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Posts posted by Geoffggi

  1. "A ban on swimming in the sea off Thailand’s famous Pattaya resort has been lifted after the condition of the sea water returned to normal with no black and foul-smelling pollutants.


    However, people with allergies are warned to not swim in the sea, especially in the Na Chom Thian area where the pollution problem was at its most extreme".


    I hope the above information goes public in all countries where holiday makers are contemplating visiting Thailand...

  2. 16 hours ago, moe666 said:

    How about telling your own country to raise the value of there currency, the english have no one but themselves to blame for there falling pound.

    Look a little further than the end of your nose, the strength of the Baht is affecting all other currencies, in addition it is affecting Thai exports as the high Baht makes exporting goods more expensive.

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