but rather to meet people on the way...

    Any recommendations or advices or "you young girls are totally crazy" ? Any insight would be welcome :o



    You are delusional in your understanding of this culture if you think that two 23 year old white girls can hitchhike around thailand. this is the culture where if a girl allows herself to get into a situation where she is alone in a room with a man, then she has already consented to sex. moreso if she has already taken gifts/transportation by his good graces.

    you would be putting yourself in a very vulnerable situation.

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